Are ste, limited & steadfast toy soldiers still in business?? (1 Viewer)

Iron Brigade

Command Sergeant Major
Jul 27, 2007
Does anyone know if either "STE, Limited" made in the USA or "Steadfast Toy Soldiers" made in England are still in business??
"Iron Brigade"
Steadfast are, here in Nottingham:


Dear Simon:

Thank you for the information. I figured that "Steadfast Toy Soldiers", the brand name for toy soldiers sold by Borbur Enterprises since 1979, was perhaps still in business, but I was not sure. I think "STE, Limited" in the USA is probably out of business, but again I am not sure.

"Iron Brigade"
Dear Simon:

Thank you for the information. I figured that "Steadfast Toy Soldiers", the brand name for toy soldiers sold by Borbur Enterprises since 1979, was perhaps still in business, but I was not sure. I think "STE, Limited" in the USA is probably out of business, but again I am not sure.

"Iron Brigade"

I'm afraid I can't help with the history, but RP World have all (I think!) of th mlds, plus a load of others and cast to order as well as selling the finished products. Been the a good few years.

The late Max Schulmann of Buena Park, California was, I believe, the master distributor for both Kingcast and STE Ltd, at one time. STE sets were mainly bands. Max, who was one of the three co-founders of the West Coaster with Bob Fisher and Scot Morlan, passed away some time ago and I am not aware if anyone picked up STE or not. I haven't seen them for years, so I suspect not.
The late Max Schulmann of Buena Park, California was, I believe, the master distributor for both Kingcast and STE Ltd, at one time. STE sets were mainly bands. Max, who was one of the three co-founders of the West Coaster with Bob Fisher and Scot Morlan, passed away some time ago and I am not aware if anyone picked up STE or not. I haven't seen them for years, so I suspect not.

Dear "UCLA1967":

Thank you for your information. I am posting photos of the STE, Limited set "STB-008" entitled "The Holiday Season" from their "The Streets of England Series". The copy write dates on the #4 figures made by Borbur Industries which made "Steadfast Toy Soldiers are 1990, thus, I assume the STE, Ltd. set is also from 1990 or not far after. I am about to try to see this Christmas time set soon.

"Iron Brigade"
STE, LTD Set# STB-008 The Holiday Season001Forum1.jpg

STE, LTD Set# STB-008 The Holiday Season 008Forum2.jpg
Bob Prati (RP World Models) took over Steadfast when Jim Borrowman (Borbur Enterprises) retired a few years ago.

Bob Prati (RP World Models) took over Steadfast when Jim Borrowman (Borbur Enterprises) retired a few years ago.


Dear Martin:

Thank you for your information on the old "Steadfast" line. By the way, I still have your "Surgeon Reynolds" set in my Rorke's Drift Battle diorama displayed on the veranda of the model store house made by Imperial productions of New Zealand. I posted photos of this diorama a year ago under the TROPHY section of The Forum. I recall that after I had a article and many photos of my Rorke's Drift diorama published in Toy Soldier & Model Figure (TS&MF) magazine for November 2003 I got an inquiry about your set via the editor of TS&MF from a collector from Dundee, Scotland!

"Iron Brigade"
If you are even in Nottingham, drop into RP World Models and see whats on offer.

On my last couple of trips in UK, I was staying with relitives closeby and went to meet up with Bob and his workers in their factory. I was AMAZED by the vast shelves of old Britains figures, and castings available for sale, and last year they were flat out making and painting figures for Tradition of London.

I always come out of there with a dozen or so castings, one time Mulberry NAP RHA gunners and Britains Gun, and last year a set of castings of Britains French Repubican Guards (Mounted and foot)


Hopefully I'll make another visit in 2012 :)

If you are even in Nottingham, drop into RP World Models and see whats on offer.

On my last couple of trips in UK, I was staying with relitives closeby and went to meet up with Bob and his workers in their factory. I was AMAZED by the vast shelves of old Britains figures, and castings available for sale, and last year they were flat out making and painting figures for Tradition of London.

I always come out of there with a dozen or so castings, one time Mulberry NAP RHA gunners and Britains Gun, and last year a set of castings of Britains French Repubican Guards (Mounted and foot)


Hopefully I'll make another visit in 2012 :)


Give me a shout if you do John.
It's a right Aladin's Cave of castings and molds isn't it?

Dear Martin:

Thank you for your information on the old "Steadfast" line. By the way, I still have your "Surgeon Reynolds" set in my Rorke's Drift Battle diorama displayed on the veranda of the model store house made by Imperial productions of New Zealand. I posted photos of this diorama a year ago under the TROPHY section of The Forum. I recall that after I had a article and many photos of my Rorke's Drift diorama published in Toy Soldier & Model Figure (TS&MF) magazine for November 2003 I got an inquiry about your set via the editor of TS&MF from a collector from Dundee, Scotland!

"Iron Brigade"

That's one of the sets I intend to re-introduce.

If you are even in Nottingham, drop into RP World Models and see whats on offer.

On my last couple of trips in UK, I was staying with relitives closeby and went to meet up with Bob and his workers in their factory. I was AMAZED by the vast shelves of old Britains figures, and castings available for sale, and last year they were flat out making and painting figures for Tradition of London.

I always come out of there with a dozen or so castings, one time Mulberry NAP RHA gunners and Britains Gun, and last year a set of castings of Britains French Repubican Guards (Mounted and foot)


Hopefully I'll make another visit in 2012 :)


That looks like the figure I made for the original Britains. They humed and harred so much I kept it and it was sold through the toy sold soldier magazine. Can you post more pictures? Especialy the mounted figure so that I can be sure.

Here's a picture of mine.



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