Ancient Egyptian Line (1 Viewer)

Currahee Chris

Sergeant Major
Apr 24, 2007
I have always enjoyed the culture of ancient Egypt but while on vacation, I took the family to the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago- what a treasure!!! It has completely rekindled my love of things Egyptian- so naturally, I am going to have to figure out a way to get myself involved with the KC line.

Hate to say it but it looks like there was some artistic license used with the Cleopatra figure by KC- most of the reliefs and statues that are believed to be her show a rather physically average woman but her beauty lie in her ability to speak to all foreign dignitaries in their own tongues and other leadership traits that made her just such a remarkable person. To KC's credit though, Cleopatra has been "romanticized" for several centuries since her suicide.

Did anyone know that ancient Egyptians, in particular the royals and pharoahs were engaged in incestuous relationships in order to keep their blood line divine?? What has puzzled scientists is that that practice was not a constant but spiked during certain reigns- go figure?? :confused:

An interesting thing came about to me while on this trip- we should celebrate more of the "civilizations" like KC and Britains do. We get so caught up in the military aspect of our hobby that there are some truly dynamic gems out there that depict civilizations lost but not forgotten. It is really humbling to stand next to a mummy who has been preserved for several MILLENNIA!!! Or to see ancient Celtic peoples who have been pulled from the bogs of coastal Ireland or England (like I saw in Dublin back in 99). Or it is terribly fascinating to see some of the ancient boats that these people were buried in, unearthed and brought to the surface for all to see.

I have read some material on Egyptology over the years and this trip just further challenged me to get involved with getting a bigger view of the world in which I live. I invite everyone else on the forum to join me on that journey- perhaps Egyptology doesn't do it for you but maybe some of the "Street of OHK" or other wonderful sets by Britains as well, may inspire you to take another look at the peoples who came before us.

Maybe some day someone will do an ancient Mayan or Aztec line as well.

What a great hobby- get involved, laugh and learn and enjoy it!!

I agree Chris; I have been fascinated with Egypt since I was young. The Ptolemies (Cleopatra's Dynasty) are a particularly lively bunch but I also find the Amarna period really interesting. The accomplishments of these ancient civilizations are really extraordinary when you think about it.
I agree the Ancient Egypt line is very good. I have quite a few sets. One must remember that it covers a long time. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar lived about 1000 years after Ramses II. I agree that the K and c version of Cleopatra is a bit of a liberty but then again so is teh Shakespeare and the Elizabeth Taylor one.
Damian Clarke
I agree the Ancient Egypt line is very good. I have quite a few sets. One must remember that it covers a long time. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar lived about 1000 years after Ramses II. I agree that the K and c version of Cleopatra is a bit of a liberty but then again so is teh Shakespeare and the Elizabeth Taylor one.
Damian Clarke

Agreed. it appears as if I long missed the boat on the Ramses 2 war chariot, which is ok because that means I don't have to mess around with those figs. Are the "pharoah" figures portrayed in AE 01 and AE 15 suppossed to be Ramses 2? I was just curious. I interpreted them as a "generic" pharoah figure. I am kind of at odds on how to diplay the "Pharoah" figs. I am only going to buy one or the other- 01 or 15 and right now, I am leaning towards 01. From what I have read, Cleopatra did reign with a Pharoah for a while (her brother??) so it would work to include him in there as well.

I envision doing a dio focusing on Caesar and Anthony presenting the gifts in a custom made temple and then the other half of the dio doing a mockup of Qadesh. Of course, to try a Qadesh means I may have to go the St. Pete route, certainly no problem there but just shoots the cost of this dio up enormously!! :D The Ramses war chariots go for $700++ easily and I am just not looking to take that hit anytime soon.

I think KC would have been served well by doing the Egyptian lifestyle figs- which they essentially have now and then doing perhaps some Ramses 2 figs to allow collectors to try a Qadesh (or whatever). Perhaps they have done that,I don't know, from my dealer friends I know, it sounds like they aren't a big seller- all of our friends must be scared of the Mummies!!! :D:D
The problem Chris is that there are just too many sest out there. I wish I was a disciplined kind of guy and just focused on one battle or campaignn. I haven't bought any of this years AE sets. I like the Caesar one as I have just read Tom Hollands book called Rubicon about the fall of teh Republic. I will have to order it for Christmas which is comming soon.
Damian clarke
I don't know if this is the chariot you were talking about because I really know nothing about the Egyptian line but there is a AE03 Chariot Set for $149 on Also the AE01 and AE15 sets are both on there.

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