A post from Andy Neilson (1 Viewer)

andy c. neilson

Apr 28, 2005
Dear K&C Forum,
It’s a real pleasure to read all of your comments, suggestions and ideas about K&C and our models.
Here’s just a few points that might illuminate your discussions:-

(1) K&C moving out of WWII Fighting Vehicles
No way, they’re too popular and getting more so! In fact, I wish I could do more. This rumour may have started when some collectors asked me to produce more modern vehicles – Humvees, M1 Abrams etc., I replied that “Forces of Valor” had that contemporary side pretty well covered and I preferred to go mainly WWII (which is my own personal preference and interest).
I believe K&C bring a unique and original twist to WWII that even the mass produced F.O.V. don’t quite bring off (good though they are).

For some reason a few US collectors have christened this “ARNHEIM” – I don’t know where ARNHEIM is but I do know ARNHEM is in Holland.

(3) The K&C Online Collectors Club
The Club has just brought out 2 new CLUB exclusive figures including a very nice Wehrmacht soldier in “parade” uniform – check him out. It might be worth joining for. This year besides the 1-Year Membership we are launching a 2-Year membership as well. 1-Year Membership members can get ONE free figure while 2-Year Membership members can get TWO club figures ABSOLUTELY FREE. Remember in addition to a FREE figure(s), you get 4 issues of “K&C Collector” our own 8 page, full colour quarterly which keeps you up to date with all K&C developments. And only US$38/ US$70! Well, that’s enough of the advertising. Check out the details in www.kingandcountry.com!

(4) In the Works Dept
I’m really excited about the 7 add-on sets of Germans for “Battle of the Bulge”. Lots of great “winter” camouflage plus, I hope, a “personality figure” of Sepp Dietrich, commander of 6th Panzer Army. Available September.
Also we’re adding more LAH figures in October. A bit earlier in July will be our DUKW amphibious vehicle – great for these D. Day beach dioramas.

(5) D. Day Paratroopers
We’ve put a small hole in the top of the canopy and put a length of black thread through it for all collectors to suspend their ‘chutes from any high point.
Well, that’s all for now – Best wishes… and happy collecting to one and all.

From the top

Thanks Andy for the update.Its always nice to hear directly from "the horses mouth" as they say.Boy,I'm glad I spelled Arnhem correctly.Do you yourself have every piece K&C has produced in a museum or at K&C corp office?I don't know how you would get any work done if that was so.When I have my sets out on display I catch myself looking at them all the time.
Anyways it sounds like there is lots of activity in the works for us WWII collectors.Thanks for the update on the club to.
Always in debt....Fully(no litterly I'm in debt because of you :D )
re: Andy

I,m guilty as charged, I,ve spelled it Arneim, it will now be Arnhem. At least I don,t refer to you as Andy Nelson. Just kidding, thanks for keeping us up to date and monitering this forum.
Thanks for the update Andy. You've certainly given me more to look forward to by hitting upon two of my favorite 'german looks'. Germans in winter camouflage & more LAH.
As for the collectors club, I think you may have just tip me in with the parade uniform soldier. Before, the lack of WWII figures to choose from gave me hesitation.

Oh, and don't be offended if you called Andy Nelson. Nelson is actually a cool name. :D
U boat

Excellent work Andy. Im a new collector, fascinated with the World War 2 era.
Have you considered doing a U boat collection, possibly with a crew of sailors and maybe Admiral Donitz.


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Re: U boat

How about a U boat crew manning a deck gun. I could see K&C doing a nice job on that.
Hi Andy just wanted to say in my opinion you are making the finest military miniatures available. I reciently received the new King Tiger and the Puma and they are wonderful.
I really appreciate your hard work and the line you are producing.
John A
Thanks Andy for bringing everyone up to date on future products!

Andy is always striving to bring us something great. I don't think his brain ever rests. :p

Bill Sager
Dear One and All,

Thanks for all the great posts, comments and ideas...here's a few more of my thoughts and reflections:

1) Skipped Numbers:

The only one I can recall is WS61 which was a set of 4 (or was it 5) German defenders that could be used in a Normandy setting. Unfortunately some other items that were going to be done to go along with this particular set had to be put on the "back-burner". So, I pulled that set, WS61, from the production schedule and we will release it and the other items some time in 2006.

