American Revolution. (1 Viewer)

Nov 4, 2007
OK, I am new to Toy Soldiers. I have been doing some shopping, and a lot of looking. I'm not looking to get a battle of opinions here, but nevertheless, for the new collector of Toy Soldiers, what are the pros/cons of Britains Vs King and Country. Is it a matter of preference, is it cost, availability? As I stated, I have yet to begin buying, but if I am to slowly build a collection of ARW soldiers, are the King and Country my best bet overall? Britains? How does K&C's ARW series stack up to Britains? Have they issued as many or more pieces? Are they hard to find if retired? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm looking to build up a beautiful collection OVER TIME, and thought this is the best place to ask for advice. Does anyone have a list of all of the American Rev pieces/sets issued so far? Regards, Sean:D
Sean, Ryan & Tim,

Welcome to collecting toy soldiers. Which maker is the best is a matter of personal opinion. My personal opinion on American Revolution figures is that K&C far and away makes the best. Here is a link to Bill Sager's website, where you can get a complete list with photographs of all K&C matt American Revolation figures: AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCE AMERICANS (K&C also made four sets of glossy AWI figures (New York Regiment, Continental Marines, Royal Welch Fusiliers and one other British Regiment) back in 1993-1994.
Hello Sean welcome to collecting im sure you will enjoy. Whether or not to go with Britains or K&C is of course personal preference but personally i like the K&C AR. I worked at a toy soldier shop this summer and looked at them every day and they are very good looking also there is a wide selection since just within the Americans there are Marines, Regulars, and Militia. Though I have only seen Britains on the net from my judgment the K&C look better. What ever you choose your not making a mistake. Best of Luck.
Welcome Sean,
To me its not so much the company as it is the time period I am interested in and then, to more narrow the focus because there is a lot of history out there, which company has those figures or/and vehicles that most interest me among all the others.

I have found that some of Britains vehicles are, too me, very attractive (Panzer IV's especially), I then collected them. However, Britains seems to not be making as many vehicles as they were in the past so I must look else where - K&C, HB, and NMA for me.

Now that John Jenkins is doing the Seven Years War in America, he has become my favorite figure maker, followed by K&C Napoleonic and then K&C WWII.

My point is that its not just the maker, its not just the time period. Collecting should be enjoyable, fun, relaxing, educational, and affordable for your budget. I am fortunate in that I can afford to buy what I want and get the newest releases as they come out. In the past, I had to be more selective and make purchase decisions based on a priority of wants and desires balanced by affordability. If you think your going to collect, I would advise you not to attempt to collect everything, there is just to darn much to collect and your pockets have to be pretty deep.

I have found that my grandson is my collecting buddy. He always is interested in what's new since his last visit and the history of whatever I have bought. He really likes the stories about the George Washington figure from John Jenkins. He is in 2nd grade and is just beginning to learn about history and understand that there is a world larger than just his family and neighborhood. Great stuff for families.

Have fun and I hope to hear more about your experiences in this hobby of ours. And I really do love this stuff.:):):):)

Like Louis, I am a fan of King and Country so if I were going to collect this period I would collect King and Country. When you have many companies producing the time period, your inclination is to go with what you like best and I like K & C best.

However, it's all a matter of personal taste.
Hey there guys, welcome to a great hobby! Not only is this hobby eclectic in nature, it is an educator too. AWI or ARW is a great way to start. Very colorful uniforms and personalities. In this range, I have collected Britains, Conte and K&C. You will find that sometimes it's ok to mix and match figures of different companies. These 3 companies are very close in scale and style. You will also, find that collectors choose figures from companies for a multitude of reasons which could be sculpting style, painting style, availability, historical accuracy, investment or price. I like all three companies for metal figures but, I'm leaning towards Britains in this range based on the latest figures that they have been putting out which are excellent but, as I said, mixing and matching makes the collecting experience more interesting for me. Let us know which way you choose to go.
Welcome Sean,
To me its not so much the company as it is the time period I am interested in and then, to more narrow the focus because there is a lot of history out there, which company has those figures or/and vehicles that most interest me among all the others.

I have found that some of Britains vehicles are, too me, very attractive (Panzer IV's especially), I then collected them. However, Britains seems to not be making as many vehicles as they were in the past so I must look else where - K&C, HB, and NMA for me.

Now that John Jenkins is doing the Seven Years War in America, he has become my favorite figure maker, followed by K&C Napoleonic and then K&C WWII.

