A TreeFrog Christmas (2 Viewers)


Apr 14, 2007
Well guys,

My Christmas gifts have already arrived. On Friday, my wife comes home with a very large box in the back of her car. It is from Tree Frog Treasures. Since she accuses me of being "sneaky", she actually took all of the boxes out and wrapped them all individually before placing them all back in the shipping box at her office. I know she spent over $800 on the order from the credit card statement online. It looks like a King & Country Christmas this year.

Thank you Pete and Shannon! Christmas is already looking good and it is still November.

How many of you already know you are getting toy soldiers for Christmas from others? My wife and I both keep "wish lists" on our computer. I love surprising my wife. The other day she went to lay down on the couch and when she moved the pillow to lay on it, underneath it was a book she had been wanting. She loves those surprises.

Well guys,

My Christmas gifts have already arrived. On Friday, my wife comes home with a very large box in the back of her car. It is from Tree Frog Treasures. Since she accuses me of being "sneaky", she actually took all of the boxes out and wrapped them all individually before placing them all back in the shipping box at her office. I know she spent over $800 on the order from the credit card statement online. It looks like a King & Country Christmas this year.

Thank you Pete and Shannon! Christmas is already looking good and it is still November.

How many of you already know you are getting toy soldiers for Christmas from others? My wife and I both keep "wish lists" on our computer. I love surprising my wife. The other day she went to lay down on the couch and when she moved the pillow to lay on it, underneath it was a book she had been wanting. She loves those surprises.



I am lucky like you - My wonderful wife is planning a Toy Soldier Christmas Too !! :D :D :D

Can't Wait :)

You guys are very lucky none of my family want to buy toy soldiers for me....I think deep down they think they are a waste of money.............:mad:

Though I will not be getting any Toy Soldiers from my family since I have already asked for a deer rifle I will be having a toy soldier christmas thanks to my Grandmoms and Aunt:D:D
Arnhem? What kinds of K&C did you ask for?

I collect K&C Naps, but since I have the whole collection and there are no new figures at the moment I have asked for AWI and the Crimean War line. I won't collect the entire line of either like I do for the Naps because of the money that would be involved.

What figures have you guys asked your wives to get you for Christmas?
My wife is going to give me the Tunisian Tiger to unwrap for xmas,although how i am going to wait that long i don't know!

My wife is going to give me the Tunisian Tiger to unwrap for xmas,although how i am going to wait that long i don't know!



Reading this thread and others with a similar theme on the forum reminds me of when my two kids used to write letters to Santa and stick them up the chimney. They were just as excited with anticipation of lot's of presents as referenced in their Xmas wish lists as you all appear to be.

But what has really left me utterly bemused are all the references of "What toy-soldiers are your wives are going to buy you for Xmas?". Hell! you guys sure are fortunate as my good lady- as charming as she is- wouldn't know the difference between Rob's forthcoming Tunisian Tiger and my mounted "Stonewall" Jackson, consequently it wouldn't cross her mind to even ask me "What toy soldiers would you like for Xmas darling?" let alone surprise me with any.

She is joining me this week-end in London (Friday-Sunday) but when I'm in Russell Square- hopefully with some of you guys- she will be far-away in the Knightsbridge & Kensington areas melting her credit cards down on dozens of purchases and none of them as sure as hell are going to be toy-soldiers.
If I'm fortunate enough to meet some of you on Saturday (should be easier for me as a newbie now Tony Neville has picked up and ran with my idea of Froggers identification badges) remind me to ask you "How on earth did you educate/cajole/persuade or just plain old get, all of your good ladies to become money spending -toy soldier companions?"

Still bemused but also ever so slightly envious
You guys are very lucky none of my family want to buy toy soldiers for me....I think deep down they think they are a waste of money.............:mad:


Haha, same here. And my wife doesn't think it's a waste deep down. She reminds me of it constantly...

Reading this thread and others with a similar theme on the forum reminds me of when my two kids used to write letters to Santa and stick them up the chimney. They were just as excited with anticipation of lot's of presents as referenced in their Xmas wish lists as you all appear to be.

But what has really left me utterly bemused are all the references of "What toy-soldiers are your wives are going to buy you for Xmas?". Hell! you guys sure are fortunate as my good lady- as charming as she is- wouldn't know the difference between Rob's forthcoming Tunisian Tiger and my mounted "Stonewall" Jackson, consequently it wouldn't cross her mind to even ask me "What toy soldiers would you like for Xmas darling?" let alone surprise me with any.

