A.C.W. Flags (1 Viewer)

Frank Millward

Private 1st Class
Sep 29, 2006
Hi Matt

First, sorry to all you guys from the previous thread :eek: for starting this one
( some of the comments were brilliant and humourous). However, as a collector of ACW K&C, Britains, Conte etc, and now Matt's new collection I take it there will be Flag bearers. Will there be any state/regimental flags or can we exspect the usual Stars & Stripes / Stars and Bar ??

It would be nice if at least one manufacturer would produced something representing the various states/regiments involved - Or will you just limit production to one flag (or two) as with previous sets. ??????? :(
Hi Matt

First, sorry to all you guys from the previous thread :eek: for starting this one
( some of the comments were brilliant and humourous). However, as a collector of ACW K&C, Britains, Conte etc, and now Matt's new collection I take it there will be Flag bearers. Will there be any state/regimental flags or can we exspect the usual Stars & Stripes / Stars and Bar ??

It would be nice if at least one manufacturer would produced something representing the various states/regiments involved - Or will you just limit production to one flag (or two) as with previous sets. ??????? :(

A very good question Frank. Really, we will produce what the particular regiment had. So if a regiment had multiple flags, we'll produce multiple flags, state or otherwise. With our first Confederate release, we selected the regiment without considering what flag it carried, whether or not it had battle honors on it, etc.... In hindsight, this was probably a mistake as it turned out we selected a regiment with no battle honors and only a single flag. For follow up releases, we will look at this more closely before selecting the particular unit in order to provide interesting flags (and multiple where appropriate) as all the world loves a standard bearer and our flags have long been one of our strengths.

Another element that we're considering is releasing additional standar bearers from different regiments to go with the same basic figures. So, for example, our first release is the 55th NC. We might also release additional standard bearers only with flags representing other regiments so that the same figures could in fact be used as multiple regiments which were dressed alike by providing a new standard bearer figure(s) with appropriate flags for the new regiment.

Hope this helps.



At last someone who thinks outside the box - Thank you for taking the time and effort to respond to my qusetion ;) -
"Another element that we're considering is releasing additional standar bearers from different regiments to go with the same basic figures. So, for example, our first release is the 55th NC. We might also release additional standard bearers only with flags representing other regiments so that the same figures could in fact be used as multiple regiments which were dressed alike by providing a new standard bearer figure(s) with appropriate flags for the new regiment."

I think that is an excellent approach. I was going to suggest that myself.

Well it makes sense there are no battle honors on the 55 N.C. Colors since they were a relatively new regiment serving mostly in their home state prior to Gettysburg. July 1, 1863 would be their first action. That being said, they performed quite well that day.

Producing various color bearers for different regiments to go with these new figures is a great idea. I would think it is mostly the flag that will be the identifying factor when portraying different Confederate regiments in the Army of Northern Virginia by this this time of the war.
It would also be the identifying piece Union Regiments, Unless it is Zouaves or the Bucktails. Four sets could be produced for just for the Iron Brigade!
Got to agree with Dragoon here.From June 1862 it was stictly forbidden for Army of Northern Virginia regiments to carry State flags,although on very rare occasions(ie 1st Texas at Sharpsburg and Gettysburg),caution was thrown to the wind and State flags were unfurled.So Matt is really limited to producing variations of the ANV 'Battle Flag' to add variety.Just as a point of interest,of the 42 surviving Confederate flags that were captured at Gettysburg,40 were ANV 'Battle flags' and 2 were 1st Nationals.
It is not Gettysburg by any means but there was a greater variety of Confederate flags in the western theater
'It is not Gettysburg by any means but there was a greater variety of Confederate flags in the western theater '

The problem there would be that the uniforms worn in the Western and Trans-Mississippi theatres of war differed greatly to those worn by the ANV at Gettysburg.
'It is not Gettysburg by any means but there was a greater variety of Confederate flags in the western theater '

The problem there would be that the uniforms worn in the Western and Trans-Mississippi theatres of war differed greatly to those worn by the ANV at Gettysburg.
There were so many different flags in the Western theater that they would make for a collecting sub-genre themselves. I would like to see them done. -- Al
I have been lobbying with other manufacturers for a long time to make the two flags of the 69th PA. Now, it is your turn. When you get to July 3, please......

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