Any word on the Storch? (1 Viewer)


Jun 23, 2005
Several weeks ago people were talking about a Storch to be produced at a more affordable price than the recently issued Warbirds. Does anyone know anything about it? The desert diorama presented in Chicago shows a beautiful model of a Storch along with what seems to be an Italian Macchi Folgore. Were these models produced just for the diorama, or are there any plans to issue them. I cannot afford to collect the Wardbirds, but if I the Storch comes out even at a limited edition price, I would love to have it (even if I have to sell my spare Greif and some other old set).



The same diorama also shows six guys riding the Opel Blitz
The planes for the desert dio were not wooden warbirds but plastic models purchased for the dio. Last I heard from Andy on the Storch was that he was still looking for a factory. I'll probably speak to him in a couple of weeks so I will try to ask him.
It's possible but I don't know if he wants to go down that route as the two polystone planes didn't do very well at the time. But that was then and this is now.
It's possible but I don't know if he wants to go down that route as the two polystone planes didn't do very well at the time. But that was then and this is now.
They also had higher shipping costs at the time, but that's not a big deal now with must dealers offering free or flat rate shipping. I will be in Hong Kong next week, and will try to find some time to visit Andy and ask him.:)
Also another reason, apparently, is that there was nothing to go with them, like ground crew. I also alluded to the fact that the polystones didn't do well when people were (probably) not interested in planes. Now, the atmosphere is different and I think people would be interested in a cheaper alternative. Say what you want about the Rammjager but it does remarkably well in the sales department.
Hi Brad:

Do you know who makes the plastic models on the display, what's their scale, are they kits or do they come assembled, and are they available to the general public? I bought a Storch plastic kit (Hasegawa) on 1:32 scale, but I have not had the time to put it together (plus I have never been a very good modeler).

Also another reason, apparently, is that there was nothing to go with them, like ground crew. I also alluded to the fact that the polystones didn't do well when people were (probably) not interested in planes. Now, the atmosphere is different and I think people would be interested in a cheaper alternative. Say what you want about the Rammjager but it does remarkably well in the sales department.

Even though I an aviation aficionado & parts collector / rivet counter, I purchased the Rammjager purely on artistic merit alone. Historic accuracy did not factor in my decision even though I sort through stacks of research material as does Mr. Binder in the armor sector. In short, Brad is spot on and I really like that particular release and look very forward to more aviation related releases.

All The Best,
Hi Brad:

Do you know who makes the plastic models on the display, what's their scale, are they kits or do they come assembled, and are they available to the general public? I bought a Storch plastic kit (Hasegawa) on 1:32 scale, but I have not had the time to put it together (plus I have never been a very good modeler).


The Macci fighters were 21st Century purchased from our good friend George Guerrero (Warrior) (I think they cost $25 each). They are too small (a small 1:32 or a big 1:35 I think) but looked good on the diorama anyway. I removed them, gave them to my son to play with, and replaced them with a K&C wood desert ME109 (1990), a K&C desert Stuka (1993) and a K&C desert ME110 (2007).

The Storch was a tin prototype. When I bought the secret desert airfield diorama Andy said he was going to make the prototype Storch available to me, but no news on that front to date. If he does let me buy it, I will add it to the diorama as well. Andy is still looking for a factory that can produce the Storch in wood and metal with clear windows and cockpit details at an affordable price.
Would love to see the diorama with the new/old aircraft?

If you go to the Workshop section of the K & C site, I think they have a photo.
I was able to speak with Andy on the telephone in Hong Kong before he left for a trip. K&C is still searching for a company that can produce airplanes at a lower cost with the level of quality that collectors expect from K&C. They have gotten samples from more than 5 different factories, made from different materials like wood and metal. The latest samples were very fragile. As a result, K&C is still looking.:)
I was able to speak with Andy on the telephone in Hong Kong before he left for a trip. K&C is still searching for a company that can produce airplanes at a lower cost with the level of quality that collectors expect from K&C. They have gotten samples from more than 5 different factories, made from different materials like wood and metal. The latest samples were very fragile. As a result, K&C is still looking.:)

Do you know if planes to make any other planes in a cheaper version like he is with the storch. If so do you know if its just the storch that is flimsy or all of the cheaper planes he is trying to produce.
I think the factory samples he has received so far are flimsy - that's why Andy won't put this more affordable warbird into production. He is waiting for a factory that can produce a less expensive warbird up to K&C's standards.
This, unfortunately, sounds like the news we've heard in the past. I wonder if at some point he'll think about a polystone one.
We need a version of Alex Prieto that mold tanks

Alex Prieto____Needed Person

I hope yall get what i mean
Do you know if planes to make any other planes in a cheaper version like he is with the storch. If so do you know if its just the storch that is flimsy or all of the cheaper planes he is trying to produce.
All the samples from one potential factory were flimsy. I posted pictures last year of samples from another factory that was welded metal with screws as bombs. The search continues ... :)

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