42nd Highlanders Black Watch Defending French 4th Lancers (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Apr 23, 2007
Some great sets, but the 4th Lancers are a pain because of them being Limited Editions and you not being able to pre-order everything so they are hard to come by after being released.



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nice collection...they really look good and worth the effort of chasing...very cool.:cool:
Thank you, Michael. The Britains group is sculpting some very desirable sets in all of their series.

My favorite release's this year from any manufacturer. Perfect little soldiers.
I've managed to collect 50.Makes a nice LONG 2 rank line.
The Lancers are hard to come by.I've found 4 recently on ebay, still missing the one thrusting to his right.
A trooper with lance upright, one armed with a sword and another with a carbine in hand would be nice.
Again very nice figures.I have 12 Frontline Line Lancers. I MAY, repaint the facing colors for the 4th .If I ever get roundtoit.
Some great sets, but the 4th Lancers are a pain because of them being Limited Editions and you not being able to pre-order everything so they are hard to come by after being released.


Thank you, Michael. The Britains group is sculpting some very desirable sets in all of their series.

I always seem to start collecting a range after most of it is retired so I know what you mean by hard to come by. In a strange way though I find that the challenge of acquisition is part of the enjoyment of collecting. I also share your thoughts on WB sculpting. Currently I think that WB has some of the best sculpting on the market. Anyway, you have a very nice looking collection Donnie, and thank you for sharing your photos with us.
Very nice Donnie,

I wish also that a few more of these lancers had been made. As Mike said though hunting them down is part of the fun :) and makes the figures IMO (when you get them) that much more enjoyable.
Very nice display! I am considering getting a few of these Britains Highlanders to complement my Waterloo K&C dio.
Very nice display! I am considering getting a few of these Britains Highlanders to complement my Waterloo K&C dio.
They look like really fine figures to me and they should fit nicely with the uncoming First Legion Highlanders.:cool:
Thanks for the complements on the shelf display, but all the credit goes to Ken, Richard and crew.



Deployed on a shelf, not the field .There's a few KC remaining too.
A few more to collect.
Fubar, Thank you for posting your pictures. Very impressive !! Please up-date us with more photos when you do your Waterloo diorama in June.

Lenswerk, thank you for starting this thread with your excellent photos. I am so glad to see that the new 42nd Highlander casualty figure has been released. Nothing like a few casualties to make any display look more interesting. :)

King's Man
Very nice display! I am considering getting a few of these Britains Highlanders to complement my Waterloo K&C dio.

Actually I just ordered and received BR36024 - British 42nd (Black Watch) Highlander Officer #1 and I am a little disappointed. Not sure if the problem is with this one only (that's the only Britains Highlander I have) but it's much smaller in size than K&C Highlanders. I ordered it since I liked (from the picture) the commanding attitude and thought it would be a great complement to my K&C Highlander defending line but side by side it just looks puny with the K&C's. His hat is almost half the size of the K&C? The color of his jacket is not crimson red but more dark red...Anyway has anyone noticed the same differences between K&C and Britains Highlander lines or it's just this one that is off?
Actually I just ordered and received BR36024 - British 42nd (Black Watch) Highlander Officer #1 and I am a little disappointed. Not sure if the problem is with this one only (that's the only Britains Highlander I have) but it's much smaller in size than K&C Highlanders. I ordered it since I liked (from the picture) the commanding attitude and thought it would be a great complement to my K&C Highlander defending line but side by side it just looks puny with the K&C's. His hat is almost half the size of the K&C? The color of his jacket is not crimson red but more dark red...Anyway has anyone noticed the same differences between K&C and Britains Highlander lines or it's just this one that is off?

I believe Britains and K&C are different scales so wouldn't look good mixed together. Having said that I think UKREB mixed the mounted figures together in his dios and they look great.
Actually I just ordered and received BR36024 - British 42nd (Black Watch) Highlander Officer #1 and I am a little disappointed. Not sure if the problem is with this one only (that's the only Britains Highlander I have) but it's much smaller in size than K&C Highlanders. I ordered it since I liked (from the picture) the commanding attitude and thought it would be a great complement to my K&C Highlander defending line but side by side it just looks puny with the K&C's. His hat is almost half the size of the K&C? The color of his jacket is not crimson red but more dark red...Anyway has anyone noticed the same differences between K&C and Britains Highlander lines or it's just this one that is off?

WB figures are approximately 54-56mm whereas KC figures are generally 58-60mm so when they are compared side-by-side the WB figures will look smaller. However, I have found that KC mounted figures tend to be smaller in stature (about 56-58mm) and have mixed KC mounted figures with my WB foot figures with no problems regarding sizes. I do feel that the WB figures, although smaller, are better sculpted and look more like seasoned combat troops and have more accurate uniform detailing - JMHO . . . . . . . . . . Mike
I believe Britains and K&C are different scales so wouldn't look good mixed together. Having said that I think UKREB mixed the mounted figures together in his dios and they look great.

WB figures are approximately 54-56mm whereas KC figures are generally 58-60mm so when they are compared side-by-side the WB figures will look smaller. However, I have found that KC mounted figures tend to be smaller in stature (about 56-58mm) and have mixed KC mounted figures with my WB foot figures with no problems regarding sizes. I do feel that the WB figures, although smaller, are better sculpted and look more like seasoned combat troops and have more accurate uniform detailing - JMHO . . . . . . . . . . Mike

Thanks to you both for the answers! Actually I had already some Britains mixed together with K&C's and didn't notice such a difference so far. Hence I didn't have any concern in the first place when I ordered this one :)
I have a few Nassau 2nd Light infantry men embedded with my K&C 71st Highlanders Light infantry line. I have also Britains' Generals: Ney, Colbert, Letort, and Lefebvre-Desnouettes complementing nicely the K&C Napoleon's tent and staff vignette.
I believe the few millimeters in difference are more obvious in the Britains's 42nd Higlander officer case since it's the same uniform than the K&C Black Watch guys...
To mitigate the issue I actually repainted his jacket the same red as the K&C Highlanders and moved him with the K&C 71st Highlanders. He looks OK where he is now but I won't order more of this Britains serie for sure :)

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