Any gave me permission to write a book cataloging King & Country production (1 Viewer)

Louis Badolato

Lieutenant General
Apr 25, 2005
During my conversation with Andy this weekend, I raised the subject of a K&C book, and the polite pressure I have been getting to write one. Andy gave me permission to write a book cataloging K&C production from 1984 through the present, for which he will write the introduction. I will be jointly authoring the book with Larry Lo and Hans Hedrich, and our combined collections will be used to provide photographs of approximately 98% of K&C production except for planes, and about 45% of the warbirds. We will also, with Andy's permission, be reproducing many of the old flyers, price lists and catalogs for everyone's reference. Andy will himself be writing the book on the history of K&C, with all the behind the scenes details, our book will be a collectors guide to the products. I will begin writing the book over the summer. Bruce Whitman has kindly offered to try to get the publisher of his wonderful book on the living Medal of Honor recipiants to consider publishin our book. I will update you further as the project progresses.
Louis thank you for your efforts on keeping us informed about K&C products and ideas. I would really look forward for a book on this subject. Sounds interesting with all the new ideas. Leadmen (John).
I second the graditude Louis. I think we all benefit from your love of K&C. I have depended greatly on Bill Sager's website for reference to old sets and have worried if for some reason one day it was gone. Having this book will be great. We should all celebrate once its published. How about a free copy to all board members :D ...kidding, just kidding, anyway thanks and keep us posted on the project's progress.
Your book sounds fascinating. With all the new stuff in the pipeline and mentioned in your other recent post you had better make it a "loose leaf" book so we can keep it current (that's actually a joke - don't take me too seriously)

That sounds great!! I'll buy both books. Hopefully it will be in color with plenty of illustrations for reference.
This is my present plan for the format of the book: I will write chapters on each series produced, with details of each set in chronological order, including a description, set number, original price, approximate current price and color photograph. In the center of the book, I hope to reproduce in color every flyer I can in chronological order. In an appendix at the back of the book, I hope to reproduce all the old price lists. The introduction will be written by Andy. What do you think? Any additional suggestions?
Sounds fanatastic,just what we have been waiting for.It would be great to have an in depth ref work.Good luck with it and thanks for all the info.
I Cant Think Of A More Qualifed Individual To Undertake This Challenge . You Probably Have More In Your Private Colllection To Document And Take Pictures Than Andy & K&c Put Together
Good Luck
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This is a huge undertaking and you need to be commended for it greatly. I think you will be up to you ears in work. It's well worth the trouble and I think everyone will enjoy reading the book.

Louis my only request is that when you show the figures in the book use your dioramas! I've heard Andy time and time again at the Chicago show rave on how much better the product looks and sells when dioramas are used but the pictures used in recent marketing efforts by K&C on the web and in brochures uses NO dioramas! Now being a diorama guy myself maybe I am a little biased, but jeeze...a little creative marketing behind our hobby and wow...thats how we draw the younger crowds to King and Country!

If you use the pictures from the K&C website where they just look like they are sitting on a table I think you would not be doing your book any justice. Plus the fact that I know you have access to a lot of the original diorama pieces Andy has produced...PLUS you have access to several friends...wink wink nod nod ;) ...that I bet would be more than happy to help with creative displays for the book. The early brochures with the Normandy Village etc were so much better..hey thats what got me hooked!

P.S. Andy I'd be more than happy to help you out if you no longer have the time to build the dio's for marketing purposes...I'd be honored! Alex can assist! :D
To echo Doug's comment, I can't think of a person but Louis who should be writing this book. It sounds like an enormous undertaking but also a labor of love and I would be delighted to offer my services in any way possible.
Louis Badolato said:
This is my present plan for the format of the book: I will write chapters on each series produced, with details of each set in chronological order, including a description, set number, original price, approximate current price and color photograph. In the center of the book, I hope to reproduce in color every flyer I can in chronological order. In an appendix at the back of the book, I hope to reproduce all the old price lists. The introduction will be written by Andy. What do you think? Any additional suggestions?


A couple of suggestions. I would include, if possible, if Andy would release them, the original productions numbers. Also, with respect to current prices, since ebay is an approximate guide lately, I have been keeping track of ebay auction prices for the last several months and will email you a copy if you wish. The only limitation is that it's World War II only, which are most of the auctions anyway.
Dear Brad,

I like both of your suggestions, and will act on both. I will check on production numbers, and Brad, let me have your list of recent ebay prices.


I need to update it for the last couple of weeks and as soon as I do that I will send it to you.

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