Arnhem 44 (1 Viewer)

Your right about the language thing.The other day i suggested to Tony Neville he should do buy one get one free,he said he didn't understand a word i said!!:D


Nor will he ever!!!!!
We once got a call on the office door from an American (not really unusual in itself) who asked if anyone in there spoke English. Unfortunately for him a lass from Dudley spoke to him and he was completely thrown. My "Fens" English didn't help either. There again I once had a one-way conversation with a guy from Tennessee on the phone, he spoke to me for about 10 minutes and then I had to give the phone to a New Yorker who also didn't understand him.

You should have put him through to a Glaswegian. That would have shown him.
We once got a call on the office door from an American (not really unusual in itself) who asked if anyone in there spoke English. Unfortunately for him a lass from Dudley spoke to him and he was completely thrown. My "Fens" English didn't help either. There again I once had a one-way conversation with a guy from Tennessee on the phone, he spoke to me for about 10 minutes and then I had to give the phone to a New Yorker who also didn't understand him.


That's because he's a Yankee. We can't understand most of them either. Southern dialect is generaly spoken slow because it's hot here. Northern dialect is spoken as fast as possible because it cold there. So if you want to learn to speak southern slow down, don't hurry, take your time.
:) Just to let you know, its wasn't me Andy, about the ARNHEM Sets! When you get a chance Read my Utmost Reply, for the British 8th Army Suggestions , Recently on this Forum! I was being Attacked, but held the Defensive Line, with ut-most Pride! Thankyou!
:) Just to let you know, its wasn't me Andy, about the ARNHEM Sets! When you get a chance Read my Utmost Reply, for the British 8th Army Suggestions , Recently on this Forum! I was being Attacked, but held the Defensive Line, with ut-most Pride! Thankyou!

John,could you explain this a bit more i don't get it?:confused:

He's probably referring to that thread from yesterday where I suggested he tone it down.
I think what John is trying to say - Arnhem has been canceled.

I've got a feeling you don't like British Paratroopers:eek::D!!!!!!!!!!! Just cos Lt Col John Frost drank tea during a battle, dosn't mean we're all like.........(excuse me I need a drink of tea:rolleyes:).........Now where was I, oh yes, that!!!!:D:rolleyes:
The British stop for tea. In Korea prior to the Chinese attack the American logistics people were more interested in making sure there was a turkey in every foxhole for thanksgiving. I don't think many GI's actually got to enjoy their Turkey as the Chinese attacked just before. When the Americans asked the Glorious Glousters at the Imjin how things were going they responded that it was a bit of a sticky wicket. This is British army speak for we are deep in the dwang and are probably going to get wiped out. The Americans thought this meant things were AOk. Read Max Hastings book on the Korean War.So we all have our little quirks.

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