Andy's Talk at 2008 West Coaster (1 Viewer)

I can't think that it would happen, but I'd like to see a Falklands War series.
Not sure it would meet with huge success though.


That would fit the description nicely Simon. New Theme never done before. But Steven said two new themes from an era never done before. For the life of me I cannot think of anything off hand. Ancient Greeks is probably the only thing or FIW.
English Civil War?
Don't think it's been covered in matt.

Likewise, the Korean War has only been skirted around by other manufacturers.

I'll have to think on it....
Isn't that the same talk he gave last year and the year before? On the new line, I'm hoping Trojan War.
Since he said era that hasn't been done before how about Aztecs. I know that was discussed a while back. Something like that may have enough appeal. What about something not strictly military such as pirates or a series on the old west (along the lines of SOHK).


I am thinking one line will be British India - Colonial Period. Lots to do with that range. Like : Afghanistan, Indian Rebellion, Colonial Period with Elephants - things along that line of the FLASHMAN SERIES.

Second Range my best guess would be way out of the box - MONGOLS.

This range would have an appeal to the China Markets and Andy probally has seen some buying power with his SOHK range.

There is my crystal ball.

A few choices--

Greek - Pursian Wars
Geeek - Greek Wars
The Conquest of Alexander
The Punic Wars
Mongol Power
East Asian Warfare
Mogul India
African Empires
Franco-Prussian War
France's Itallian Wars
The Thirty Years War
The English Civil War
The Great Northern War
Aztecs and Incas
American Indian Wars
Manchu Conquest
The Seven Years War
War in South America
British India
The Conquest of Africa
Zulu Wars
Boer Wars
Imperial Expansion
China in Termoril
Rise of Japanese Power
Itallian Unification
Rise of German Empire
Russia and China at War
Spanish Civil War
Chinese Civil War
Israel's Wars
I am thinking one line will be British India - Colonial Period. Lots to do with that range. Like : Afghanistan, Indian Rebellion, Colonial Period with Elephants.


I agree, this would be my first choice for a new range as well.

What about the Boxer Rebellion?

Nine nations. A lot of uniforms.


I personally would like to see a British Colonial series such as Afghanistan or the Indian Wars. However, with the increasing economic power and the rise of a "middle class" in China, could one of the new series be Chinese related? It would be interesting to know if there has been an increase in K&C sales in China or toy soldiers full stop. If so what period would be covered - Boxer Rebellion - Opium Wars - 8th RTE Army - Korean War.

Just a thought,

The Jacobite Rebellion, the Thirty Years War, The Seven Years War would be my wishes. Anyone of them would be great.
Don't forget samurais guys. :) East of India hasn't come out with any new samurai sets for a couple of years, and this year doesn't look much different with their focus on Rome, leaving the market wide open, especially at 1:30 scale. There seems to have been a trend for Andy to try to bring subjects often done by the expensive Russian manufacturers like Crusades etc. down to a more affordable level, and samurai are something the Russians do plenty of. Beyond this, I'd say Korean war and Ancient Greece are likely subjects (the latter to cash in on the "300" frenzy that Conte has ridden). Would love some Boer commandos too.
The Wild West anyone!Franco Prussian War?.Indian Mutiny would be cool and speaking for myself the Boer War would be welcome.In fact any of 'Victoria's Wars' would be great.

Steve - Thanks for the report. It is nice of you to give us the latest scoop. My theory is that King and Country releases follow what they do for Del Prado. That would mean a western series with pioneers, gunslingers, red men, railroads, cattle drives from Texas and maybe some more U S Cavalry. It may be too close to King and Country's originial THE WEST line, but maybe that is too literal a translation. What about the French Foreign Legion fighting Arabs. That was a popular line for WBritains in the day, and Andy does like doing things in the Desert. My only other guess would be any other war that the brave scots were involved in. Hey if I were Andy, you would be getting Norweign Troops. That doesn't sound very exciting. What ever it is I am looking forward to what King and Country comes up with.

Thanks for the excellent reportage as usual. I look forward to peppering you with questions next week. :) I could be wrong about this but I thought Andrew Morrill was Praetorian. It's good to see that Helen has introduced long range production plans. As companies get bigger, long range planning is a must.

You're right! I am Andrew. Patrick is one of my colleagues.
I will be more than happy if a Wild West serie is produced.

I comunicated with Andy last year about my Warbirds and this is the email I sent him the 20th of November:

Hi Andy,

I hope that everything's OK for you and your family.

You did not to apologize, you did a fantastic job. The new packaging is extra. I thing that another box just felt on the winter camo one and by hitting it with its corner broked the antenna.

Thanks for the replacement of the antenna. please, make sure that I have only the part that goes on the cockpit, not inside as the hole is filled by that part of the original antenna.

The Arado is simply superb. I have absolutely not regret for my choice but wish that I could afford the Swordfish and the Me 410 too.

Do you plan to produce a Macchi 202 next year (desert camo) or redoing the Bf-110 in a desert camo. You did only one prototype and Louis wants to keep it (LOL).

I do not know what is the real popularity of the SOHK range but it is my best. Why not making a similar range (i.e. figures related to the every days life with buildings of course) in the era of the Middle-Age (inspired by the Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet) and/or the Far West (inspired by HBO's Deadwood or Tombstone)? That would be cool (at least for me -LOL again).

My very best regards and I thank you again for taking care of me so quickly.

(my emphasis).

My guess is 19th C Brits in Egypt/Sudan or Norhwest Frontier. Long overdue subjects. Maybe even the French & Indian War which seems to be taking off with collectors these days.
Anyone know if K@C still has Custer Last Stand in the works down the road? Disliked the Blackhawk series think K@C would do much better do you think they would be in 1/32 scale?
Whatever he comes up with I am sure it will be great and interesting. My only problem is I have a hard enough time keeping up with the Ranges I already collect. :eek:;):D

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