25th Anniversary Limited Edition Set Ideas (1 Viewer)


Apr 29, 2005
Hi All,

The good folks at WBritain’s have asked for our input for the special Edition Set to be developed for the 25th Anniversary of the reintroduction of the metal soldier line. This is a great honor. Therefore, I have put some thought to the matter and would offer the following ideas.

The first unit I offer for consideration is from the 1903 Durbar. From the Military review which occurred on Thursday January 8th where 39,500 Soldiers turned out for a review by the Viceroy Lord Curzon and HRH the Duke of Connaught. The formation was lead by Lord Kitchener who was the Commander In Chief. There were many bands present but this one I thought would really fit the bill for a great looking band and also a tribute to the original set issued by WBritains when they began the new run of metal soldiers so I think the massed bands of the 2rd Infantry Brigade is the logical choice. The Band composed of elements from the following units:

The 2nd Battalion Gordon Highlanders
The 2nd Battalion Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
The 27th Baluchis
The 23rd Pioneers.

The second unit I would like to see would be the full Mounted Band of the 17th Lancers for the Crimean Campaign to go along with the VC Crimean War series.

Lastly I offer for consideration the Band and Color Guard with escort for the 2nd Gurkha Rifles. This should also include the Truncheon Bearer and escort. W Britain’s did a fine example of the Truncheon Bearer for the Collectors club but he is solo figure.

Well I hope that you all find these choices interesting and that we get some more interesting ideas from the other forum members.

All the best

Great suggestions, like them all.

Another for consideration:
1. For Durbar, what about one of the carriage models including elephants and escorts?
2. Remake of the Marktime Observation Balloon of the Royal Engineers and Winch team set, now there is a real eye opener and only done once or twice long ago!

Why don't they just make all of them. They all sound really good. I wouldn't know where to start, but Delhi Durbar would be good. Is it really 25 years though. Seems like yesterday 1982 I was just starting high school.
I guess my pick would be The Cameron highlanders as they where
britains first modern ltd edition ,maybe a set featuring this famous
regiment at waterloo.
Speaking only for myself, a limited edition that could stand alone on its own would be nice. Understandably, a set or line of figures that doesn't sell well is dropped in ensuing years. Therefore, a limited edition which depicts a partial scene is useless if more figures are needed to complete the scene. Vintage Briains were nice in that larger sets (i.e., changing of the guard, RHA, the bands, etc., were complete as is and didn't need any companion sets to flesh out the scene.
It should be glossy of course. I like the carriage idea. Maybe it should be made in the UK? Certainly an elephant would be nice. 25th is a silver anniversary is it not?
I like the idea of building on past traditions, previous Collectors Club or other lines, so glossy and ceremonial figure(s), sets, or carriages would be great.

What about releasing the set, or a set, with Norman Joplin's new Britains book set to release in 2008? Similar to Opie's Great Book of Britains? This would make sense since his book is dealing with the last 25 of New Britains?

I can't recall if I mentioned this be before to Britains or Joplin, but I haven't heard anything and it seems so obvious. Either one of the interested parties aren't interested or its all a top secret marketing issue.

Anybody have any thoughts?:cool:
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When Britains came out with the "New metal Models" every one was pretty much parading. To lead those parades we need color parties and mounted officers. (Especially Highlanders!!) I M O.
Hi Old Celt - any idea where we could find good research info on mounted highland officers???

It was good to catch up with you and KV in Chicago - always fun.

Hi Old Celt - any idea where we could find good research info on mounted highland officers???

It was good to catch up with you and KV in Chicago - always fun.

Richard Chi/town was fun and the Britains display was WONDERFUL!
As for mounted Highland Officers Unifroms. By the turn ot twentyth Cent.
Standerized unifroms were the norm. With just tartan trews being worn along with Inf.Officers riding boots. The shoulder plaid was either the shortened half plaid or the full was gathered (to not catch the spurs.) and pinned to the broach or belted.
I can't remember if I gave you my "Regiments" magazine with the Black Watch issue, or not? I'll try and dig up more info this weekend.
Thanks again for a great show!!
Hi Old Celt - any idea where we could find good research info on mounted highland officers???

It was good to catch up with you and KV in Chicago - always fun.


Hi Richard,

I know David Cowe of Imperial Productions is meticulous in his research. He did some beautiful mounted highland officers early on. Set No. 18 - Highland Mounted Infantry Officer, No. 26 - Black Watch Officer, and Nos. 28 a, b, and c - Black Watch, Gordons, and Seaforths Officers come to mind, as do the mounted Cameron Highlander Officers with his Heirloom sets.

BTW, it was nice seeing you again in Chicago; I enjoyed our conversation with Ken regarding the hobby's future.
Richard Chi/town was fun and the Britains display was WONDERFUL!
As for mounted Highland Officers Unifroms. By the turn ot twentyth Cent.
Standerized unifroms were the norm. With just tartan trews being worn along with Inf.Officers riding boots. The shoulder plaid was either the shortened half plaid or the full was gathered (to not catch the spurs.) and pinned to the broach or belted.
I can't remember if I gave you my "Regiments" magazine with the Black Watch issue, or not? I'll try and dig up more info this weekend.
Thanks again for a great show!!

Hi There...I have issue No.11 of Regiments, The Black Watch...In addition to many other sources so we are covered. Thanks for the offer! Ken Osen
Perhaps I am really late posting in this thread.....but did anything get decided on a 25th Anniversary piece?

I think something that would be stand alone would be a better idea. I don't have any Durbar pieces so a 25th Anniversary piece may not interest me as I have nothing to go with it.

How about

The Royal family QEII, Prince Phillip, Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward along with William & Harry. To my knowledge only Elizabeth, Phillip & Anne have been produced by Britains.

or perhaps the massed mounted band of the household cavalry with proper drumhorses.

I know one company makes a funeral procession for the death of Princess Diana (bit morbid) How about the wedding of Charles & Di :rolleyes:

Just a couple of thoughts :)
I like that idea of more Royal Family figures, whether for 25 Anniversary, limited edition, or as part of one of the current Ceremonial ranges.

How about Princes Harry and William in gloss ceremonial uniforms? Isn't William doing stints in all the services, necessary for a future King? So he could be in any uniform I believe, although the protocol should be checked.

The Phillip & Di wedding has been done and is old news; why not wait for the two princess to get married, which could be in the next few years.

Also, Harry has been in Afghanistan, how about him in battle dress (maybe that's more appropriate for K&C - guess that would have to be a special series).
I know it's only mid-April, but before you know it, it will be Fall and Winter, and 2009 is right around the corner. Did Britains ever decide about a 25th anniversary limited edition set? Time is running short if they're going to do something. Any news yet?

:d:d Mounted Highland Officers..mounted Hi'land Officers...mntd H'land Officer...mntd' Hie'lan Offos'....etc...etc...etc...!!!
I know it's only mid-April, but before you know it, it will be Fall and Winter, and 2009 is right around the corner. Did Britains ever decide about a 25th anniversary limited edition set? Time is running short if they're going to do something. Any news yet?

Still no thought from Britains -- are you guys pondering or ignoring the question?
Hi Guys:

Here is an update - the sculpts are here, being copied and painted for the new 25th Anniversary set. Since our first set was the Camerons this set will be the Pipes and Drums of the Camerons, circa 1910, complete with add-on sets of pipes, a colour party and marching figures. These will all be sculpted and painted in our new enhanced detail classic gloss style. Photos and further details will be in our 2008 Second half catalog due out in September.


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