"A little bit of this… a little bit more of that" (1 Viewer)

You know - I havent seen any other producer of Toy Soldiers making figures well below K&C cost ?

Especially with the detail and artistic look that these figures have. :cool:

Although, with the economic tidal wave coming - it will be interesting to see Andy's business model on how he can keep producing on the level he is currently at and not have to raise prices again ?

The fact is everything goes up in time - it is ridiculous to expect that prices would remain the same or close to in a ten year span. IMHO. ;)

Ron I think you need to get out abit more :D . There are many wonderful companies making produict just as good and cheaper than K&C. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Ron I think you need to get out abit more :D . There are many wonderful companies making produict just as good and cheaper than K&C. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Now you have me interested, depending on the period. As good or better, I think I know most of these. But which ones are as good and cheaper? I really am curious to see if I have missed some, I know I need to get our more.;):D
Hi Guys,

In response to a few recent “posts” on the forum.

Rest assured we are doing more… it’s just trying to find the right time and place to release ‘em.

2. “Curse of the Tunisian Tiger”
Well, first of all if there had been a “curse” of any description on this great model… me and this forum would’ve heard about it a long, long time ago… About 30 seconds after the release!

Now, a few little facts this “Strictly Limited” item was released over a year ago… November 2007! The original purchaser does say that he bought them but never checked them at the time of purchase. About a month ago he contacted us about the damages and we asked him to contact the dealer from whom he originally purchased the items. That is our “Standard Operating Procedure”.

I have to agree with “AMHUFF1” that a large part of the responsibility for this is with the original buyer i.e.
a) Not inspecting the item upon delivery.
b) Had there been a problem then it could have been dealt with promptly and to everyone’s benefit.

K&C’s policy is always to replace damaged or broken items when reported to us. If a dealer has any problems they notify us immediately and it is replaced or he or she is financially compensated. I’m sure K&C dealers will confirm this.
If a private customer has bought the item directly from us in HK the same applies.

In this case we don’t know how long the original purchaser held onto the boxes before reselling them? We also don’t know how he shipped them or repackaged them? So, problems can and do arise in these circumstances.
No one at K&C wants any of our products to arrive in less than perfect shape however some responsibility must be with the original purchaser as well in checking what they buy… when they buy it.

3. “Wellington’s Comments”
After having read what Wellington had to say I’m still not exactly sure what he meant to say… he professes to still love us but thinks we’re too expensive… OK that’s his opinion, I can live with that. He even thinks I might even be a great guy… Can’t comment on that one, modesty forbids!
Finally, in the last sentence of his original post he declares… “Give a guy an inch and he takes a mile”… please elaborate on that statement.

4. “Alex’s Requests”
1. Drop our prices because you are already paying local tax plus much more than that… I suggest you take that up with your own Governments. It’s those guys who raise, invent and benefit from all those nifty little tax ideas they come up with to deprive you of your hard-earned cash.

2. “Permit dealers to sell below MSRP”
This little beauty has been dealt with lots of times before… here goes again…
a) Dealers deserves to make a decent and reasonable return on their investment.
b) Discounting starts “price wars”.
c) Only the bigger boys survive… smaller dealers go to the wall meaning… less dealers.
d) Less dealers means… less sales… less coverage in the market.
e) Less sales means less new product… more unhappy collectors… read this forum to see how a lot of people want lots of new things… all the time.
I’m sure there’s a whole bunch of people out there who will not agree with what I’ve written BUT (Andy’s favourite word) they are not running a successful company. If they think I’ve got it all wrong and they know better then… Take their life savings (or a big chunk of it) and set up their own toy soldier company and try out all their theories for real!
e) Discounting devalues Product… pure and simple… If you don’t believe me… Where’s the new 21st Century stuff… or the Forces of Valor. Both these companies put their faith in big retailers… Target… Wallmart… Toys ‘R’ Us… who love to discount. And both have lived to regret it.
f) “King & Country who… ?”
On another Toy Soldier Forum a certain Marc T posted the following… “It looks like the K&C fad has ended on the forum, if we do not hear from them every mo, (sic) or two at most, they should be declared dead”.
Well, Marc old buddy, I’ll make a little prediction here and now… K&C and yours truly will be around a lot longer than your particular forum. Reports of our impending doom are greatly exaggerated!

