28mm Pre-painted Wargame figures (1 Viewer)

Richard Walker

May 4, 2013
Hi Everyone - since this is a bit out of the ordinary, posting this here. History Works has released a new range of pre-painted 28mm American Civil War METAL wargame figures that are licensed from the renowned Perry Twins.

Each set of figures is painted to an elite wargame standard and comes ready to base. The command sets even have a sheet of flags to choose from so you can make almost any Confederate State Regiment and many Union State and Regular Regiments. Each foot figure costs only about $6.50/£6.00 and will be available in regular bi-monthly releases with the first group focusing on marching infantry and command sets as well as artillery sets firing. Follow on releases will feature firing line sets, artillery moving up, specialty infantry and mounted leaders.

This new venture is the result of a licensing partnership between Perry Miniatures and History Works. History Works has the worldwide licensing rights to offer Perry Miniatures pre-painted. In North America figures will be available from History Works and its partner retailers and in the UK and Continental Europe they will be available from Perry Miniatures and their retail partners.

It has been a natural collaboration with two similar backgrounds and philosophies. Alan and Michael Perry have been sculpting figures since the late 1970’s and have a well-earned reputation as some of the most prolific and historically accurate sculptors in gaming. At the same time across the pond Richard Walker was launching the first of many miniature ventures with Prescott’s Military Miniatures, a figure casting and painting service, that forty years later has morphed into History Works. “As a historical gamer all my life and someone who has also worked on the business side of this hobby I have greatly admired the Perry’s from afar, as I have worked with them on this venture my respect for them and excitement to do this has only increased!” – commented Walker.

The new History Works –Gaming range will also include a series of pre-painted, pre-assembled scale resin buildings. The first release includes iconic structures from the Battle of Gettysburg – The Evergreen Cemetery Gate, the Bryan House and Barn as well as turnpike fences. Future releases will include stock outbuildings, the Trostle Farm, and other buildings from key American Civil war battles. Prices vary from $10/£10 to $60/£60. “We can’t think of a better complement to our figures than this new series of buildings. Michael and I are eagerly awaiting their release to add them to our upcoming American Civil War games.” – Alan Perry





This sounds good for those who don't paint but collect 28mm but I don't think it will be too popular as TCS tried at this doesn't seem to have been too successful.A lot of wargamers on another forum said they like painting their own (there are some very good 28mm painters out there) or it was too expensive. I myself would be interested if it was a range I collect and the quality of the painting was good.I collect FIW,US Cavalry by Oniria Miniatures and Spanish-American War by 1898 Miniaturas.
This a great idea as another avenue for collectors of toy soldiers to consider and for those who are interested in both toy soldiers and war gaming as their hobby. Perry miniatures are definitely one of the better sculpted and prolific makers in the 28 mm scale. The price point is definitely an advantage to attract collectors. Might even get more younger folks in the hobby as a reasonable entry point. As long as the painting is of a high standard that collectors expect and the price is kept at a reasonable level, I don't see why it cannot be a success! {sm4}
Thanks for the feedback guys. There are interesting possibilities for collectors with limited space and/or budgets being able to build a decent diorama in a small space with just a few hundred bucks. I will be doing the gaming conventions too of course. Nice to be able to open a box of finished gaming figures, mount them and staat gaming in 24-48 hours! We'll see how it goes.
Thanks for the feedback guys. There are interesting possibilities for collectors with limited space and/or budgets being able to build a decent diorama in a small space with just a few hundred bucks. I will be doing the gaming conventions too of course. Nice to be able to open a box of finished gaming figures, mount them and staat gaming in 24-48 hours! We'll see how it goes.
Hi Richard,
A brave move but sound. There are plenty who play but don't paint. Games Workshop is a case in point with many staff who moonlight as figure painters. And some of us who used to paint 28mm don't have the eyes for that challenge these days. But there is something grand about charging a hundred cavalry figures across the table at a large battery of artillery that you cannot create with 60mm figures. I think units are the key to sales. Even in 60mm we now see the rise of the multipack, and getting 10 infantry or even two cavalry in a box is quite a treat. The wargamer though needs about twenty infantry or a dozen cavalry to make a playing unit- collecting them one at a time does not fit with gaming. And you are right to suggest 28mm dioramas - the Perry Brothers do diorama quality in 28mm and would be the best in the business. Good luck to you and don't forget the Naps :)
Hi Guys - some pretty cool eye candy that the Perry's just shot using the new figures and buildings!

Confeds and farm 400.jpg

Evergreen gate 400.jpg




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