Another box question... (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Nov 21, 2009
So I know not all of you are into boxes...though I do care about mine. I'm collecting for both display and future resale. So far about all of the stuff that I have aquired through retailers have been wrapped with great care and have arrived in near mint condition. Alot even go to the extent of wrapping thin bubble around the box to protect the box itself from damage...I received my LAH97 21 piece marching band today and the box it was shipped in (not the box the item comes in) was in perfect as you could get condition. Though the box the LAH set came in looked as if someone dropped it off the shelf and it took a good corner shot. The box also has some small ragged edging taking place on both sides. The items are not damaged. The lid appears to have been opened more than a few times. I also noticed this item is no longer listed on their website, which means maybe they don't have another one? So anyways the thing cost $599 and I would think this additional above normal sale would render me a mint box. So I'm wondering is this something I should have them replace or should I just live with it? I know it sounds anal...though at minimal because of it's higher price it seems it should come in an undamaged box? Please inform me if I need to remain silent or speak up.

Additional tidbit...I know some of you are going to say...SEE! Thats what you get for collecting this crap!
So I know not all of you are into boxes...though I do care about mine. I'm collecting for both display and future resale. So far about all of the stuff that I have aquired through retailers have been wrapped with great care and have arrived in near mint condition. Alot even go to the extent of wrapping thin bubble around the box to protect the box itself from damage...I received my LAH97 21 piece marching band today and the box it was shipped in (not the box the item comes in) was in perfect as you could get condition. Though the box the LAH set came in looked as if someone dropped it off the shelf and it took a good corner shot. The items are not damaged. The box also has some small ragged edging taking place on both sides. The lid appears to have been opened more than a time or two. I also noticed this item is no longer listed on their website, which means maybe they don't have another one? So anyways the thing cost $599 and I would think this additional above normal sale would render me a mint box. So I'm wondering is this something I should have them replace or should I just live with it? I know it sounds anal...though at minimal because of it's higher price it seems it should come in an undamaged box? Please inform me if I need to remain silent or speak up.

Additional tidbit...I know some of you are going to say...SEE! Thats what you get for collecting this crap!
This is JMO, but the condition of the box obviously is important to you. If you do not speak up, it will gnaw at you and take some of the joy out of the set for you. You gain nothing but possible regret by remaining silent. For $600, make some noise. Good luck. -- lancer
IMO .. as a collector, you are fairly entitled to expect a mint box. I know I do and when in a shop, i actually ask to be allowed to choose from several boxes.

This is a very good post and I have had this happen to me numerous times. I feel you should mention this to whoever you bought it from, and ask if you can have a 10% discount for a damaged box??
I agree. It doesn't cost anything to ask and try to negotiate either a discount or exchange the box. What makes the value of a collector item is the whole package including the genuine box.
So I know not all of you are into boxes...though I do care about mine. I'm collecting for both display and future resale. So far about all of the stuff that I have aquired through retailers have been wrapped with great care and have arrived in near mint condition. Alot even go to the extent of wrapping thin bubble around the box to protect the box itself from damage...I received my LAH97 21 piece marching band today and the box it was shipped in (not the box the item comes in) was in perfect as you could get condition. Though the box the LAH set came in looked as if someone dropped it off the shelf and it took a good corner shot. The box also has some small ragged edging taking place on both sides. The items are not damaged. The lid appears to have been opened more than a few times. I also noticed this item is no longer listed on their website, which means maybe they don't have another one? So anyways the thing cost $599 and I would think this additional above normal sale would render me a mint box. So I'm wondering is this something I should have them replace or should I just live with it? I know it sounds anal...though at minimal because of it's higher price it seems it should come in an undamaged box? Please inform me if I need to remain silent or speak up.

Additional tidbit...I know some of you are going to say...SEE! Thats what you get for collecting this crap!

I am not too picky about the boxes as long as they are not dented or torn but yours seems to have suffered more than general shipping/shelf wear. How about posting a picture so we can better see what you are talking about?

Tally Ho,
I am not too picky about the boxes as long as they are not dented or torn but yours seems to have suffered more than general shipping/shelf wear. How about posting a picture so we can better see what you are talking about?

Tally Ho,
Here is the pics...


  • box damage 003.JPG
    box damage 003.JPG
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  • box damage 005.JPG
    box damage 005.JPG
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  • box damage 001.JPG
    box damage 001.JPG
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  • box damage 002.JPG
    box damage 002.JPG
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An excellent topic and well worth sharing. K&C, like many manufactorers produce figures for collectors (mostly), and I would hope that their retailors and distributors know this and provide their patrons with mint boxes, as well as figures. Every collector knows how much the box affects the value and re-sale of the collector piece. Frankly, I would let the seller know that the condition is not acceptable. You may be satisfied with a discount, but the value of the "package" depreciated before you received it. I would request and expect a replacement.

