Tom, no apologies needed mate, one of the things I enjoy most is when a group of friends are just chatting and enjoying the forum, I know some moan like a goat stuck in a bush if it goes off subject, but I enjoy the way a thread can wander a bit as we all talk and then it usually comes back on subject anyway.
I know just what you mean about the Camels in Egypt. Twenty years ago myself and my wife had our honeymoon cruising down the Nile and taking in the sights. At that time (not sure if its as bad now) we were warned not to take the camel rides at the pyramids as there had been a spate of cases of people being taken out into the desert and threatened with being left there if they did not cough up huge amounts of cash, so we gave that a miss and headed straight into the pyramids....which was just superb! I just LOVE Egypt, such a wonderful place to visit^&cool