2008 favorite releases and biggest disappointments (1 Viewer)

Just a question for everybody really - CS do an 88mm in DAK scheme and they still have it for retail. I have not bought it either and not sure I'd even buy it OR even if K&C bought one out buy that either as I don't do desert but if people want an 88mm WHY don't they just buy the one from CS?

1. K&C vehicles/artillery are more collectible and of somewhat better quality.
2. The rest of my Afrika Corp collection is K&C.
3. CS's style (and paint) is somewhat different so it wouldn't match as well.
4. The CS figures that go with their 88 are not as good as K&C figures (however CS has improved since that release).
1. K&C vehicles/artillery are more collectible and of somewhat better quality.
2. The rest of my Afrika Corp collection is K&C.
3. CS's style (and paint) is somewhat different so it wouldn't match as well.
4. The CS figures that go with their 88 are not as good as K&C figures (however CS has improved since that release).

I agree here,especially point three regarding paint jobs.I thought CS's Marder and Armoured car were very nice,however the latest winter Stug just looks too 'Minty Fresh' to me.

Hi all the new kid on the block here.got my conte rws just as the local currency crashed against the u.s dollar,still worth every cent.does conteco ever update it,s website? as i thought i was in for viking ship 2 but still no communication.
my case of silver spartans arrived and boy they're greeaat
take me a while to paint them though. any suggestions for an undercoat please as i,m new to acrylics and bone white does'nt stay on.thanks
Just a question for everybody really - CS do an 88mm in DAK scheme and they still have it for retail. I have not bought it either and not sure I'd even buy it OR even if K&C bought one out buy that either as I don't do desert but if people want an 88mm WHY don't they just buy the one from CS?

A) The Scale is wrong
b) Its not K&C
c) Its manned by zombies
d) - a), b) & c) above
Just a question for everybody really - CS do an 88mm in DAK scheme and they still have it for retail. I have not bought it either and not sure I'd even buy it OR even if K&C bought one out buy that either as I don't do desert but if people want an 88mm WHY don't they just buy the one from CS?

Mainly the size issue,it doesn't quite work with K&C figures.Also although they are improving the facial features a lot now, those early figures were pretty ugly.

A) The Scale is wrong
b) Its not K&C
c) Its manned by zombies
d) - a), b) & c) above

What do you mean by C? Are you implying the CS pieces are lifeless?
Hi all the new kid on the block here.got my conte rws just as the local currency crashed against the u.s dollar,still worth every cent.does conteco ever update it,s website? as i thought i was in for viking ship 2 but still no communication.
Since they are in the midst of moving to NC, their web site has not been updated for over a month now. If you want the most current information, call the Nevada number on the site. I haven't had great luck with email with them either but they do answer the phone during normal hours.
A) The Scale is wrong
b) Its not K&C
c) Its manned by zombies
d) - a), b) & c) above

What do you mean by C? Are you implying the CS pieces are lifeless?

When CS figures first came out several people thought the faces were too gaunt and had a Zombie quality about them,they have made some improvements in later releases.

K&C's German Casualty Set was by far my favorite piece. CS Dutch Building set for the LAH review was also first rate IMO.
I liked some of the new german sets, ws111, ws123 and the king tiger. Actually most items were great as usual. My disappointments were the helmet covers on ws117 and ws118, maybe andy could re-release these with different camo covers. Also i was certain that andy would come out with fj's for normandy. So hopefully 2009 will bring us fjs, a jagdtiger and a su-152. Andy thanks for everything you have produced and for all the daydreaming you bring us for what you might produce in 2009.
Favorite release SL Napoleon Tent Set.:cool: Biggest disappointment no horse drawn Nap artillery.:(
Has Andy ever done any large horse drawn wagons, guns etc.. I know of the 2 single horse drawn carts.

Not to my knowledge but there are others on the forum who probably are more familiar with the older K&C sets. I've seen the type of horse artillery I'm waiting for in gloss, and there might even be another manufacturer who makes one but I'm holding out for a K&C set. I suspect it would be at least a $500-$700 set but it would make a beautiful "stand-out" piece. As the song says....Time is on my side..yes it is... or so I hope anyway:D.
Has Andy ever done any large horse drawn wagons, guns etc.. I know of the 2 single horse drawn carts.

Back in 1991 Andy released a gun team of the royal horse artillery. Here's a quote from the book about it:

In the 1991 post-card catalogue K&C released a gun team from the King’s Troop of the Royal Horse Artillery (RHA). The set consisted of 7 Horses, 6 pulling the artillery piece and caisson, and 1 for the officer, 6 Figures, an officer, 3 Horsemen and 2 sitting on caisson, 1 Caisson, and 1 canon (both dark green). The figures wear Hussar style uniforms (pellisse, busby) in dark blue with red facings, gold braiding, white gloves and black boots. The two artillerymen riding the caisson sit with their hands on their knees. The horsemen carry whips in their right hands, the officer holds a saber resting on his right shoulder. The set originally retailed for $255.00.
Back in 1991 Andy released a gun team of the royal horse artillery. Here's a quote from the book about it:

In the 1991 post-card catalogue K&C released a gun team from the King’s Troop of the Royal Horse Artillery (RHA). The set consisted of 7 Horses, 6 pulling the artillery piece and caisson, and 1 for the officer, 6 Figures, an officer, 3 Horsemen and 2 sitting on caisson, 1 Caisson, and 1 canon (both dark green). The figures wear Hussar style uniforms (pellisse, busby) in dark blue with red facings, gold braiding, white gloves and black boots. The two artillerymen riding the caisson sit with their hands on their knees. The horsemen carry whips in their right hands, the officer holds a saber resting on his right shoulder. The set originally retailed for $255.00.
That was a nice price, I fear to think what the next one will cost.:eek:
That set now goes in the secondary market for about $750 to $1,000.
Back in 1991 Andy released a gun team of the royal horse artillery. Here's a quote from the book about it:

In the 1991 post-card catalogue K&C released a gun team from the King’s Troop of the Royal Horse Artillery (RHA). The set consisted of 7 Horses, 6 pulling the artillery piece and caisson, and 1 for the officer, 6 Figures, an officer, 3 Horsemen and 2 sitting on caisson, 1 Caisson, and 1 canon (both dark green). The figures wear Hussar style uniforms (pellisse, busby) in dark blue with red facings, gold braiding, white gloves and black boots. The two artillerymen riding the caisson sit with their hands on their knees. The horsemen carry whips in their right hands, the officer holds a saber resting on his right shoulder. The set originally retailed for $255.00.

Thanks for the info Louis
I am not surprised given what the Dragoons go far for example. What was the edition size for that set.

Don't really know but considering its rarity, I can't think it was terribly large.

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