Anyone know of a good customizer of King and Country models? (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Are there any forum members who live in the UK, an are good at customizing king and country vehicles?:)

Would like to give a tank a burned out look!:)
Try Mitch he does some really good stuff and is very reasonable. He has done some stuff for me and, did an article in a toy soldier nmag
I do not live in the UK but I can help you with your problem
I have been making, transforming and painting WWII vehicles and soldiers for the last 40 years
A burnt out vehicle is not a black object but it has a black-brown, rusty appearence.
The best effect you will obtain by mixing Revell pain matt orange (85) with Revell matt wine red(37) together with some oil paint nl: some burnt umber and Van Dyke brown. Using different quantities of the paints mentioned above on different surfaces of your tank or vehicle will give you the correct appearence of a burnt out vehicle
good luck
I also need someone to give an 8th army tractor and limber set: EA05 an olive green camoflage finish!:)

Got a sherman firefly!:D:eek:I think a burned out sherman would just be a waste!:)

If I can help contact me by PM. I do quite a bit of this type of work and enjoy doing it for collectors etc.

If you are going for the burned out look use Vallejo or MIG products as you can get the effect you want without the need to make it permanent. Paint is harder to achieve and, takes a lot longer.


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