An early foggy morning dec 24 1944 nearby Bastogne. (2 Viewers)

Hello Harrie .... After a loooooong winter here in New England the one thing that I don't want to see is more snow.
But, in this case it was a real joy to see a wonderful diorama. ..... nice all around.

It makes my toes cold looking at all the slush and snow --- burrrrr ..{sm2}

--- Larry
Excellent dio Harrie and that road certainly looks slippery!

Very good set up mate, lots of goings on that work very well together...Sammy
Very well reminds Bastogne battle {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
many thanks Boys!!!!
For your positively words on my winter Diorama.

The second set is just as good ... no, better ... than the first. Real nice.
Is the diorama set up on a sheet of GLASS? ^&confuse --- Larry
The second set is just as good ... no, better ... than the first. Real nice.
Is the diorama set up on a sheet of GLASS? ^&confuse --- Larry

Yes you have seen well it is a glass plate.
The diorama under is my Omaha beach.

te koop sets 023.JPG


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