“Where’s My Replacement?” (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

To help display the new “Cockleshell Canoes” in our Pacific Place store here in Hong Kong, Gordon has put together this little dio (18” x 12”) for the collectors to enjoy…

The scene: “A little river estuary somewhere on the western coast of occupied France…A commando raiding party have silently made their way up river when they spot a German sentry…Quickly dispatching him they suddenly see another enemy soldier approaching…Is he going to raise the alarm? Stealthily another commando is about to settle the matter…”

Anyway that’s my story and I’m sticking to it! All the best and happy collecting!

Andy C.​


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Checking his watch will do him no good, his time is up^&grin. As if we need any dio's to promote these excellent sets, they must be flying off the shelves. Very good Gordon & Andy, thank you for sharing.:salute::, Robin.
Ive said it before and i will say it again you and Gordon have the best jobs in the world,especially Gordon to have all those resources at hand.
Andy will the canoes be sold separate empty or if you want multiples do you have to buy more than 2 and take the blokes out to display empty like in your dio ??
A very fitting and nicely done Diorama highlighting these exciting new releases ! {bravo}}
Very well done, hopefully they will hit landfall (the stores) soon. And hit my home a few flashes after.... And I and a lot of others believe the accounts and facts as you told it !! Thanks for sharing Andy, greatly appreciated!!
Very well done, hopefully they will hit landfall (the stores) soon. And hit my home a few flashes after.... And I and a lot of others believe the accounts and facts as you told it !! Thanks for sharing Andy, greatly appreciated!!
Worth getting a copy of the film Cockleshell heroes mate
Worth getting a copy of the film Cockleshell heroes mate

Thanks for the info, does anyone know any place that sells the dvd, and plays on a region 0 or 1 dvd player? Thanks in advance.
Awesome job Gordon and I bet Andy that you'll get plenty of offers in the store for this dio! Thanks for posting.

Fantastic as usual, love the story, the clock is ticking for this German sentry.
Hi Wayne 556517, hi Guys,

In answer to your question – each canoe (with two commandos) is sold individually.

At this time no “empty” canoes are available however I might have to look into that one with Helen and the team. Thanks for the suggestion.

As for having the best jobs in the world…you bet!!! Believe me every day Gordon and me get to play with “toy soldiers” and have fun. That’s why we still call them “toy soldiers” cos it’s all about “play” and “playing” …Here at K&C we try and satisfy the many – not the few!

Going back to the FUN…Imagine coming into work(!?!) and getting to make all the “toy soldiers and tanks and planes and…stuff” you always wanted as a little kid but couldn’t afford or, even more pertinent, was not even available to buy in those far-off days.

The sheer variety and range of styles and subjects covered today in this little niche hobby of ours is truly breathtaking!

“TOY SOLDIERS” are meant to be FUN – Buy what you like…don’t buy what you don’t like BUT PLEASE don’t try and spoil the simple enjoyment of others.

That’s all for now folks!

Andy C.​
Good Morning Andy, Gordon ....

It is amazing what comes out of the K&C workshops ... and the minds of you guys and the other K&C creative staff.
You guys should consider filming and selling a DVD video series on constructing dioramas -- tips and techniques. No really!!!

DVD #1 --- Planning your diorama
DVD #2 --- Basic construction techniques and materials
DVD #3 --- Ground work and terrain material
DVD #4 --- Painting and texture
DVD #5 --- Your K&C soldiers on the setup ....... okay something like that.

I will put my order in now ....! {sm4}

--- Larry
Andy: As always Your brother Gordon has done it again. What a great dio that is and the figures are out of this world. Everything is just great. Thanks: {bravo}}
Hi Wayne 556517, hi Guys,

“TOY SOLDIERS” are meant to be FUN – Buy what you like…don’t buy what you don’t like BUT PLEASE don’t try and spoil the simple enjoyment of others.

That’s all for now folks!
Andy C.​

I am going to include manufacturers making AFVs and figures as close to historical as possible in not spoiling the simple enjoyment of others. Producing accurate AFVs and figures is a complicated process and sometimes mistakes get made. Sometimes stretching a mould to produce several variations of a model result in some versions being historically accurate and other versions of the same model not so accurate.

But I don't think that ruining the enjoyment of others by pointing out errors and the good features of a model is that big a problem. I frequently get asked about the accuracy of AFVs and which other AFVs they can be placed with. Even in cases where there is some inaccuracy or even a big inaccuracy, the person ends up buying the AFV regardless. Seems most collectors do buy what they like and the rest of us can choose to compromise and buy an otherwise good model with an inaccuracy or not. I believe the few disappointments come about after a model is purchased and only later the purchaser finds out about the error.

I will be visiting the store next month Andy.Its going to be awesome to see this in person!!!Keep up the great work!!!!
I am going to include manufacturers making AFVs and figures as close to historical as possible in not spoiling the simple enjoyment of others. Producing accurate AFVs and figures is a complicated process and sometimes mistakes get made. Sometimes stretching a mould to produce several variations of a model result in some versions being historically accurate and other versions of the same model not so accurate.

But I don't think that ruining the enjoyment of others by pointing out errors and the good features of a model is that big a problem. I frequently get asked about the accuracy of AFVs and which other AFVs they can be placed with. Even in cases where there is some inaccuracy or even a big inaccuracy, the person ends up buying the AFV regardless. Seems most collectors do buy what they like and the rest of us can choose to compromise and buy an otherwise good model with an inaccuracy or not. I believe the few disappointments come about after a model is purchased and only later the purchaser finds out about the error.


Sorry this will be a two parts, my "Surface" computer keeps freezing up.

Seriously... If anyone just bought a house and in your eyes it looks Perfect, and you can not change anything. and someone comes and points out that there is something wrong, not something that endangers life. It changes your perception does it not?, negatively more than likely, most if not all people will wish that the person did not inform them. Ignorance is Bliss, not being aware of it is Bliss, Perception of Perfection is Bliss.
People that likes something, gets affected when someone points out when something is wrong, usually negatively. Because now they are second guessing themselves in buying, because someone in the future might find something with it. And ruin the perception, and the bliss that they have. I myself got affected by a critic, I was mostly a K&C Admirer, and bought their products. And a critic ruined my perception, brought fear for each buy, So I stopped in fear that someone might find something wrong in the future. So I stayed out of buying K&C products. All those sales for K&C Lost, and now I wonder, how many more customers got too careful, got turned off.
Are we here for the enjoyment, of the hobby or the criticism that it might endure.
Here is a suggestion, that they start a new thread, apart from the dispatches. So that the people that are there for the enjoyment of another months release, will do so. And if anybody cares to read/ know what is wrong with it has that option, without infringing on anyone's happiness. But more than likely the critics will not like that, because someone just took away, their power to convey what they think to everyone. For they are more than likely Egotists, and the power of " Listen to me.." was taken away. Stop giving them that power to change your mind, not unless you want to.
Terrific looking scene Andy and Gordon. Something different and as usual first rate. I always enjoy seeing what dios the K&C team comes up to highlight the new releases.
I'm shocked that a critic as in one critic commenting on one model could ruin your enjoyment of an entire company's product line. I'm really curious who the critic is, what model he criticized and what was his complaint. PM me.

And I can promise you that companies will continue to produce models with errors and these errors will be pointed out by someone.

If you are that worried about what a person might say, then it doesn't sound like you're very secure in your buying choices. I think you need to relax a little and not worry about what others say. If you're constantly worrying about it, this hooby will cease to be fun and isn't that what a hobby is supposed to be?

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