Airfix 2016 (1 Viewer)


Jul 16, 2006

Airfix website shows news of their range for 2016 to be launched on Monday 16th November - hope they have more 1/32nd sets - Napoleonics and 7th Cavalry maybe?

I've been confused for years as to why they're never expanded their 1/32 plastic soldiers range beyond what they were doing in the 70s. I know there's been business collapse and new owners but they seem to have stuck pretty much to using the existing molds, with a few new assembly kits at best?

I wrote to them over a decade ago suggesting a US halftrack to go with their Hanomag but was told they had no plans. I fear the chance for all that was back then, when the internet re-invigorated the hobby - but mainly though adults recapturing their childhoods.

I think a WW1 range to play on the various anniversaries would have been worth a shot. Maybe a fantasy one too to take advantage of the buzz from the LOTR/Hobbit films.

Probably their strangest ommission was a Zulu range? Brits from that could've been used with Northern Frontier tribesmen and Mahdists too - all of them with famous movies to help sales!
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in some ways there are other Airfix type figures out there via A Call to Arms as the sculpts are very much in the same style maybe by the same sculptor?

I am thinking of the Zulus, British 24th Foot and the ACW sets. I know many of these sets have 4 x poses per box but there are 12 x Zulu poses over the 3 x sets and 8 x British 24th Foot poses over 2 sets. There are similar styles with the AWI and the ECW Artillery and ECW cavalry sets.

All the same I think that Airfix should lead the way for a large range in both 1/32nd and 1/72nd and some new sets would be welcome. The 7th Cavalry and Napoleonics in 1/32nd being reissued would be popular for a start I am sure

Unfortunately the Airfix of today is NOT the Airfix we knew in the 1970s. The guys who developed the Multipose figures, the 1/32nd scale kits, the styrene 54mm figures and the soft plastic figures have all since retired or moved on. Airfix has gone through some rough times and several corporate ownerships. Despite what we on this list think, 1/32nd military models are a small marginal market (although 1/32 kits remain popular in aircraft). Airfix might continue to reissue some older kits as "memorabilia" but I don't think we will see them pursue 1/32nd military with any vigor.

Speaking of Airfix, weren't they supposed to reissue the 17-pounder gun in 1/32nd in 2015? I thought I remembered a rumor about that.

Gary B.
Unfortunately the Airfix of today is NOT the Airfix we knew in the 1970s. The guys who developed the Multipose figures, the 1/32nd scale kits, the styrene 54mm figures and the soft plastic figures have all since retired or moved on. Airfix has gone through some rough times and several corporate ownerships. Despite what we on this list think, 1/32nd military models are a small marginal market (although 1/32 kits remain popular in aircraft). Airfix might continue to reissue some older kits as "memorabilia" but I don't think we will see them pursue 1/32nd military with any vigor.

Speaking of Airfix, weren't they supposed to reissue the 17-pounder gun in 1/32nd in 2015? I thought I remembered a rumor about that.

Gary B.

Yes, it's available over here.
Hi - just viewed list for 2016 - no 1/32nd figure set reissues - cannot grumble as loads of figures out there these days - not like the early 1990's when I struggled to find figures in general - pre internet etc...thankful to Plastic Warrior magazine though!

I remember painting a Kinder Egg Napoleonic soldier first in about 1990 that my nephew had and it went from there. Then I found old Airfix/Matchbox in the attic.


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