Are the 62nd Rgt British figures all done? Hope not! (1 Viewer)


Oct 10, 2009
After browsing through the very nice Don Troiani book “Liberty”, I would love JJD to produce the three man vignette shown on Troiani’s “Freeman’s Farm” painting, of a wounded officer, a drummer and an infantryman.
After browsing through the very nice Don Troiani book “Liberty”, I would love JJD to produce the three man vignette shown on Troiani’s “Freeman’s Farm” painting, of a wounded officer, a drummer and an infantryman.

I know the painting you are referring is one of my favorites.


Last I heard from JJ, the 62nd regiment is indeed complete and there were no more plans to develop the range further. He told me that this regiment's uniforms were his favorite and that he loved producing the range so it's always possible that he may do more and hopefully add the wounded officer, drummer and infantryman you referenced.

JJ also indicated that as we near the 250th annv of America's birth that he will ramp up production in the AWI area. For my caption contest prizes this year he sent me some yet to be produced Continental figures from the NY 3rd regiment. I assume they will be released in the future.

That would be a great addition to to collection, wounded officer, drummer boy helping to carry and soldier supporting.

Nice :) :)

That trio would make a nice addition. I know that the 62nd didn't carry their colours at Freeman's Farm, but I think they would be a nice addition as well.

Sounds exciting that John plans to produce more AWI figures as the anniversary approaches. There are endless possibilities!
Initially I was not too thrilled with these figures and I quickly got to love them.
Used them for a Saratoge set up and a stand alone second group.
I now it is not accurate, but for a second group I made a simple conversion to the officer figure, adding a sword…


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In the Troiani book it also mentioned that Lt. Gonville Bromhead is depicted in the center of the print, looking back at the three man group I mentioned above.
He was captured in Saratoga and was a prisoner of war for about three years!
This was the grandfather of the Gonville Bromhead of Zulu War fame! Incredible! You can't make this stuff up!
In the Troiani book it also mentioned that Lt. Gonville Bromhead is depicted in the center of the print, looking back at the three man group I mentioned above.
He was captured in Saratoga and was a prisoner of war for about three years!
This was the grandfather of the Gonville Bromhead of Zulu War fame! Incredible! You can't make this stuff up!

That is very interesting!! You are so right--one can't make something like up. Isn't history so fascinating?

I love the re-fabrication you did on the officer by adding the sword. It turned out great! Upon seeing your work I think the officer looks better holding the sword as opposed to the gun he originally had.


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