Blake has been in the Far East visiting factories and suppliers for the past couple of weeks, releases will tomorrow or early next week, new plane release information will be next week as well. All the new releases will be available at the show on Saturday and for order next week.
There are limited amounts available from May 2023 release, know that SS125 has now sold out, so only dealers have them now and there are limited numbers left in the warehouse of the other German WW2 figures left, we are talking 5 and under. Similar situation with the Roman figures from last month
If you ask why or how i know this? i help out at T Gunn during busy times. Such as last week when i spent a couple of hours unloading 130 planes from a large lorry, by hand [no fork truck], it was outside and hot work. By the way on the shipping documents the planes totalled 14 cubic metres, light but big. There were 33 different planes, 1, 2, 3 and 4 engined, even 1 with no engine................