7 years war? (1 Viewer)


Jan 9, 2014
Does anyone know if John Jenkins stopped his 7 Years War line? At one time he was promising to add new figures to the line but I have not seen any, I think in 2013. Maybe it was not a popular line but I thought the figures and the line was very impressive. There was talk of issuing Prussians with brown bases instead of snow so you had more options on dioramas. You could always add loose snow to the top of the base as needed. Anybody out there have any answers?

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private (DO YOU HEAR ME)
Does anyone know if John Jenkins stopped his 7 Years War line?

Anybody out there have any answers?

Howard Hulsebosch
Buck Private (DO YOU HEAR ME)

The last I recall was that The Battle of Leuthen set was completed, and with all the other recent new items , and the multitude of WW1 figures and equipment that's been coming for the Centenary, that 7YW in Europe is on hold :(

The North American campaigns are still happening, like the brilliant whaleboat for the landings in Quebec so we can only wait in hope ^&confuse

I know that John has other ideas for 7YW European figures, but as he's a 'one man band' we will have to wait :(

The last I recall was that The Battle of Leuthen set was completed, and with all the other recent new items , and the multitude of WW1 figures and equipment that's been coming for the Centenary, that 7YW in Europe is on hold :(

The North American campaigns are still happening, like the brilliant whaleboat for the landings in Quebec so we can only wait in hope ^&confuse

I know that John has other ideas for 7YW European figures, but as he's a 'one man band' we will have to wait :(


Thanks for the Info. I really like the 7 years war period and it blends with the FIW peroid. His Leuthen series is so good that I was hoping he would continue along those lines. So many directions to take it and he would be the only MFG making those figures (Russian,Austrian,French,Brunswick) in that period and you can also use the FIW British. Here is to hoping for more 7YW figures in the near future. If you hear of anything let me know.

There is nothing like the Horse and Musket period for displaying large amounts of infantry in their own beautiful national uniforms for eye appeal. I like WWI and WWII but you just don't have the WOW FACTOR of massed infantry in a diorama. It was the "AGE OF REASON".

...he would be the only MFG making those figures (Russian,Austrian,French,Brunswick) in that period...

Frontline was also heading in that direction, but his catalog also covers a lot of subjects, and new releases are relatively slow.

Hi Howard,

In answer to an unrelated query of mine, John added in his e-mail reply in November 2014:

"I have just started work on some new Seven Years Wars figures which you may be able to add to your Leuthen diorama."

Also, (if you haven't seen already) James and Adam at JJD UK posted the enclosed small image on their "Intel and Reconnaissance" page a few years back. (Well worth a look!)

Also heard rumours on and off, so I'm pretty sure John will eventually (I hope!) return to the theme.

Hope this may help a little.



  • Prussian-line-infantry-jjd.jpg
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thanks for that update, even though its a couple of years old.

I'm sure that John has loads of idea and sculpts stored in is workshop, and over time they will (hopefully) emerge as painted production figures.

He has given me some of his resin masters a few years and still they have not yet been released, so we will just have to wait, I suppose?

I would also want to see more releases for the SYW and Napoleon in Spain series.

Going back to some of my older correspondence with JJD I did ask if the SYW series would be expanded.
John said that he planned to do a command set for the Roth Wurzburg regiment and he could repaint them
to provide other Austrian regiments. The French regiment "de Bearn" could also be painted to portray European
theatre French troops.
He had also indicated that new Prussian sculpts with muddy bases were coming in the future.

I assume that right now WWI is a priority and it is selling well. The FIW is a cornerstone of JJD's offerings and also sells well.
John has also mentioned that the Wars of the Roses series is an enjoyable change for his creative juices and should sell strongly.

For such a small operation the amount of product coming out is really amazing but I guess we all must be patient!
I would also want to see more releases for the SYW and Napoleon in Spain series.

Going back to some of my older correspondence with JJD I did ask if the SYW series would be expanded.
John said that he planned to do a command set for the Roth Wurzburg regiment and he could repaint them
to provide other Austrian regiments. The French regiment "de Bearn" could also be painted to portray European
theatre French troops.
He had also indicated that new Prussian sculpts with muddy bases were coming in the future.

I assume that right now WWI is a priority and it is selling well. The FIW is a cornerstone of JJD's offerings and also sells well.
John has also mentioned that the Wars of the Roses series is an enjoyable change for his creative juices and should sell strongly.

