All Quite on the Jenkins Front (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Apr 27, 2005
There seems to be a good number of missing in action forum members who use to post quite often here in the JJD section. Speaking only for myself, I'm guessing that it's the lack of knowing what to expect in many of the 18th & 19th century series.

It's easy to see that there is a lot of momentum behind the WWI releases, so collectors of that period can expect some great things to come. But as a collector of many of John's other series (F&I War, 1812, Culloden & Sudan) I'm feeling a bit in the dark. It's hard to keep a collecting enthusiasm going without knowing what, or when or if ever we'll see some momentum behind these original series again. - Ken
I have heard from John and he has overcome his challenges with the Chinese factories and production is going better.
Some information that I feel can be shared:
New Ticonderoga figures will be out in the first half of 2013.
For Culloden new French and British Dragoons.
FIW a new British Regiment and new Indians.

I am sure many more additions to his ranges are coming. John is incredibly busy researching, sculpting and monitoring his factories but rest assured he listens to his customers!
Forgot to mention French Line Infantry for the Peninsular War Series.
New Ticonderoga figures will be out in the first half of 2013.
For Culloden new French and British Dragoons.
FIW a new British Regiment and new Indians.

There seems to be a good number of missing in action forum members who use to post quite often here in the JJD section.

I hope some new FIW stuff is coming...
I used to buy so much JJD every month...
but now it seems like I only buy 1-2 sets a month...
seems that all I see is mechanized vehicles and pilots...
I hope you're right...
I'm glad John is doing so well with these new series...
but I sure miss the FIW of America...
He is but one man. The fact he produces so many items each month is testament to just how hard he works. I believe the success of the Knights of the Skies series took JJ by surprise and I'm led to believe that the new Whippet Tank is going to fly, if pre-orders are anything to go by. That's probably not the news you wanted to hear.

However, using a band analogy, I'm sure JJ will at some point find time to play a few of the old tunes.
He is but one man. The fact he produces so many items each month is testament to just how hard he works. I believe the success of the Knights of the Skies series took JJ by surprise and I'm led to believe that the new Whippet Tank is going to fly, if pre-orders are anything to go by. That's probably not the news you wanted to hear.

However, using a band analogy, I'm sure JJ will at some point find time to play a few of the old tunes.

The popularity of the ''new tunes'' doesn't bother me at all. I just hope the Band remembers it was the ''old tunes'' that made them famous and is what the original fan base still wants to hear. :wink2:
The popularity of the ''new tunes'' doesn't bother me at all. I just hope the Band remembers it was the ''old tunes'' that made them famous and is what the original fan base still wants to hear. :wink2:

If you stamp your feet hard and loud enough, I'm sure they will come on for an encore. :rolleyes2:
As a new collector concentrating on British themes - Sudan and Culloden from JJD and other actions from different manufacturers, I am happy with the slower pace for these ranges as it gives me chance to catch up. Wish I'd started sooner as I really like the look of the the Woodland Indians and Viriginia Militia but they are too expensive on ebay so any new editions of these would be welcome....or if anyone has any spare.....
if the new stuff is taking off...that's great...I'm really happy for John...I really wish him success and consider him my friend...whatever direction he goes...John has done a lot of favors for me over the years...he's treated me good...

I just never got enthusiastic about these 20th Century conflicts and realized about a year ago that I hardly buy anything from him anymore...there's a Ranger here and there...a lone single CC FIW figure...a few pieces of limber occassionaly...but the FIW (in America) seems to have died off pretty much...

if the mechanized productions are his main focus and direction...then it's a business decision he has made...I understand...I know he told me years ago that he was bored and complacent about just doing Indians and Redcoats...he wanted to diversify and build on new ranges...I understand...

he also told me that with the current factories he was using...he now had the capability of doing more structures and vehicles...he wanted to utilize those options...I understand...

my collections have really diversified with the lack of JJD FIW production...I'm still buying a lot...I expanded to the Conte productions...I never realized how nice his work was til recently...I love the new Winter Games...I do collect K&C Ancient Egypt, Medieval Knights, Life of Jesus and their Barbarians...

but I do miss the FIW in America...hopefully...we might see some soon...whatever John decides...even if I am just a spectator on the sideline...I wish him the very best...he deserves it...he's a hard working guy and deserves success...
IMO the WWI Warbirds and the Spanish Civil War stuff and now the new WWI tank are things of beauty, although of course not for everyone. Figures are changing too and I am curious about the new directions he will take with new FIW figures. All figures are looking much better in my view because I never bought much into the early Neanderthal faces and newer faces are looking better and more realistic. Just my taste...