My point is that its not just the maker, its not just the time period. Collecting should be enjoyable, fun, relaxing, educational, and affordable for your budget. I am fortunate in that I can afford to buy what I want and get the newest releases as they come out. In the past, I had to be more selective and make purchase decisions based on a priority of wants and desires balanced by affordability. If you think your going to collect, I would advise you not to attempt to collect everything, there is just to darn much to collect and your pockets have to be pretty deep.

I have found that my grandson is my collecting buddy. He always is interested in what's new since his last visit and the history of whatever I have bought. He really likes the stories about the George Washington figure from John Jenkins. He is in 2nd grade and is just beginning to learn about history and understand that there is a world larger than just his family and neighborhood. Great stuff for families.

Have fun and I hope to hear more about your experiences in this hobby of ours. And I really do love this stuff.:):):):)


This is a well thought out response and one of the best I read on this subject. It should help other new collectors get started in the right direction.:)
I wish I could get my grandson interested in Toy Soldier collecting.:(
Although I don't collect the American Revolution Series(I would if I had the room and money to do it), I do collect K&C Napoleonics.....I had to make the same choice for my area of interrest a few years findings which are the same in favour of K&C....They are a little more money sometimes...but...they are the nicest overall in my opinion and you will never be sorry.................;)

I should add in all fairness that Britains makes good items as well and you choose what you like NOT what others like....K&C is just my preference.

Sean, Tim, Ryan

I think you will find many attractive American Rev. Figures from Britians, Conte and King & Country - I actually have a large collection of all three and looking at the quality and realism - KING & COUNTRY is the tops in my book.

The figures that are being offered today by K&C are some of the best looking American Rev. figures that I have seen in a long time. You can pick up others for a little lesser price - but, if you want to have the TOP of the business - my money is on K&C. IMHO.

Like I said - I have all of the major manufacturers and some mixed together in a Battle Diorama - but, K&C really has the total package for the Collectors Dollar.

Hope that helps.

I must add my two cents here as well. I like K&C and Britains and my collection includes both manufacturers. There are a lot of positives in collecting figures from both companies and for me it's hard to say which I like better. K&C has superb quality and they sell their figures as individual pieces, thereby offering you some flexibility in getting the quantity of soldiers you want. Britains sells their figures mostly in sets, usually 2-3 differently posed figures, and leans more towards incorporating their soldiers more easily into dioramas as their sets are produced as a continuing series. (At least their newer ones). I'm collecting both simultaneously and greatly enjoying it!!

What Michael (sceic2) said in an earlier post is right on target: it's the time period that should be your focus and not so much the manufacturer, so let collecting be fun and affordable. If the rev war is your primary interest then the best place to start is by visiting a local shop or attending a nearby show and see first hand what is available and what you want to collect.

If that's not possible, then go to Treefrog and buy some soldiers from each company and use them as samples to judge for yourself which you like better. I believe you can't go wrong with either manufacturer, but if you end up having a preference for one, I'm sure the good people at Treefrog will let you return the item(s) you don't want.
Thank You all so much for your guidance and advice. We received our first Britains pieced yesterday, and am awaiting a delivery of K&C. It will be a "joint venture" with my son and I. I will update on our progress. Regards, Sean:)
Sean, Tim, Ryan

I think you will find many attractive American Rev. Figures from Britians, Conte and King & Country - I actually have a large collection of all three and looking at the quality and realism - KING & COUNTRY is the tops in my book.

The figures that are being offered today by K&C are some of the best looking American Rev. figures that I have seen in a long time. You can pick up others for a little lesser price - but, if you want to have the TOP of the business - my money is on K&C. IMHO.

Like I said - I have all of the major manufacturers and some mixed together in a Battle Diorama - but, K&C really has the total package for the Collectors Dollar.

Hope that helps.


I don't collect AWI, but I have to agree with Ron's post. If I ever did take the plunge the first figures I would get would be AR053 to AR058. These figures are quite magnificent IMO.
Hello all:

Heres a good article I think anyone starting in the toy soldier collecting arena should read. Keep in mind its from August 1999.,2322,326,00.html

Take Care

Hey McKenna,
that's a brilliant article thanks for posting it. I've saved the address to my favourites folder so's I can read it again before I lay down my weary heid' it'll maybe give me sweet dreams...!!!

Vive La Belle France

Cigars and Toy Soldiers - it doesnt get any better than that !! :D ;)
Britains has a long standing history of doing AWI figures. KC has some wonderful figures in this line as well- including the obscure "Greencoats". Britains catalog is just far more robust due to their decades of AWI figure releases- this would give the collector a wider variety but at a far more challenging barrier to entry because of the amount of figures out there.

I fully support buying from different companies and getting what you like.

Wish I could get my sons into it- my oldest is ambivalent and my 2 year old just picks them up and throws them at me.

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