Anyone do me a lil favour? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Hey lads and lasses was wondering of there was anyone in the K&C collectors club who would possibly be able to order one of the MG wellbike figures and i'll give them the money for it pkus pistage to them and to me?

Would really be helping a brother out!

Thanks lad!

Hey lads and lasses was wondering of there was anyone in the K&C collectors club who would possibly be able to order one of the MG wellbike figures and i'll give them the money for it pkus pistage to them and to me?

Would really be helping a brother out!

Thanks lad!


May be easier for you to Join the club yourself ?

Thanks for the link Wayne. It looks good. To give everyone a heads up. I clicked it and the priced show 465. But when I clicked on the details it showed 59. So don't panic. I don't think the price is 465. But is 59. :)
Arnhem44mad, not about this thread, just a curiosity..... Why do you like so much an operation (Market Garden) that was a so huge failure for the allies? Many like this and even is a TS line about the biggest allies tactical defeat at the end of WW2....{sm2}
Lots of reasons but one of the main ones is memory mate. The memory of the men who fought and died for the bridges. The men, women and children who died during the fighting, the houses and buildings which were destroyed.

If we remembered only the victories in war then there would be millions of lives lost that would not be spoken of. There would be hife holes in the worlds history and we might not appreciate just how lucky most of us are today. Arnhem was one of the boldest moves in history and after a few days the men knew that XXX Corps would not be coming, yet they fought on till the death or until captured or were able to be withdrawn across the river. This attitude to do the job cannot be forgotten.and therefore I think it is brilliant that Andy produces the figures in the Market Garden range as I was nor aware of the battle untill 10 years ago when I was 11 years old and first found pictures of King and Country's Arnhem' 44 range on Bill Sagers website. Through researching 'Arnhem 44 I found out all about Operation Market Garden and from then on I waa hooked.

I hope this answers your question mate.

For me I was hooked when I saw 'A bridge to far'. Really like the Para's camo jackets. Monty was happy with the outcome, although it failed the ultimate goal of crossing the Rhine. No doubt it drew valuable resources that the Germans could ill afford at this time of the war and would have helped drain them. It was a fairly structured battle, which makes it easy to follow too, from XXX corp, 101 Screaming Eagles and 82nd in their efforts to support the British Airborne. A courageous effort to the end for the Para's at the Arnhem bridge, waiting for help that never came. Makes for one interesting story from start to finish. Robin.
Recently for me the planning of the operation has been a large interest, for example the 101st were originally meant to be the ones who landed in Arnhem but it was changed last minute so that it.could be seen as a final British victory!

We sometimes remember the valiant losses more than the victories. It reminds me of the phrase " it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all."

This range was one that was significant for K & C's development so for me it has appeal, not just for WW II, but for those reasons as well.

Plus, who doesn't like Paras?
Arnhem44mad, not about this thread, just a curiosity..... Why do you like so much an operation (Market Garden) that was a so huge failure for the allies? Many like this and even is a TS line about the biggest allies tactical defeat at the end of WW2....{sm2}

Hey Poppo,
I suppose that the same question could be asked of the Texans that collect the Alamo series; or us New Englanders who collects AWI range and shows Bunker Hill and Lexington and Concord , or maybe of the Australians guys who love building a Gallipoli diorama; or possibly western collectors who like Custer and the Little Big Horn. I could give many more examples but it seems that all the below responses are just some of the reasons.

I doubt that there will ever be a definitive answer to that "deep" question, but a good question non the less.

--- LaRRy
All excellent answers to the question why does Scott like Arnhem so much. I myself have a great interest in WW1's Battle of the Somme , which of course started with the single worst day in the history of the British army. At the same time i have an equally great interest in the Battle of Britain , one of the greatest moments in these Islands history and the first real arse kicking for Adolf 's forces.
As Scott said , its all about memory and interest .

Scott , Im guessing you're really liking that new Ambushed car set , me too mate!:salute::

All excellent answers to the question why does Scott like Arnhem so much. I myself have a great interest in WW1's Battle of the Somme , which of course started with the single worst day in the history of the British army. At the same time i have an equally great interest in the Battle of Britain , one of the greatest moments in these Islands history and the first real arse kicking for Adolf 's forces.
As Scott said , its all about memory and interest .

Scott , Im guessing you're really liking that new Ambushed car set , me too mate!:salute::


Love it mate! Real props to Andy for making that! Rearranged a whole section of my Arnhem diorama just for that piece!

You can add me to the list of people who enjoy studying about Arnhem. I enjoy reading the first person accounts (written participants) and really enjoy the 2 volume set of After the Battle. The one book I want to pick up and haven't yet. Is Echoes from Arnhem.

I personally like Arnhem because of the desperation and brave defense by the paratroopers and reading about decisions made or not made (like ATB points out the photos showing Armor at Arnhem have never been discovered). As well as the other troopers involved. XXX Corp (big fan of Horrocks)

Put another way. I enjoy studying and visiting Chancellorsville. Although a Union defeat. I enjoy reading about the personal bravery as well as the command decisions made or not made.

Anyway, I enjoy studying and learning about Arnhem.
Lots of reasons but one of the main ones is memory mate. The memory of the men who fought and died for the bridges. The men, women and children who died during the fighting, the houses and buildings which were destroyed.

If we remembered only the victories in war then there would be millions of lives lost that would not be spoken of. There would be hife holes in the worlds history and we might not appreciate just how lucky most of us are today. Arnhem was one of the boldest moves in history and after a few days the men knew that XXX Corps would not be coming, yet they fought on till the death or until captured or were able to be withdrawn across the river. This attitude to do the job cannot be forgotten.and therefore I think it is brilliant that Andy produces the figures in the Market Garden range as I was nor aware of the battle untill 10 years ago when I was 11 years old and first found pictures of King and Country's Arnhem' 44 range on Bill Sagers website. Through researching 'Arnhem 44 I found out all about Operation Market Garden and from then on I waa hooked.

I hope this answers your question mate.


Scott, Did not know you were such a young Cobber....Mate !

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