I'm a JJD collector from way back having gotten drawn back into collecting TS in a major way by his outstanding BOM and POA lines. I also fell in a big way for the Jacobite series. When John hit on his Knights of the Skies series, it was all but over for anything else, regardless of who makes it. The aircraft (and WW1 in general) are all I collect at this point. I love the early work but I now will not divert funds from the aircraft with the exception of a must have figure here or there. I have no problem with the diversity John offers as it allows me to plan my purchases without pressure. A few figures from each line every month and an aircraft every so often works great for me but I do understand the frustration of those waitng for their particular line. I waited forever for someone to finally do the WW1 aircraft. Just want to second Michael's wishes for John's continued sucess, whatever way he chooses to go, as long as he throws in a WW1 biplane now and then.:wink2: Keep up the great work, John. --Al
I don't collect Jenkins or anybody else at this time (I do like those TGM FFL though)do to the rising costs but still consider myself a collector.I enjoyed collecting John's items and hope for much success in the future for him.
IMO the WWI Warbirds and the Spanish Civil War stuff and now the new WWI tank are things of beauty, although of course not for everyone. Figures are changing too and I am curious about the new directions he will take with new FIW figures. All figures are looking much better in my view because I never bought much into the early Neanderthal faces and newer faces are looking better and more realistic. Just my taste...


The faces have improved greatly but I think they won't stray too far off so they will match up with the earlier sets.
He's coming to London in March so hopefully we can get a few scoops on what's to come for everyone.
From what I can see, apart from December, there is/has been at least one release from each of the FIW, Sudan and Jacobite series' most (but not necessarily every) month.
I can't see what more people want? Remember John is the sole sculptor. He has to expand his ranges to attract more collectors, and rightly so. I understand there is more FIW in the pipeline....British, French and Indian.... as well as Sudan, Jacobite etc.

I have to admit to a little collecting exhaustion. Once John moved away from limited sets and FI War to more diverse selections it's become more cherry picking. He has the best thing going as far as I'm concerned and it would be impossible to find a nicer guy, but with all the different lines and no limit on production it's mostly looking at the monthly releases and maybe picking one or two of the best. The WWI planes are fantastic but they take up a lot of space and at $200+ with the pilot figures don't leave a lot of room for additional purchases.
As a Sedan only JJD collector, very easy to wait a few months at the rate of releases to let them build up and than hit all at once, knowing also they will not all be sold out in the meantime. Enjoy looking at the other series and love the way John produces the accessories to each series. Always looking to see if anything suitable for my other series. Just picked up the pack horses, very useful and waiting for the next round of horses moving with pack as advised. Where is that elephant in the room got to? John never ceases to amaze. Cheers, Robin
At the moment, I am glad the pace has slowed some. Someone posted above about new British dragoons and French. Are those French dragoons? That would be great if the were.

Next year I think will be a costly year if there are going to be more Indians.

Robin, we got teased with that elephant back in May. There were a lot of boxes to move, maybe he got buried?

At the moment, I am glad the pace has slowed some. Someone posted above about new British dragoons and French. Are those French dragoons? That would be great if the were.

Next year I think will be a costly year if there are going to be more Indians.

Robin, we got teased with that elephant back in May. There were a lot of boxes to move, maybe he got buried?


No, not French Dragoons but French Jacobite infantry.
the new British Regiment could be the the 35th Regiment of Foot which was part of the Fort William Henry garrison and was active in the Quebec and Louisbourg battles.

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