Thanks for sharing.
So I know not all of you are into boxes...though I do care about mine. I'm collecting for both display and future resale. So far about all of the stuff that I have aquired through retailers have been wrapped with great care and have arrived in near mint condition. Alot even go to the extent of wrapping thin bubble around the box to protect the box itself from damage...I received my LAH97 21 piece marching band today and the box it was shipped in (not the box the item comes in) was in perfect as you could get condition. Though the box the LAH set came in looked as if someone dropped it off the shelf and it took a good corner shot. The box also has some small ragged edging taking place on both sides. The items are not damaged. The lid appears to have been opened more than a few times. I also noticed this item is no longer listed on their website, which means maybe they don't have another one? So anyways the thing cost $599 and I would think this additional above normal sale would render me a mint box. So I'm wondering is this something I should have them replace or should I just live with it? I know it sounds anal...though at minimal because of it's higher price it seems it should come in an undamaged box? Please inform me if I need to remain silent or speak up.

Additional tidbit...I know some of you are going to say...SEE! Thats what you get for collecting this crap!

does not sound anal at all for the huge amount of money people pay for K@c ,you would expect nothing less than a perfect box.Because one day as stated it will probably be sold on .In my case i have 20 odd K@c sets on display and boxes put away in a safe place.for future resale by my sons i expect.
I know that this is after the fact, but when I am ordering an item, I make it a point to the seller that I will only accept the item in a reasonably mint box. I consider these to be Collector items and not just toys considering the prices! In many cases the boxes are just as important as the items themselves for a possibility of resale down the road. If the box is not mint, the seller in most cases will negotiate a discount because of the condition of the box, if you are still willing to purchase it. Negotiation after the item is shipped gets tricky since the cost of shipping becomes a factor. Hope things work out for you...
That definitely surpasses normal shelf/shipping wear. As our Forum Brothers have suggested, make the call and take care of it rather than have it continue to bother you so that you may enjoy the set!

On one of the e-bay threads on this Forum there was a discussion of using someone else's photo to list an item or just a K&C stock photo. I can remember when most K&C listings had actual photos of the object and the box and these photos were part of the listing. I personally don't think the box is too bad, but that is just my opinion. At $600 I would have expected a mint box but if it wasn't specified in the listing and you didn't ask, I don't know how much you can do.
However, the vendor should have mentioned the condition of the box and posted a photo, especially for a parade set item.

I would certainly let the vendor know and see if you can work something out because it certainly sounds if you won't be happy with the box, even if he offers a discount.

You've come a long way from selling items without the boxes to wanting mint boxes in a very short time :)

On one of the e-bay threads on this Forum there was a discussion of using someone else's photo to list an item or just a K&C stock photo. I can remember when most K&C listings had actual photos of the object and the box and these photos were part of the listing. I personally don't think the box is too bad, but that is just my opinion. At $600 I would have expected a mint box but if it wasn't specified in the listing and you didn't ask, I don't know how much you can do.
However, the vendor should have mentioned the condition of the box and posted a photo, especially for a parade set item.

I would certainly let the vendor know and see if you can work something out because it certainly sounds if you won't be happy with the box, even if he offers a discount.

You've come a long way from selling items without the boxes to wanting mint boxes in a very short time :)

Hi Terry...It was purchased from a well known retailer with a retail website and of course all items are suppose to be new...they do not advertise used items.
On one of the e-bay threads on this Forum there was a discussion of using someone else's photo to list an item or just a K&C stock photo. I can remember when most K&C listings had actual photos of the object and the box and these photos were part of the listing. I personally don't think the box is too bad, but that is just my opinion. At $600 I would have expected a mint box but if it wasn't specified in the listing and you didn't ask, I don't know how much you can do.
However, the vendor should have mentioned the condition of the box and posted a photo, especially for a parade set item.

I would certainly let the vendor know and see if you can work something out because it certainly sounds if you won't be happy with the box, even if he offers a discount.

You've come a long way from selling items without the boxes to wanting mint boxes in a very short time :)

Terry....I got ahead of myself and just read the last part of your response...When I listed that large group of K&C for sale I had no intention of collecting...matter of fact when I bought it I thought it looked really cool but never saw the love in it I see now. I think what sparked my interest mostly was the amazement of interest through emails and bidding. After the sale/s I decided to re-invest a little into the same product. I was rebuying some stuff I already had but made certain it was I had come to relise the importance and ease of shipping vs. no boxes. I figured if people were paying what they paid for items with no boxes then it would make an even easier sale someday for me with boxes. Well as the stuff started arriving and I started inspecting "the magic happened"...the rest is as you know all history!

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