A Civil War battle...........in 20mm...... (1 Viewer)

Thanks Scott, glad you like it. Yes, the overland campaign has been calling me as well. Am traveling to Fredericksburg in July to attend Historicon, I think I am going a day early and heading down to Cold Harbor and Petersburg, I heard Petersburg is very well preserved, about time I had a look..............hope you can get back to Chicago one of these days...........
It is ALWAYS a pleasure to view and STUDY your works of ART ... on many levels. There is always a wealth of new techniques that I try to learn from your work. Always impressive and always shows your attention to detail.

:salute:: :salute:: :salute:: --- Larry
Thanks Larry, I appreciate the kind words.

Always remember this is a work in progress; this is the best diorama I've ever done IMO, because it's the most recent one and the dozens I've done prior to this one have each taught me a new trick or two.

I went through the archives awhile ago and found my first ACW diorama and looked through that thread; wow was it amateur hour, just awful, but at the time, it was the best one I'd created.

Keep at it is the best advice I can give.................and to reward you for your positive feedback, I've sent you three K & C AWI figures...............right after your credit card went through...............:wink2:

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