Adios (2 Viewers)


Whatever the reasons are, you will be missed...your valuable advises and knowledge about history and about the hobby is truly enviable. You do not have leave the Forum. Simply be a silent observer.

Despite what you yourself provided you do
there are still some reason to think about your decision
you're an a necessary link in this forum
knowledge, ideas and posting pictures for others.
whatever you do I wish you all the best
Greetings from the Netherlands

Richard .
Thanks all for your kind words; much appreciated. I will follow much of the advice given.
Brad...WANT A CUDDLE?^&grin No point in leaving mate, things change, it's true, agree about the different feel on the forum but personally I feel as is the world recession is behind it, don't leave mate, after all your years of information! At this rate there will be few original members left!:redface2:


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