2018 Collectors Club Figures with Paint Masters are up (1 Viewer)


Jan 13, 2009
The new club figures are now showing the paint scheme. These are brilliant and I will again take 3 when I renew next month. To see them go to https://www.wbritain.com/collectors-club/wbcc-exclusive-products/wbcc-upcoming-exclusives. I expect to take the NAP light infantry bugler, the Northmen Herryk, and either the War Along the Nile 42nd, or the Mueseum 1811-12 Marine. I hope this url works, as it's not showing as I wrote it. Give it a shot.

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The new club figures are now showing the paint scheme. These are brilliant and I will again take 3 when I renew next month. To see them go to www.britain.com/collectors-club/wbcc-exclusive-products/wbcc-upcoming-exclusives. I expect to take the NAP light infantry bugler, the Northmen Herryk, and either the War Along the Nile 42nd, or the Mueseum 1811-12 Marine. I hope this url works, as it's not showing as I wrote it. Give it a shot.


Joe, your link is some kind of spam or hijack. I’d caution against anyone clicking on it. Might be that the site is compromised.:eek:

I think your url needs wbritain...?

Joe, your link is some kind of spam or hijack. I’d caution against anyone clicking on it. Might be that the site is compromised.:eek:

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Guys, I took it right off the Britains site. But if it's a problem, just go to their site, www.wbritains.com/ , and then click on collectors club, then click on collectors exclusive products on top left, then scroll down a bit and click on britains collector's club upcoming exclusives. That should give you the upcoming pics.

Merry Christmas,

Anybody else notice the join/renew still shows the choices in the dropdown as last year's figures??

Anybody else notice the join/renew still shows the choices in the dropdown as last year's figures??

Thanks for the heads up Tom, I'll be renewing next month, and only want choices from the 2018 list. I'll see what it looks like in January.

I'm debating on becoming a club member but I have a quick question. I saw that the 2017 figures were being received at the end of 2017. If I subscribe in Jan. should I expect to receive the club figure in Dec. 2018?
Hi Sahara,

I've been a WB member sine January '09. Generally, they send the figures out in May/June each year. I personally think this year was just a bit of bad luck with some things in China. Even with the figures coming in the spring, you still start to receive there quarterly updates starting when you join, including the "Standard" which is a nice historical description of many of the figures they create, along with a quarterly figure update booklet. I believe it's well worth the wait for the figures. Best wishes, and Happy New Year.

Definitely getting the Confederate with the ANV Flag, hopefully there will also be a Clash of Empires figure also. Chris
They all look great, just nothing that tickles my fancy. I may wind up with the Viking anyway though, just because. I'm really big on the War Between the States but I've just never really vibed with color bearers. Eh, I can't lie, I may pick him up as well. ;)

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