Any Napoleonic new release news?. (9 Viewers)


May 2, 2009
Hi Patriot.

Any news on any new Napoleonic releases yet?.;)

I'm asking because i cant wait to add more fantastic figures to my collection!.:eek:

Best wishes form one massive fan!!.:D

We'll let you know when the new ones are ready.
Thanks for your patience.
Hope about some new french... which I like most of Patriot's Napos.

Hi Hans

Which Regiment would you like to see Patriot make in the future Hans ?
I would love to see some Polish line troops from Napoleons Grande Armée .

Very best wishes Mark.
Hi Hans

Which Regiment would you like to see Patriot make in the future Hans ?
I would love to see some Polish line troops from Napoleons Grande Armée .

Very best wishes Mark.

Good idea! Yes! - But FL (I also buy tropps from them) will do polish infantry next year. - So: SAXONS!:eek: Leibgrendierregiment (King's body guard regiment)!
Good idea! Yes! - But FL (I also buy tropps from them) will do polish infantry next year. - So: SAXONS!:eek: Leibgrendierregiment (King's body guard regiment)!

Hi Hans

Cheers for the inside information about FL new releases next year , i also collect FL. :D The Saxons will be very nice to see,:D:D when they come out in the near future.

Very best wishes Mark.
A really HIT would be prussian troops of period Frederic the Great! Patriots 7cm size and this in german toy soldier scene very popular theme would be the best combination I can think about. I know that the US market is very important for a manufacturer, but I think, a small company can bring on a bigger surprise than the "toy Soldier Establishement"...
Many on the forum suggested that Patriot reduce their size slightly to 60mm.
They could greatly increase their market by being more compatible with K&C, Collector's Showcase, Del Prado and even W. Britains.
They are very well made figures but cannot be intergrated with the other makers in a display or diorama.
I have bought several figures for representation in my collection but will no longer buy unless the size changes.
In either case I wish them the best and hope they have enough collectors to prosper.
Many on the forum suggested that Patriot reduce their size slightly to 60mm.
They could greatly increase their market by being more compatible with K&C, Collector's Showcase, Del Prado and even W. Britains.
They are very well made figures but cannot be intergrated with the other makers in a display or diorama.
I have bought several figures for representation in my collection but will no longer buy unless the size changes.
In either case I wish them the best and hope they have enough collectors to prosper.

I understand! - But: in the last years are enough (that's serious the correct word) producers focused on Napo Wars with very good (and also brilliant) figs: K&C, FL, new Britains figs (to name what I buy). - I fear not a lot of people "needs" (sorry) another 6mm (or 58 or so) producer of french line infantry and british foot guards... - It was Patriot's early decision to produce in this bigger size, and I think (and I fear) they have to win or loss with this strategy and size... and for my person (as I am a german and growing up with 7cm Elastolin) I like Patriot's giants!
Many on the forum suggested that Patriot reduce their size slightly to 60mm.
They could greatly increase their market by being more compatible with K&C, Collector's Showcase, Del Prado and even W. Britains.
They are very well made figures but cannot be intergrated with the other makers in a display or diorama.
I have bought several figures for representation in my collection but will no longer buy unless the size changes.
In either case I wish them the best and hope they have enough collectors to prosper.
Well said mate.
Many on the forum suggested that Patriot reduce their size slightly to 60mm.
They could greatly increase their market by being more compatible with K&C, Collector's Showcase, Del Prado and even W. Britains.
They are very well made figures but cannot be integrated with the other makers in a display or diorama.
I have bought several figures for representation in my collection but will no longer buy unless the size changes.
In either case I wish them the best and hope they have enough collectors to prosper.

I second that. I only bought the Old Guard Grenadier set. These guys had to be tall to qualify by Napoleonic requirements (I think 5'10'') hence don't look awkward size wise with my shorter K&C figures (I don't have K&C Old Guard Grenadiers) . I would definitely buy other Patriot Nap productions if shorter...;)
I have Patriot's early Old & the Young Guards. I haven't bought any since. Patriot Napoleonics are certainly very well made and I like the animation .. but the bulk of my collection are K&C and K&C compatible.


I have Patriot's early Old & the Young Guards. I haven't bought any since. Patriot Napoleonics are certainly very well made and I like the animation .. but the bulk of my collection are K&C and K&C compatible.



My collection too - and this is no problem... ! (boys, I try to defend the german 7cm scale:rolleyes:
My collection too - and this is no problem... ! (boys, I try to defend the german 7cm scale:rolleyes:
Well I am pleased you like that size my friend since they really are MUCH too large to fit in with any thing else.;):D
I saw this supper large size as a kiss of death to the figures. They looked so great and promissing to me when they first came out till I had my first figures in hand.:( I was more upset that they looked because they were nice figures but the size just killed them for me, they were monsters that towered over all my other figures and were just to large to do anything with any of my other figures. If they didn,t look good I wouldn,t even care but they did look good and I suggested that he reduce the size of the figures while the line was still just starting out but I think he already had otherfigures in the works at this huge size.:( Too bad, if he had reduced these figures in size to be compatable in size with britains and K&C with a size between both figures as I had suggested to him early on I think he would have sold A LOT! more of these figures. I,m sure he did well with the first batch because they looked well but I,m sure sales fell off when guys got these figures in hand and saw how large they were.
Oh well I,ll bet he regrets not listing to the early suggestions to reduce the figure size now, He could have sold A lot more figures. I know I,m not the only one who never bought more of these due to there size.
..... I know I,m not the only one who never bought more of these due to there size.
No you are not alone Tim. I saw them at a show so I never bought the first one because of the size. Otherwise I would have bought many of them.:(
I think when you have a period where there are large mass formations the size should actually be smaller due to space constraits.1/32 or even 1/35 would be great sizes.The smaller wargame figures are in my opinion too out of proportion (especially their heads) and harder to appreciate the finer aspects of their uniforms.1/32 or 1/35 would be great sizes.I collect Jenkins Snowshoes range and I'm having trouble fitting them in the space I have.For me personally 1/35would be great.I think FL is smart keeping their figures smaller, at least their WWII range,I don't know about the size of their Napoleon range.
7CM is pretty healthy in size...:eek:

left to right...

Wm Brit.

I'm 6'4"s of my best friends is 5'7"s tall...we look okay standing next to each reality...people are different sizes...



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