Nice, indeed. Thanks for the post.
East of India also have a good range, too. And the price points probably makes it easier to build an army or a dio...
Not really comparable in quality, be it from a painting or sculpting point of view.
But EoI samurai brought me into TS collecting to be honest, so at a certain point I liked them. Side by side they don't fit at all with FL, for my taste at least.
I think that is fairly said Alex. I cerainly agree about the sculpting and you make a good point on the painting. The cost benefit ratio for that extra painting is not there for me and I would just not collect many figures if it were not for the FL option.I agree completely. I mean I always use Kolobob figures as a reference point. I must say that from a sculpting point of view, FL figures are there (of course having the masters sculpted at the same place helps a lot. Painting is a notch under what the russians do BUT you're paying way less money for each figure. At the same time, what I like with FL is that you can still get some figures that are a notch over most FL figures when you're buying for example the mounted personalities.