As an Adult, what sports did you play? (1 Viewer)

Been playing tennis for the last 25 yrs., getting ready to head out to the courts this morning. Just to rub it into you east coast guys I'm wearing shorts and a sleeveless shirt. :)

Shorts sound good.....I'm so tired of seeing snow on the ground. Hopefully in another month, month and a 1/2 I can say the same :(
A lot of bodysurfing, tennis, squash (is that called racketball in the U.S.?), weight training, touch football and whilst in the Army everything from cross-country running to Rugby League.
25 years playing tennis, at one point played official veteran's tennis in my country, not anymore, time and energy needed for my son, wife, work and hobby :D. I now play once or twice a month, on thursday evening lost a 3 setter on a club ladder tournament, not that bad since I hadn't played in a tournament since August:D. Also played a set Friday evening, too much at my age in 2 days, my body is still aching:D. But one thing I have managed to do regularly is gym, once a week an hour and a half routine. Got to try and keep moving and clearing my mind and when I take my 7 year old son to tennis school I sometimes take the oportunity and play a set. Fortunately the tennis courts in my town are some 400 meters from my home, one of the good things of living in a small town;).

Keep playing/exercising,
Was a professional wrestler (Sgt. Slaughter) with the WWE for 25 yrs.


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Played some college ball as a walk on at the U of Iowa. Now a days I lift some weights here and there as well as amateur box in Oakland.

Take Care
Great to see we have lots of athletes here! I raced bicycles for eleven years namely with Team Paul Mitchell Spago where we had the old 7-11 coach. I also played baseball as a walk-on and blew out my arm (elbow & shoulder with two failed "Tommy John" procedures. I was done by sophomore year & out of ROTC at the same time from so much surgery. I stayed on the bike till that too was taken away. At least 24 out of my thirty operations came from sports and procedures gone wrong. Way too much cortisone and injections which were supposed to be B2, B6 & B12, etc-I think it was BS! At the time though it was like an interest free jumbo loan...and then one day I had to pay it all back at 90% interest. Finally back on a bike & I still lift weights/stability work at least five times a week. It is the only thing that makes me feel good & able to keep flying. At a moderate level it is the best investment out there.

Fight On,
Yes, there clearly is a difference between competition and healthy sport.

A lot of bodysurfing, tennis, squash (is that called racketball in the U.S.?) ....
No squash is played here with a long handled racket; racketball is played with a short handled one with a much more lively ball. I expect that is the same for you all. I used to play both, but I always preferred squash for its relatively greater similarity to tennis.
Played tennis, basketball (a lot), and softball until wear and tear on all my joints caught up with me (and torn up knees at work), putting an end to sports for me. -- lancer
My preferred sport is watching the Grass grow from this side. At 70+ getting up in the morning is good. :)

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