And on that cheerful note I’ll bid one and all a very Merry Christmas and, as we say in bonnie Scotland… A Guid New Year.

Now, you can’t ask more than that… can you?
Love, kisses and lots of great Christmas Pudding.

Andy C.

Zulu War ??? or was that little picture "Last Sleep of the Brave" just to tease us there?
Now you have me interested, depending on the period. As good or better, I think I know most of these. But which ones are as good and cheaper? I really am curious to see if I have missed some, I know I need to get our more.;):D

I am talking mainly about Britains. I just received my 1st Zulu figure. I think these are every bit as good as K&C and the price range is about $22-28 US.

The have a lot of glossies that are amazingly detailed and very well painted also.

As I said though to each his own and I realize that a lot of people don't like glossy figures, but IMO they are every bit as deserving of the highest acolade.
I am talking mainly about Britains. I just received my 1st Zulu figure. I think these are every bit as good as K&C and the price range is about $22-28 US.

The have a lot of glossies that are amazingly detailed and very well painted also.

As I said though to each his own and I realize that a lot of people don't like glossy figures, but IMO they are every bit as deserving of the highest acolade.
Ah well of course I agree about Britains but I always considered them about the same price as K&C. I have my eyes on the matt Zulus for sure.
Well Andy, looks like you have set a few records strait!!! glad to here you all will be around for awhile, good thing because without a K&C CO. I doubt if I would be collecting, so keep up the great job over there, I don't know how Christmas is celebrated in China, but hope you and your family and all the people at K&C have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year, speaking of new year how bout those January releases??:D...Sammy
Now you have me interested, depending on the period. As good or better, I think I know most of these. But which ones are as good and cheaper? I really am curious to see if I have missed some, I know I need to get our more.;):D

I can answer this one, as to myself. I love my glossy Wessex or Wm. Hockers more than any matte finish figure, and I can buy horsemen for about $29 a mounted figure. That is heaven to my way of twisted thinking..Michael
Ron I think you need to get out abit more :D . There are many wonderful companies making produict just as good and cheaper than K&C. Although beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Well - I talking about APPLES TO APPLES - with Matte Figures. No question Britians are some wonderful figures - I have many in my collection as well. But, no question in my mind that K&C is the leader. Nothing against Britians - but all are in the same ballpark pricewise when it comes to Matte figures.
Hi guys,
I must say I was also a bit surprised by Wellington's comments as he had always been such an obvious fan.
However I would be interested to know how he was paying $19 a figure when he started collecting six years ago. I looked at the first NA foot figures and they were US$21. Wellington is in Canada and the exchange rate in DEC 02 was 1.55 Canadian to 1 US$ making a US$21 figure about C$32.55.

The same US$21 figure would have been about A$37 in DEC 02 at 1.77 exchange rate and in July this year would have been about A$21.42 !!! Now it is about A$31.

There are two major issues affecting price. One is the actual price charged by K&C and these have gone up as is well commented upon in this forum. The K&C base price is US$.

However a far more significant impact on price since July this year is the exchange rate. I am a dealer in Australia and I look at the exchange rate daily as since July it has had a huge impact on price. In July our A$ was almost equal to the US$ at 0.98 cents. Within two months the Government was having to step in to stop it going below 0.60 cents !!! This drop in the value of the A$ was equal to a 50% price rise !!. I had a customer tell me he was on holiday overseas and experienced a 10% difference in A$ exchange rate in one day.

As another comparison a Dragon new release action figure that was A$69-75 in July is now A$112 !!!

I also note the Canadian $ was pretty much equal to the US$ in July also and has also dropped significantly since then. The UK pound has also dropped significantly since July. This means that dealers in Canada, UK and Australia are paying a lot more in their home currencies to buy the same items they were buying earlier in the year. I don't know about their pricing but I know I have to keep changing mine to reflect the exchange rate. In fact in a recent advertisement I did in a quarterly magazine I had to use US$ pricing as it was getting too volatile to use A$ prices !!

There is no doubt collectors are finding it hard. Most economies are suffering, K&C has had price increases and the exchange rates have gone the wrong way for many. However in my mind it is the exchange rate that is having the most impact for non US$ countries and K&C can not be blamed for that.

