As an Adult, what sports did you play? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Apr 22, 2005
Just thought of this, don,t believe anyone has done this thread.
I played ice hockey for 30 years until the age of 58.
Played softball for a few years in between.
One year, having never played soccer before I tried it. Ran to long in one place and quickly gave that up.
I never was into organized sports. Road and mountain biking for good 15 years. Some surfing. Hope to get back in shape for that. Archery and lately high power rifle hunting. Are these sports? Anyway, I love playing army without somebody shooting back at you.
Archery, Bowhunting, Hunting in general, Weightlifting, and fishing when I can't do the afore-mention. Gary, where I'm from, softball is for mushies:D
Played baseball in the Boston Park League from age 21 to 31, which recruited many of the best high school and college players from the city of Boston into a summer league, as well as wannabe's like myself. Tried softball for a year at age 33 and hated every second of it.

I also like to throw the weights around, have gotten more into cardio as I've gotten older..........
Just thought of this, don,t believe anyone has done this thread.
I played ice hockey for 30 years until the age of 58.
Played softball for a few years in between.
One year, having never played soccer before I tried it. Ran to long in one place and quickly gave that up.

Gary, Ice hockey for 30 years! How many of your real teeth are left in play? :eek:
It's been a long time between chats.
Just played an hour of basketball this morning.

Wednesday and Friday mornings from 6:00-7:00. Keeps me in shape.
Boxed, ran cross-country and track, played softball since I was 10, Chicago style 16inch, played basketball three nights a week until I tore up my knee, now I'm relagated to co-ed mush ball with gloves no less.
Yea Chuck where have you been?
No teeth loss, although I got a few stiches!
That was before we had to wear face mask.
I played 16 inch Chicago Style Softball, for about 30 years from 16 to 46, I gave it up last year. Now it is only bowling. I also like to fish when the weather permitting.
Still playing Hockey, still playing Basketball and still playing softball. However, I think my days of playing sports are sharply coming to an end. My son is now at the age where he wants to play sports and wants to play everyone of them. He just turned 6 and is currently taking Karate, I just signed him up for soccer because he has been nagging me to play it and he has shown alot of interest in hockey and football one of which I plan on getting him involved with in the fall. Needless to say this will cut into my leasure time greatly and I feel his time is more important then mine so its a no brainer what need s to be done. On the bright side I think I'm gonna try to get into coaching :D
On this side of the pond, I still play Cricket (Opening bat and off-spinner) and just got back into Rugby (I'm 39), I gave up 10 years ago but got involved in a charity match for Help the Heroes and now back in the swing of things. Obviously the wife thinks it's a brilliant idea.

Ice hockey year 'round and tennis when the weather's good. (By tennis, I should say hitting around with my husband. No games. It's better exercise. :D)

I hope I can play hockey for 30 years... :) (Yes, I have all my teeth. Cages are a good thing.)
Tennis, soccer, fencing, lacrosse and baseball in college; tennis for 30 years and basketball for 20 thereafter. I have been skiing for 43 years now (last went yesterday) and competing horses (eventing) for 25. I now have access to a decent fencing club and may take it up again. I bike and lift as well to keep in shape.
Played street hockey and ice hockey for 25 years ( goalie ), but anyone who has ever played in some of these amateur leagues will tell you, games at 1 and 2 in the am. got old as I got old..Michael
Been playing tennis for the last 25 yrs., getting ready to head out to the courts this morning. Just to rub it into you east coast guys I'm wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt. :)
Been playing tennis for the last 25 yrs., getting ready to head out to the courts this morning. Just to rub it into you east coast guys I'm wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt. :)
Me too, but I am inside.;):D
I lift weights, situps, push ups and cycling.

I used to play lacrosse, martial arts and wrestling but those were all a very long time ago.

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