2) John Gambale's Demands:

Whilst I very much appreciate this collector's enthusiasm for K&C I have tried to explain to him that we are not a machine that can be "ramped-up" to suit one particular collector's interests and requests. I am trying to run a successful toy soldier business. That means lots of forward planning, schedules, deadlines and a million other things that make K&C hopefully, as good as it is. It also means being patient and realizing that there are a host of demands on our time, production capacity and creativity.

I honestly believe that NO OTHER COMPANY in this hobby creates and produces as often or as many new items each year as King & Country. I also know that the vast majority of our K&C collectors appreciate and understand this simple fact.

3) American Civil War

I've read quite a few 'posts' about collectors' requesting K&C to get back into American Civil War. Again, whilst I acknowledge that our new sculptors and myself could definitely do a far better effort than our last one here are some more of my random thoughts.

a) Civil War is an extremely crowded market --- everybody and their dog seems to produce something for it and, to be honest, a lot of it is pretty good! Conte, some Britains, Ted Toys, Chris Munro from Soldier Gallery to name but a few. Could we do something different and better --- perhaps but...

b) Historically ... to be brutally honest it's not one of my favourite eras. Of course it's interesting but it doesn't creatively "fire" me up the same way World War Two (obviously)... The Napoleonic Wars...The American Revolution...Pre War Germany does.

As all of you know I have a passion for this toy soldier thing of ours but I also have a passion for history...especially certain periods.

K&C reflects, for good or bad what excites and interests me. Fortunately, many of you are also fascinated by the same historical (or is that hysterical) eras as myself.

c) Being selfish

However, if I let my own tastes dictate everything we would all be "up the creek" minus a paddle. I would really love to do the English Civil War (Cavaliers and Roundheads)...The Falklands War/ Northern Ireland (ex Royal Marines would all love this)...and the English/Scottish Wars between Edwards I and II against William Wallace and Robert the Bruce (Braveheart). BUT other things come first and even my daydreams sometimes have to take second place to "commercial" reality.

So, as you can see, you probably won't see another foray South of the Mason Dixon line for quite some time. Apologies and commiserations to fans of the "Blue and Gray".

Anyway that's the story so far...

Best wishes and...Happy collecting,

Andy C. Neilson

Co-founder and Creative Director

King & Country


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Dear Andy,

I would love the Braveheart, Falklands and English Civil War figures, but I certainly see your point. I for one will always be excited about whatever you choose to produce, and I am very excited about the stuff you indicated will be coming out in the next year. With that being said, have you given any thought to limited edition versions of the vehicles you make prototypes of but decide not to mass produce?

Your friend,



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Thanks for popping in and giving us all a little insight to thoughts and questions about future products from K&C. Of course everyone of us could give you a list a mile long but business direction and keeping food on the table has to be a main concern. I hope that maybe some ideas that are posted on this forum make it to one of your daydreaming sessions and might actually hit the market some day;ie limited editions :)

Anyway heres to ya,
Bill Sager
Thanks for the update, its always nice to hear from you. Its nice to know you take a look at the forum, and take the time to respond to some of our requests.


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I appreciate your input as well Andy. Although I would have enjoyed seeing more Civil War era sets from K&C, I understand your point. Its best not venture there if your heart ain't into it. Oh well, many other coming great sets to look forward. By the way, any hints on what coming in LAH?
Last time I talked to Andy he suggested to me that there would be some figures on horseback. This would be a nice addition.



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Thank you for that update. I certainly understand your thinking on the other sets that are your personal preferences and for reigning John in. I do look forward to the Crucible at Caen set and hope that from time to time you will produce more British sets. By the way, will be more 8th Army sets to go with the Afrika Korps sets next year.

Will you be giving Crucible at Caen it own's name since you called last year's set Churchill's Commandos.

All the best.


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