For such a small operation the amount of product coming out is really amazing but I guess we all must be patient!

WOW! Thanks for all the info. I hope that he does continue 7YW line but as you said he is a one man show and getting off into new lines such as WW1 and WOR dims the promise of future 7YW. Especially after he had posted sculpted figures in 2014. If enough collectors would ask him to continue the 7YW line than perhaps he would revisit his old Teasers and release some. As anything it is what will sell and where the money is will drive the production. Here is hoping for more 7YW figures sooner than later.

Howard Hulsebosch
buck private (DO YOU HEAR ME)
WOW! Thanks for all the info. I hope that he does continue 7YW line but as you said he is a one man show and getting off into new lines such as WW1 and WOR dims the promise of future 7YW. Especially after he had posted sculpted figures in 2014. If enough collectors would ask him to continue the 7YW line than perhaps he would revisit his old Teasers and release some. As anything it is what will sell and where the money is will drive the production. Here is hoping for more 7YW figures sooner than later.

Howard Hulsebosch
buck private (DO YOU HEAR ME)
One can hardly classify John's WW1 lines as new. In fact, John issued his first WW1 piece, Richthofen's red Triplane, in December of 2010, a full 15 months before his first 7YW issue in March of 2012, which is actually his 11th series by date of issue and thus is about in the middle in terms of seniority of sets. John simply has a lot of irons in the fire and an increasing demand on his time in terms of attention to any individual series, as you indicated. -- Al
One can hardly classify John's WW1 lines as new. In fact, John issued his first WW1 piece, Richthofen's red Triplane, in December of 2010, a full 15 months before his first 7YW issue in March of 2012, which is actually his 11th series by date of issue and thus is about in the middle in terms of seniority of sets. John simply has a lot of irons in the fire and an increasing demand on his time in terms of attention to any individual series, as you indicated. -- Al

I hear what your saying but the "Knights of The Sky" is not the same as the "Great War". The WWI Air Force theme has been going for awhile agreed but the "Great War" is more recent and has taken over a lot of his new production. No need to be a Technocrat just to prove a point. Yeah "Knights" is WWI if that makes you feel better.But That was not the line I was referring to and for some reason I think you knew that.

I hear what your saying but the "Knights of The Sky" is not the same as the "Great War". The WWI Air Force theme has been going for awhile agreed but the "Great War" is more recent and has taken over a lot of his new production. No need to be a Technocrat just to prove a point. Yeah "Knights" is WWI if that makes you feel better.But That was not the line I was referring to and for some reason I think you knew that.

No offense meant, Howard. You are right. I was being deliberately obtuse. Good catch.:wink2: I was just making the point that WW1 is WW1, ground or air, and that we all want John to make more of what we consider our favorite lines. But, as has been said, John is one man, and will get around to what he can, when he can, and ultimately, he will continue to make what sells. -- Al
No offense meant, Howard. You are right. I was being deliberately obtuse. Good catch.:wink2: I was just making the point that WW1 is WW1, ground or air, and that we all want John to make more of what we consider our favorite lines. But, as has been said, John is one man, and will get around to what he can, when he can, and ultimately, he will continue to make what sells. -- Al

No problem, I am just a "Horse and Musket" guy. I love all military but I love the site of Infantry in bright color national uniforms going to battle in Linear formations. I cannot believe the amount of product he turns out for such a small operation. Do not get me wrong I think his "Great War" line is awesome but I cannot collect everything. All his lines are TOP SHELF but I really would like to see more 7YW if he ever gets around to it. Until then it is "Hurry up and wait"

Howard Hulsebosch
No problem, I am just a "Horse and Musket" guy. I love all military but I love the site of Infantry in bright color national uniforms going to battle in Linear formations. I cannot believe the amount of product he turns out for such a small operation. Do not get me wrong I think his "Great War" line is awesome but I cannot collect everything. All his lines are TOP SHELF but I really would like to see more 7YW if he ever gets around to it. Until then it is "Hurry up and wait"

Howard Hulsebosch
Howard, I completely understand the uniform addiction. Love it myself. It was John's POA 44th ft. that got me to first buy JJD products. Just couldn't resist the beautiful red unis with the white trim. And I LOVE flags on the battlefield. I still collect the POA series, although I am currently working on the French forces. I have no clue how John finds enough time in the day to eat, sleep, and design all the wonderful things he does. All I know for certain is that he has me addicted, hook, line, and sinker. -- Al

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