3D 1.30 scale Tanks (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Nov 20, 2015
Received these two 3D printed tanks, an M551 Sheridan and an PT-76 from fellow Treefrogger Paul Bell, ( bellarus6666@gmail.com ) and thought some fellow Treefroggers might find it interesting to see how they progress from Prints to Finished models in dioramas.
I don't pretend to be a great modeller or painter and I think seeing how these progress may give a prod to those with limited skills like myself and sitting on the fence, but wanting models of certain tanks etc that no manufacturer is currently making but would like to have in their collection whether for display or in a diorama.
So for today pics of the tanks as they arrived ready for assembly after a little bit of cleaning a few printing tags.
I used Grey spray primer all over and then put masking tape over the grills etc before using Spray filler for the print lines. Glued tracks for Sheridan together and stuck front section and Gun Barrel on PT-76.
Clicked together to see progress and what needs further attention before gluing, sanding and painting.

Amazing detail Steve.

Thanks Matt :salute::

Yes they're' great prints Paul has found and printed for me.

First version of the Sheridan he showed me pics of had the closed turret hatches, I wanted open hatches on this one, so there are options available for anyone interested.
I will probably do away with the 3D print .50 M2 MG if I don't sand it down as it is a little chunky and replace it either with a metal or maybe an injection plastic one from my spares box though they're just minor details.

Hopefully later this week or next week I'll have the time to work on them a little more.
Very interesting Thread. Just the kind I love to see and hear about. Collectors going into the offensive when they feel that they want something special and enjoy the way to reach that goal.
This can be most rewarding or a rather bitter burial of ones own endeavour. Funny thing you never find out if you don´t try. I took a rather long journey into the wonderful world of 3D printing and model making. I took some years all together, cost me a huge amount of money, led me from one disaster to the next - until I finally reached the print quality and detail I was aiming for.
Now my contribution to the world of 3D modelling is a nice looking little model in 1/24 of a polish TK of good quality, but now I am afraid to use it for moulding and casting in fear to break the master model.
Call it a trauma, everybody seems to suffer from any these days but just adding my spent funds
to the sum that that model did cost me makes me think twice ....

Yet I would do it all over again, and yes I will overcome my fears and get this little tankette cast and painted in the camo of various nations that used it in the 30ties.

Hope to meet more collectors here who fancy a dance with the devil at the Bankruptcy-Meets-Fulfilment-Ball ,-- and count me in.

Anyway great models to admire, interesting thread to follow, plenty of food for thaught

Thank you for sharing
Very interesting Thread. Just the kind I love to see and hear about. Collectors going into the offensive when they feel that they want something special and enjoy the way to reach that goal.
This can be most rewarding or a rather bitter burial of ones own endeavour. Funny thing you never find out if you don´t try. I took a rather long journey into the wonderful world of 3D printing and model making. I took some years all together, cost me a huge amount of money, led me from one disaster to the next - until I finally reached the print quality and detail I was aiming for.
Now my contribution to the world of 3D modelling is a nice looking little model in 1/24 of a polish TK of good quality, but now I am afraid to use it for moulding and casting in fear to break the master model.
Call it a trauma, everybody seems to suffer from any these days but just adding my spent funds
to the sum that that model did cost me makes me think twice ....

Yet I would do it all over again, and yes I will overcome my fears and get this little tankette cast and painted in the camo of various nations that used it in the 30ties.

Hope to meet more collectors here who fancy a dance with the devil at the Bankruptcy-Meets-Fulfilment-Ball ,-- and count me in.

Anyway great models to admire, interesting thread to follow, plenty of food for thaught

Thank you for sharing

Interesting input Wolfgang. I know little about 3D printing, my oldest son is into printing figures and tanks etc for his 28 mm gaming hobby, he has two printers, the process seems like black magic to me.
Very interesting Thread. Just the kind I love to see and hear about. Collectors going into the offensive when they feel that they want something special and enjoy the way to reach that goal.
This can be most rewarding or a rather bitter burial of ones own endeavour. Funny thing you never find out if you don´t try. I took a rather long journey into the wonderful world of 3D printing and model making. I took some years all together, cost me a huge amount of money, led me from one disaster to the next - until I finally reached the print quality and detail I was aiming for.
Now my contribution to the world of 3D modelling is a nice looking little model in 1/24 of a polish TK of good quality, but now I am afraid to use it for moulding and casting in fear to break the master model.
Call it a trauma, everybody seems to suffer from any these days but just adding my spent funds
to the sum that that model did cost me makes me think twice ....

Yet I would do it all over again, and yes I will overcome my fears and get this little tankette cast and painted in the camo of various nations that used it in the 30ties.

Hope to meet more collectors here who fancy a dance with the devil at the Bankruptcy-Meets-Fulfilment-Ball ,-- and count me in.

Anyway great models to admire, interesting thread to follow, plenty of food for thaught

Thank you for sharing

Interesting input Wolfgang. I know little about 3D printing, my oldest son is into printing figures and tanks etc for his 28 mm gaming hobby, he has two printers, the process seems like black magic to me.

Thanks for the comments Wolfgang and Matt.

Paul Bell is the Magician who produces these miniature works of art at his Printing Farm and some stunners he has made to order for me from a Roman Watch tower, Barracks and city street buildings to Vietnamese shophouses, the schoolhouse building in Apocalypse Now and Village Hooches and from tiny Roman Amphora to Modern era Tanks he has quite the Catalogue of printables and if he doesn't he does his best to find what you're looking for or adapts something to you wishes.
It's a Well done to Paul and thanks for all these things that expand and add so much to the hobby ! {bravo}}
So, got some paint on the tanks now, no detail painting as yet.
Used Vellejo 71.281 3B Russian Green used for the Soviet PT-76 though unsure about this and may try a lighter colour as pretty dark.
For the Sheridan AK 11157 US Dark Green, which when weathered should be just what I'm after.
Some more photos of progress so far.

Great pieces! Look forward to seeking them painted.
Have fun.
Great pieces! Look forward to seeking them painted.
Have fun.

Cheers Ben. :salute::
Just repainted the PT-76 taking the dark green down a notch by painting it again in the Vallejo 70.609 Surface primer Russian Green 4BO

Other than possibly some decals the PT-76 is ready to hit the Green Berets Camp at Lang Vei or even go up against some M48's at Ben Het or Roll through the Presidential Palace Gates in Saigon.

The PT-76 was also used by other Communist supplied Armies and would of course be just as at home contesting ground with the IDF in a Desert paint scheme.



With the Sheridan, I decided to replace the .50 3D print with a Plastic one from Spares box.
some detailing painting done but still got to give it a wash of Vietnamese earth colour to tone the Olive Green and Black tracks down and then decide on what decals I may want. But other than that all done !
I've enjoyed the doing this 3D PLA print,
Paul did say I would get greater detail with a 3D resin print, though they are dearer to produce, but for 1.30 Scale 3D printed models, on the whole I'm pleased with how they have turned out.
Anyway hope the few who have been interested have enjoyed the short journey !

Thanks Louis :salute::

Something different to the usual German Panzers !{sm4}

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