She is joining me this week-end in London (Friday-Sunday) but when I'm in Russell Square- hopefully with some of you guys- she will be far-away in the Knightsbridge & Kensington areas melting her credit cards down on dozens of purchases and none of them as sure as hell are going to be toy-soldiers.
If I'm fortunate enough to meet some of you on Saturday (should be easier for me as a newbie now Tony Neville has picked up and ran with my idea of Froggers identification badges) remind me to ask you "How on earth did you educate/cajole/persuade or just plain old get, all of your good ladies to become money spending -toy soldier companions?"

Still bemused but also ever so slightly envious

The way I did it was to buy some SOHK figures and give them to Missus Heid as a present. Result = One Spouse-Unit* hooked on TS's in next to no time....!!!! :D:D:D

*With thanks to KV for the inspiration, cos I still think his Spouse-Unit comment from way back is a pretty funny and accurate description.
Hey Bob,

Well i must say i am lucky.My wife is a fantastic supporter of my love of History,she has given up many holidays over the years when we could have been on a beach somewhere to walk the battlefields of europe(she actually gets really interested-she now knows why the Somme was such a disaster and amazes her family with her knowledge!!)

Like your good lady my wife will be shopping on Saturday with her sister.Anyway because she knows how much i love my collecting but would not really know where to start she gets me to order something but not open it.That way she can wrap it up for me.Because she worries that i might not like the presents she chooses for me (which i always do anyway!!!)this way i will have one thing that she KNOWS i will love,god bless her.

Hope to get to meet you on Saturday Bob,great idea on the name tags by the way!


I simply give my wonderful wife the K&C Promotion Sheet for each range that I collect and circle what is on my X-Mas List. That way no mistakes and its easy for her to ask for which I item she wants to buy me. :D
Hey Bob,

Well i must say i am lucky.My wife is a fantastic supporter of my love of History,she has given up many holidays over the years when we could have been on a beach somewhere to walk the battlefields of europe(she actually gets really interested-she now knows why the Somme was such a disaster and amazes her family with her knowledge!!)

Like your good lady my wife will be shopping on Saturday with her sister.Anyway because she knows how much i love my collecting but would not really know where to start she gets me to order something but not open it.That way she can wrap it up for me.Because she worries that i might not like the presents she chooses for me (which i always do anyway!!!)this way i will have one thing that she KNOWS i will love,god bless her.

Hope to get to meet you on Saturday Bob,great idea on the name tags by the way!


Like your good lady my wife will be shopping on Saturday with her sister.

Hey Rob,
How come your Good Lady's going to be shopping with Napoleron's sister?
'Member and tell us all about the show. OMG I'm so jealous. Roll on next December I say.
Like your good lady my wife will be shopping on Saturday with her sister.

Hey Rob,
How come your Good Lady's going to be shopping with Napoleron's sister?
'Member and tell us all about the show. OMG I'm so jealous. Roll on next December I say.


Yep will write a report as soon as poss.Will be nice to meet you next December Harry.You've got a year to save up!!!

Imagine what might have been announced by this time next year H,we might be toasting the destruction of the AK in the Hotel Bar!:)(i mean the toast,not the destruction as you'd never get all the AK in the Hotel.....anyway you know what i mean:D!!!)

Imagine what might have been announced by this time next year H,we might be toasting the destruction of the AK in the Hotel Bar!:)(i mean the toast,not the destruction as you'd never get all the AK in the Hotel.....anyway you know what i mean:D!!!)


Don't talk to me about toasting. Its an artform I was unable to master a few days ago. :D:D:D (Reference; "Don't Toast and Post".....:D::eek:).
Yes much though the contents of your sandwhich sounded delicious and sent me in search of foodal comfort i was more refering to that great produce of your own fair country,that which is nice with ice or a splash of Lemonade/coke;).


('My bottle of Booze,no summertime blues,shouting out look at me in my rocking Rolls Royce!'-the late great Bon Scot)
Yes much though the contents of your sandwhich sounded delicious and sent me in search of foodal comfort i was more refering to that great produce of your own fair country,that which is nice with ice or a splash of Lemonade/coke;).


('My bottle of Booze,no summertime blues,shouting out look at me in my rocking Rolls Royce!'-the late great Bon Scot)

refering to that great produce of your own fair country,

What? Irn Bru you mean?
Don't think you can get it in England.

Bon Chance Mon Ami
refering to that great produce of your own fair country,

What? Irn Bru you mean?
Don't think you can get it in England.

Bon Chance Mon Ami

They used to sell it down down here a few years back,but i prefer the darker golden liquid;)


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