For those who want to see the exchange rate differences go to

Whilst all collectors would much prefer cheaper prices I get the feeling some take it too personally against Andy and K&C when they are not responsable for much of it. At the end of the day these are luxury items and K&C is not forcing you to buy them. I think it is a case of K&C being a bigger target because he has a much larger range and customer base than other companies.

Regards to all,
I can answer this one, as to myself. I love my glossy Wessex or Wm. Hockers more than any matte finish figure, and I can buy horsemen for about $29 a mounted figure. That is heaven to my way of twisted thinking..Michael
Well thanks for the information; I wasn't aware of either. I couldn't find anything about Wessex on the web but I did look at the Hockers and they are indeed nice gloss figures. So it does not surprise me that you are in heaven collecting them. In all fairness though I don't think you can fairly compare a gloss figure like those to the sculpting detail of a K&C, WB or Conte matt figure so the price comparison seems to be inapposite to me. That doesn't mean they aren't great, just that they are a different type of item.
Part 2 !
Andy C wrote :
"K&C’s policy is always to replace damaged or broken items when reported to us. If a dealer has any problems they notify us immediately and it is replaced or he or she is financially compensated. I’m sure K&C dealers will confirm this".

I did have a problem with a Ltd Ed Tunisian Tiger. A shop customer got home and found a problem with the turret. We changed it for one we had and K&C replaced the turret in our next order. This was about 2 weeks after release.
Have done the same in other simliar cases but such instances are very few and far between.

However this does raise the importance of checking the item upon receipt, especially if it is a mail order item. In view of a recent experience with a customer I will probably have to set a time period within which customers can complain about damage etc to an item. The situation where a customer complains a year later is very hard for the dealer to resolve especially if the item has long ago sold out.

I totally agree with Andy C's comments about pricing. I will drop a product line if I see too much discounting. I got out of Dragon plastic kits totally because customers can buy direct from Hong Kong for half the price even with postage. Dragon will wake up one day and realise why shops in Australia no longer care about stocking their product. I no longer stock FOV because customers can buy from the USA much cheaper. Soon it will be very hard to find FOV in Oz. These brands and others cheapen themselves so much that they have no value. Certainly not worthwhile to stock them.

Regards and Merry Xmas to all,
Hi Guys,

In response to a few recent “posts” on the forum.

I’m sure there’s a whole bunch of people out there who will not agree with what I’ve written BUT (Andy’s favourite word) they are not running a successful company. If they think I’ve got it all wrong and they know better then… Take their life savings (or a big chunk of it) and set up their own toy soldier company and try out all their theories for real!

Now, you can’t ask more than that… can you?
Love, kisses and lots of great Christmas Pudding.

Andy C.


I believe we would all agree that Andy is a clever businessman with a uniqe

view of his market place which allowed him to rise to his current position. I

might offer the example of Sears, and Kmart....it is one thing to rise to the

top and quite another to remain there.

My recently deleated thread was designed to reflect collectors concerns and

possible changes in their buying hablits which may cause old business plans

to be review and altered to refect the new economic conditions.

My last word on the subject, yesterday was nice....its what you do today

that determines where you will be tomorrow.:)
Prices have been raised (and raised again) in recent years in all areas of business; ever-more in an attempt to "maintain profit margins".......and in certain "sectors" I expect that consumers will be forced to continue to pay rising prices for essential goods and services.....but the question remains will the "majority of buyers" continue to absorb price increases for non-discressionary products.....I think not.....better to make a reasonable sale and profit then no sale at all.........each manufacturer will know where the level of limitations are in due time......IMO
Prices have been raised (and raised again) in recent years in all areas of business; ever-more in an attempt to "maintain profit margins".......and in certain "sectors" I expect that consumers will be forced to continue to pay rising prices for essential goods and services.....but the question remains will the "majority of buyers" continue to absorb price increases for non-discressionary products.....I think not.....better to make a reasonable sale and profit then no sale at all.........each manufacturer will know where the level of limitations are in due time......IMO

Hmmmm..I think I'm going to chalk up my comments on the other thread as that time of the month....I could have been more tactfull...yes....Although I think all of us on this forum are entitled to our opinions..but... perhaps not as harsh as mine was..I think Vezzolf hit the nail on the head with his comments above....


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