ACW - Herbst Woods & Men of Iron (2 Viewers)


Lieutenant Colonel
Feb 12, 2008
2nd WI vs. Archer's Brigade
Herbst Woods, McPherson's Ridge
July 1, 1863, Gettysburg, PA
Shortly after 10:00 a.m., on the morning of July 1, 1863, the 2nd Wisconsin reached the crest of McPherson's Ridge. Alone, and in front of the 4 remaining regiments of the Iron Brigade, the 2nd Wisconsin's line shuddered when met by an effective volley from the 7th & 14th Tennessee regiments of Archer's Brigade. Dozen's of men, possibly up to 30% of the regiment, fell killed or wounded. Major General John Reynolds (Union First Corps Commander) yelled, "Forward men, forward for God's sake and drive those fellows out of the woods". He no sooner said these words when he fell from his horse mortally wounded. Not waiting for the remainder of their brigade, and in danger of being flanked by the 1st Tennessee and the 13th Alabama, the 2nd Wisconisn plunged towards Archer's Brigade in Herbst Woods. Obliquing to the right because of the intensity of the enemies gunfire, the 2nd Wiscosin entered Herbst Woods and started to slowly push back the Tennessee troops ahead of it. One veteran of the 2nd Wisconsin observed that " . . it was the unadorned, long-drawn-out line of ragged, dirty blue against the long-drawn-out line of dirty ragged butternut." The battle flared on the banks of Willoughby Run when the 7th Wisconsin, 19th Indiana, and the 24th Michigan smashed into the front and right flank of Archer's troops. Before the Confederates could reform their lines, the 2nd Wisconsin charged ending the Confederate resisitance. The Tennesseans ran for the rear. The 2nd captured over 75 men including General James Archer, Robert E. Lee's first general to be so humiliated. Archer was captured by Pvt. Patrick Maloney. Maloney would be killed before the day was over.





"At the Edge of the Woods" backdrop and diorama base by Hudson & Allen
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Some of the best photos I've seen on the forum recently. :cool:

2nd WI vs. Archer's Brigade
Herbst Woods, McPherson's Ridge
July 1, 1863, Gettysburg, PA
Shortly after 10:00 a.m., on the morning of July 1, 1863, the 2nd Wisconsin reached the crest of McPherson's Ridge. Alone, and in front of the 4 remaining regiments of the Iron Brigade, the 2nd Wisconsin's line shuddered when met by an effective volley from the 7th & 14th Tennessee regiments of Archer's Brigade. Dozen's of men, possibly up to 30% of the regiment, fell killed or woulded. Major General John Reynold's yelled, "Forward men, forward for God's sake and drive those fellows out of the woods". He no sooner said these words when he fell from his horse mortally wounded. Not waiting for the remainder of their brigade, and in danger of being flanked by the 1st Tennessee and the 13th Alabama, the 2nd Wisconisn plunged towards Archer's Brigade in Herbst Woods. Obliquing to the right because of the intensity of the enemies gunfire, the 2nd Wiscosin entered Herbst Woods and started to slowly push back the Tennessee troops ahead of it. One veteran of the 2nd Wisconsin observed that " . . it was the unadorned, long-drawn-out line of ragged, dirty blue against the long-drawn-out line of dirty ragged butternut." The battle flared on the banks of Willoughby Run when the 7th Wisconsin, 19th Indiana, and the 24th Michigan smashed into the front and right flank of Archer's troops. Before the Confederates could reform their lines, the 2nd Wisconsin charged ending the Confederate resisitance. The Tennesseans ran for the rear. The 2nd captured over 75 men including General James Archer, Robert E. Lee's first general to be so humiliated. Archer was captured by Pvt. Patrick Maloney. Maloney would be killed before the day was over.





"At the Edge of the Woods" backdrop and diorama base by Hudson & Allen

Enjoyed spending the time reviewing your playtime this AM Mike and ditto Jeff's comments.............Joe
Thank you Jeff, Joe, and Wendy - glad you liked the series.

