So, I collect toy pilots. To this end, I buy more than just new releases. In working my way back through older/retired sets, I've really no intention of attempting to buy complete collections. Rather, I try to pick up sets that I find affordable and which strike me as unique.
One benefit of following this strategy for creating a collection is that it gives me first hand knowledge of a variety of figure sets, and how a range might have evolved. With that stated, here are a couple of figures that I would suggest are emblematic of how the RAF sets have improved since their introduction:
Rather than attempting to pick out my most/least favorite RAF set for imaging, I grabbed the figures which represent (near) chronological extremes in terms production WITHIN the range. In doing so, I wanted to see if I could capture changes which might have occurred in the sculpt and/or paint quality from RAF(0)03 on the left to RAF058 on the right.
At the risk of clubbing the readership over the head with the obvious, I see the following:
- The boots are improved in detail and color pallette (no more patent-leather).
- The blousing and pleating is more elaborate and lifelike.
- The shading is more sophisticated.
- There's less use of black outlining to highlight detail, or to create the illusion of detail in the absence of relief.
- When outlining is employed, its more discreet and refined.
- The flying gear (helmet and oxygen mask) is more elaborate and authentic.
- The visage is less cartoonish.
- The hands are better proportioned with the body.
- The newer figure is somewhat shorter and less girthy, perhaps more acceptable as 1/30 scale.
I find myself genuinely perplexed as to why anyone would seek to trivialize improvements like those which I cite above. Worse still, anyone who suggests that the enhancements simply do not exist, as has been repeated several times lately, hereabouts, has some serious explaining to do in regard to their motives.
In terms of the value of the figures and whether one is worth more than the other, the marketplace will settle that. The figures are worth what people are willing to pay for them. Period. Thoughts or comments?