9th hussars line elite and trumpeter (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
May 14, 2014
I based some cavalry today. The line guys are Italeri, the trumpeter is Dulcop and the elites are Timpo british hussars. This is what we are forced to use as no one is making 1/32 Napoleonics these days. Anyone have info on any new Nappy sets? 100_1364 (800x599).jpg100_1369 (800x599).jpg100_1368 (800x599).jpg100_1366 (800x599).jpg100_1365 (800x599).jpg
Great paint job! Also, great mix of dudes because now there is a nice variety of poses.

I wrote to AIP awhile ago, a very long and detailed argument, attempting get some Austrian line and Grenadiers, Polish line and Prussian and Russian artillery. Any or all sets would be great additions, I feel. Hopefully one day!
Thanks. This was back when I tried conversion only by paint. These elites could have easily have had their sword arm moved and head turned. I have plenty more unpainted ones to try it on. Also now that I know about green stuff I may try horse furniture with it.

AIP made some very good French and British artillery and fine canons so I hope they are open to your suggestions. A simple 10 figure set of French fusiliers would be welcomed from them also. As far as their sets go I would prefer different poses than repeats of poses change only by a different head gear or no head gear. I like their stuff fine and have quite a bit of it but I would give it all up for just a little bit more.

As far as Austrians go we could use some guy to dress out Italieri, maybe some command guys. I use BMC Mexicans as shako hat Austrians now and they are up to the task. I especially like the flag bearer as the flag is flat and square and makes it easy to paint. The uniform is so vague that it can be painted as almost any army or given any details.

Thanks for sending them a note.
Thanks for the link Mike. I did not know about this site. My conversion skills are weak but my imagination is strong. I just changed some heads between the Hat line wurtembergers and the grenadiers. I found the right glue finally and it has made quite a difference. Now I am stoked to try a few new things.
Hi - like the figures - can see that you enjoy your figures - nothing better than a cavalry charge - lots of dash and fire!

Keep posting -

Since you don't shy away from the DIY approach, you'll find lots of useful items at Helmet Soldiers. http://www.helmetsoldiers.co.uk

Great range of figures at Helmet Soldiers - spare parts are very useful - my favourite being the British 10th Hussars shako and the Brunswick shako with skull and cross bones badge on the front - well recommended and owned/run by Eric Kemp - a proper Gentleman and very helpful

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