ACW038 Union Dismounted Cavalry Horse Holder Pre-Order (1 Viewer)

Brad: This matter has been bandied about in PM's. You know that. Much dialogue took place months ago. Obviously Matt and his team at FL went through with the depictions in their present form anyways. Candidly the back channel...PM route...I like to call it the "Neville Chamberlain" approach often times does not work. Come on the topic is accuracy about toy soldiers. Hardly a venue for back channel whispering. As for your mothers quotations and sayings...I'm sure she is or was a terrific person and Mom. Please consider this tidbit as well in your observations: Larry Brown, the great professional and college basketball coach, made this observation during the splendid 2005 NBA Finals series between his defending champion Detroit Pistons and San Antonio Spurs: He bemused " So often players make the mistake of confusing coaching with criticism." Please carefully consider that observation. I wish FL and Matt nothing but success particularly in the world of manufacturing and producing high quality ACW figurines. His firm is a real asset to the hobby.

Bob and I have talked about this privately so I think much more needs to be said more about the matter. I never object to constructive criticism about toy soldiers since in this area you guys will probably forget more than I will ever know and we depend on knowledgeable individuals to provide guidance to the manufacturers. Also, as a point of clarification, this was discussed openly in the Forum (in the Britains section I believe).

Regarding the comment about Matt went through making this model with the stripes anway, I don't think that's necessarily true. You're looking at it from a collector's viewpoint but not a business one. Manufacturers have a crowded production schedule and have to plan things out in the future. I don't think that he didn't care about getting it right. However, because of the production schedule things can't always be changed. I think we as collectors say "well, why can't he fix it" but that's not always possible. If future releases have problems, then maybe you have a cause to complain.

As far as Larry Brown, great basketball coach but not a great human being. Couldn't stay in one place for more than a couple of years at a time. Bailed out on the Knicks when things got a little tough so anything he has to say that is anything other than hoops ain't worth much :smile2:
Regarding the comment about Matt went through making this model with the stripes anway, I don't think that's necessarily true. You're looking at it from a collector's viewpoint but not a business one. Manufacturers have a crowded production schedule and have to plan things out in the future. I don't think that he didn't care about getting it right. However, because of the production schedule things can't always be changed. I think we as collectors say "well, why can't he fix it" but that's not always possible. If future releases have problems, then maybe you have a cause to complain.

As Brad is alluding, I think it is important to understand that these figures could very well have been sculpted a year or more before their release. I don't know that for sure, but it is likely. Given Matt's other commitments, it is assuming a lot to believe he could go back in and have something like the pant stripes changes just before preorder/release. It just might not have been practical or worth the hassle.

The foregoing comment brings to mind two expressions, one I learned from my mother as a youth and the other later on.

"Eyes that see not." In his post Matt said that Confederates would be next, which will be to your liking anyway :rolleyes2:

"D@mining with faint praise." The problem with the stripes is one that has been mentioned and discussed since the Union figures were first released. Unfortunately, as Matt has said, these were already cast and painted. He has indicated that forthcoming figures would not have similar kinds of issues. Thus, some of the hyperbole wasn't necessary and could have been handled privately by the cognoscenti.

At least the poses aren't the same boring ones we see war to war from a certain well known ACW manufacturer.

Can't be talking about Britains!!!

FL makes excellent figures but, I am heavily into Britains ACW and very happy with them!!! :):):)

FL for me so far, consists of selective figures in the Napoleonic and Samurai ranges and we shall see what the future holds... Still no word on any of the 4 new ranges coming this year...{sm2}

Definitely, FL is an asset to the hobby! :)

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