Air, Ground and Sea Meeting at Bremerhaven During The Launch Of A New Seehund (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Aug 22, 2013
Hello everyone. I have been away these few months and glad to be back with some new scenes. Here is one I have been building on. Mike


Have a great day.
A lot going on here Mike. Launching of a feared weapon does rate some kind of ceremony as apparent in this excellent scene.^&cool, Robin.
Thanks Wayne and Robin. I really like the Kriegsmarine releases. I hope they continue in the Berlin 38 series if at all possible. They are very nice and detailed. It was actually the strictly limited Seehund that sparked my initial interest. I always thought having the sub launched off the dock with the Sd. KFZ. 9 Famo Recovery Vehicle would be great.
I would also love to see another midget sub release to go with this. The "Neger" would be my first choice. But any would be welcome like the "Hecht" or "Delphin". I need to more with back ground and water in time.
Thank you always, Mike.

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