The Magic of Photographic Editing

Here is a photo of the stage setting I used. The diorama base is only 28 inches long and 11 inches deep. I seldom show this aspect of my photos. I thought it would be interesting to show what lighting, camera placement, and the "magic of photographic editing" can do as the final product is created . . . .
:) Mike

always enjoy your work Mike.....awesome u have lot invested in ur photo stuff.........great dio............
Thank you Jeff, Joe, and Wendy - glad you liked the series.

The Magic of Photographic Editing

Here is a photo of the stage setting I used. The diorama base is only 28 inches long and 11 inches deep. I seldom show this aspect of my photos. I thought it would be interesting to show what lighting, camera placement, and the "magic of photographic editing" can do as the final product is created . . . .
:) Mike

Wonderfulf photo and great photographer.
Awesome Mike and good to see you staying inside where it is nice and warm. Also a treat to see the behind the scenes. Much appreciated.
I always enjoy your work(or should I say play:)) Mike.
Thank you very much Rick, ANV, Scott, and Mark . . . .
:) Mike
Great set up Mike. I see figures from many years ago mixed in here with the 1st Gear/W. Britain items. Just what I would have hoped to see!
With all of the snow headed our way perhaps we will see some more of your handy work! Looks like a hard fight for the iron men...

Thanks Titus and Ken - glad you liked the photos . . . .
:) Mike

Great set up Mike. I see figures from many years ago mixed in here with the 1st Gear/W. Britain items. Just what I would have hoped to see!
With all of the snow headed our way perhaps we will see some more of your handy work! Looks like a hard fight for the iron men...


There are a few Conte figures from the Antietam Signature Series and some from Troiani's Iron Brigade set mixed in with the Britain figures - all expertly sculpted by you. Between this morning and thru Wednesday morning we are going to get hit with two major snow storms which are predicted to leave up to 20 inches of snow before its all over - I'll definately be staying indoors and will be looking for something to do ;). Great to see a photo of Confederates from the archives from the last time you came over to visit and "play" here.
:) Mike

Every time I see your photos I am a little sorry I gave up collecting ACW...definitely envious!

Your photo of the studio made me feel as if I had just peeked behind the Wizard of Oz's screen...only to reveal the Great Estell! What can I get if I bring you the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West?! :D
Mike...these are two of your prettiest pictures to date...the fantastic Ken Osen dioramas lend very well to your did good on these selections for diorama bases...extremely nice...
Excellent. Can I ask what model camera you are using? Your photos are very clear and crisp.

Every time I see your photos I am a little sorry I gave up collecting ACW...definitely envious!

Your photo of the studio made me feel as if I had just peeked behind the Wizard of Oz's screen...only to reveal the Great Estell! What can I get if I bring you the broom of the Wicked Witch of the West?! :D

I'll give you one Napoleon . . . the dessert that is ;)

Mike...these are two of your prettiest pictures to date...the fantastic Ken Osen dioramas lend very well to your did good on these selections for diorama bases...extremely nice...

Thanks Michael, glad you liked them. Doesn't Ken do just wonderful work . . in my opinion the best :D

Excellent. Can I ask what model camera you are using? Your photos are very clear and crisp.


Thank you very much Walt. I use a very inexpensive Vivitar "ViviCam 6326", 6.0 mega pixel w/3X optical zoom. I always have it set on Macro focus, with flash mode off, and with a 10 second timer delay. I place the camera on a sturdy paltform (don't have a tripod) and the 10 second delay allows for "hands free shooting" (eliminates possible hand shake/movement). I really feel that proper lighting is more important in taking a good photo than the expense or technical ability of the camera. I will use up to 5 lights (100W GE Reveal Daylight bulbs), two of which are equipped with umbrella difusers, placed at different angles (front, sides, above) Sometimes I wish I had a better camera that would allow me to have more control of the f-stop setting but for now I am happy with the results I am getting from the Vivitar and my lighting set ups.
:) Mike
Awesome photos Mike. I can't say enough good about them. I echo what everyone else has said so far--great job!!


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