Next, some shots from Jack Muldoon's table, and the flats that he sells:
Some of the larger flats, in detail:
a great collection of Indians:
and more larger-scale flats:
and here's Jack himself, left, with Vern Minkwitz:
And so, those are the last of the photos that I took. I missed the auction, and also, I didn't take any photos of Keith Rocco's display of his paintings, which are excellent. Also, I spent so much time at the show, that I didn't get out to the battlefield! But I've learned that Gettysburg is not that far a drive for me, only two hours from Bethlehem, so I am making it a point to get back, and to make it out to the MarxMan's next toy soldier show.
The next Artist Preservation Group show will be held in 2012, apparently, and I heard that it won't be at Gettysburg next time, but probably in Virginia, possibly around Fredericksburg. If you're in the area and can visit it, I recommend it highly! And if you can participate in the other events that accompany the show, such as the tours and the presentation ceremonies, I recommend those as well.
Thanks for looking, I hope you've enjoyed a look into the show, prosit!