"At The Races" by John Firth (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Mar 1, 2007
Hello everyone.

Fellow forum member "acw cavalry" asked me to bring up this thread to show you the figures he recently commissioned with John Firth (beating retreat).
To start with, here are some pics, which were sent to him by John as previews before shipment.
To compliment these figures, acw cavalry has also commisioned a scenic base with Dave from TM Terrain, and upon receiving both shipments, the figures and the base, photos of the complete scene will follow.

In my opinion this is a great subject to be done in John's "Superior Gloss" style.

Now it's my great pleasure to show the photos.

Here's the first one, "Under Starters Order".



  • The Completed Set of 4 - Under Starter's Orders.JPG
    The Completed Set of 4 - Under Starter's Orders.JPG
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"Black Caviar" and "Colour Vision"


  • Black cavair & Colour Vision.JPG
    Black cavair & Colour Vision.JPG
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"The Fugue" and "Reliable Man"


  • The Fugue & Reliable Man (2).JPG
    The Fugue & Reliable Man (2).JPG
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John took two more photos with the wonderful horses in front of the stables.
The stables were done as well by Dave from TM Terrain, who without a doubt is a real artist when it comes to scenic works and diorama building, as can be seen on a number of threads throughout the forum.
Congratulations to acw cavalry for adding such a fine project to his collection :salute:: and I am looking forward to posting the pictures of the complete scene later.
Happy Collecting!


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  • 002.JPG
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Beautiful figures, unusual subject, it should make an outstanding dio. Look forward to seeing it. -- Al
I'm sure that Martin will be 'overjoyed' with the new set of mounts to grace his stables :)

I love the paint work on the grey, the dapple loos SO realistic.

Well Done

I agree, who makes the castings?


Hi Jeff,

The castings are from the Fusilier range of figures now owned by Tommy Atkins. I have another couple of these figures waiting to be sent to Mr Firth to work his magic on. I am also planning with John's input a possible steeplechasing dio for the New Year which will hopefully depict a scene from the Grand National and will use as its focus one of the famous fences from that race again with real life race horses as with the "At the Races" commission. Another possibility might be a small scene relating to fox hunting using castings from the Fusilier range of figures once again.

Glad that you like the figures. I will post with Konrad's help some images of the horses on the diorama board, but probably not until after Christmas and the New Year holiday period.

Martin (aka acw cavalry)
You don't see this topic done that often. Reminds me of some of the old K & C figures.
Hi Jeff,

The castings are from the Fusilier range of figures now owned by Tommy Atkins. I have another couple of these figures waiting to be sent to Mr Firth to work his magic on. I am also planning with John's input a possible steeplechasing dio for the New Year which will hopefully depict a scene from the Grand National and will use as its focus one of the famous fences from that race again with real life race horses as with the "At the Races" commission. Another possibility might be a small scene relating to fox hunting using castings from the Fusilier range of figures once again.

Glad that you like the figures. I will post with Konrad's help some images of the horses on the diorama board, but probably not until after Christmas and the New Year holiday period.

Martin (aka acw cavalry)

Hi Martin, Fusilier make some very nice figures, I've painted various sets of castings for collectors on this forum over the years. Looking forward to seeing your next batch from John.

Hi Jeff,

The castings are from the Fusilier range of figures now owned by Tommy Atkins...

Thanks, Jeff and Martin, for asking and answering, I was curious, too.

Fusilier is a great range; I have some Hussar Miniatures, now also issued through Tommy Atkins.

Martin, this will be an excellent addition to your collection. I think back to Britain's series of jockeys, too. I look forward to seeing John's work, when he's finished the commission.

Here I got some more pics to show, sent to me today by Martin (acw cavalry) who owns this fine figures and has received the base from Dave at TM Terrain.


  • Reliable Man & The Fugue in the paddock.JPG
    Reliable Man & The Fugue in the paddock.JPG
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  • races-2.jpg
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And another one with a figure in the background that I don't think we have seen before here.
Maybe Martin will give us some input on that one?


  • races-1.jpg
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And another one with a figure in the background that I don't think we have seen before here.
Maybe Martin will give us some input on that one?

Hi Konrad,

Firstly can I just thank you for posting these images on my behalf. Now to answer your question re: the figure that appears in the background of the first image. It is a conversion of a figure produced by Alexander's Toy Soldiers. It started life as a mounted Paul Revere figure from the ATS AWI range entitled "The British are Coming!" which Nik Biberovic the owner converted into a galloping race horse and jockey. At the time I could not afford it and Nik subsequently sold it as a one off. I acquired it a couple of years later when it was offered for auction on ebay.

As mentioned previously I hope to add to these four figures and I also have a couple of further race horse projects in the early planning stages with John which hopefully subject to the necessary budget being found will become realities as we go through 2013.

Glad that you like the figures.
Merry Christmas to all.

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