An early look at Expeditionary Force plans for the 18th Century (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Dec 7, 2016
I received this note from Scott Lam concerning Expeditionary Forces’ plans for 18th century figure ranges.

“There are plans for the 18th Century but the exact dates are not available as yet. Likely to be in 2020 or 2021.

We will do the mid-18th Century wars covering Jacobite Rebellion, French & Indian War and the Seven Years War.

British & French is for certain.

We may expand into Prussian, Austrian and probably one or two non-European armies: Islamic Turks & Arabs (17th & 18th Century), and Mughal Indians.”
I have ALWAYS wanted Jacobites! One of the pluses of this plan, is that you can have one range of British and they work against several interesting enemies.
Thank you. If you know Mr. Lam, please ask him to update his future release page. I've had some of those coming attractions already painted on my shelf for a few months. :wink2:
I have ALWAYS wanted Jacobites! One of the pluses of this plan, is that you can have one range of British and they work against several interesting enemies.

Do you know that Cherilea did Jacobites years ago and you can probably pick up recasts from several sellers. Replicants did some very nice Jacobites a few years ago. I got mine from Steve Weston. Maybe I am telling you things you already know.

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