a french forum about K&C (4 Viewers)

Je veux pas vous déçoit, mais je ne crois pas que K&C va investir dans l’Est car la majorité des gens collectionne que des batailles où les américains et britanniques ont participé.

Au plaisir.

Rod, what about First Legion's Stalingrad battle? A success story surely...

I think he was referring to just K & C. Even so, that's not completely true with the Cossacks and the Tiger for Kursk. This could be harbinger of things to come.
Je veux pas vous déçoit, mais je ne crois pas que K&C va investir dans l’Est car la majorité des gens collectionne que des batailles où les américains et britanniques ont participé.

Au plaisir.

I think that it is all the same an important battle! :)

For me it is a major conflict, The battle of Koursk also constitutes the biggest battle of tanks of the history, need K&C in our diorama
It will be lovely to see Easter front theatres for sure, I have been asking for this for a long time...But I think that the east is not very popular among the K&C Brito-Americans collectors....

THEY DO NOT SELL.....:mad:

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