August Releases (1 Viewer)

I received a mother load of JJ sets today from George including all the August releases and some BMs, QBs and QFs. The Indians are top notch and the new Brit figures are typical JJ quality. My only problem now is space - I hate that cluttered look when you start pushing them closer together in a clump.
My NCO's have arrived. Maybe now the men of the 44th will start acting like proper English soldiers.

You are right, the new figures are once again excellent. The different and varying poses make them some of the best yet. :D

The only question (as per Ron's question) is what is next. As usual John is keeping it close to his chest. :(

But then we should all hear in a week or so what Septembers releases will be.

Aussie Monty :)

You are right, the new figures are once again excellent. The different and varying poses make them some of the best yet. :D

The only question (as per Ron's question) is what is next. As usual John is keeping it close to his chest. :(

But then we should all hear in a week or so what Septembers releases will be.

Aussie Monty :)

My money is on more French in Sept. Probably including the Death of Captain Lienard De Beaujeu along with his sidekick. That is a pure guess based on the completed figures that were displayed in London.
Combat - you probally have a better feel for it than most of us.

I would love to see two things done by John Jenkins and his style of Toy Soldier making:

1) Artillery with figures in action

2) A Mounted Figure
Alright, just spoke to John.

Not even a hint on next months release for French Indian Wars. :(

But not all bad news, the new period/series we have all heard and talked about. He is hoping to preview it at the Chicago show in September (is that when it is) for release in November. :eek:

Aussie Monty :)
Tell John I'm more than glad to let him use my rooms (three) and table space (six) to display the new releases for OTSN........:p
Tell John I'm more than glad to let him use my rooms (three) and table space (six) to display the new releases for OTSN........:p

A dealer with a heart !! :D

George - how much stuff do you bring to Chicago each year??
Great question. The first year I went, I fit all of my stuff into the back of my Jeep Cherokee, had one room and two tables for the show.

Fast forward to this year; three rooms (one to sleep in, two for display), six tables and I fill to the rafters a cargo van. I also ship about twenty boxes of stock out to the hotel care of myself (the hotel is terrific when it comes to this), plus I always give K & C a huge stock order that they direct ship to the show.

You'll appreciate this; did this last year and the stuff I sent out could have filled two vans. On the return trip, the stuff that was left filled the van about halfway, last year was an incredible show for me, this year is shaping up to be even better as the "What painted terrain are you bringing to OTSN" calls and emails are already starting eight weeks out from the show.....................

I think with all your travels to each Toy Soldier Show - we shoud call you ROAD WARRIOR !! :p ;)

Thats alot of work - Wow !! :eek:
One way to look at it is I am on the road basically every other weekend. Also, I wouldn't do it if the reward wasn't there or especially if I did not love it.

As you saw at Annandale, the display I put out takes about four hours to unload and set up. Since I do not have a store yet, I cannot sit and wait for the customers to come to me, I have to go to them.

Think of it this way; the average show attracts about 200 to 300 people. If I owed a store, would that many people stop by on a Saturday or Sunday like they do at a show? Not a chance. And I understand not all 300 people are in the market for the types of items I sell, but I like the odds that most of them will....:D
So give us your sales take on the John Jenkins Line at Shows - are most of the people who buy are people who already know about them? Or do you have sales with people who see them for the first time at your table ??

What percentage who you say is KNOW the Figures against DONT KNOW the figures??
Great question; it is probably 50/50. I did the big Historicon wargaming show two weekends ago and the majority of the people who bought sets had never heard of JJ, but keep in mind these are wargamers, not toy soldier collectors.

At the Michigan Show afew weeks ago, some people thought they were K & C, while others knew exactly what they were.

The comment I hear mostly is "Wow, the figures look much better in person than in the photos"........yet another reason for me to get out there and attend the shows.

Iv'e got a huge display planned for OTSN as well.........

When people do buy JJ figures are they buying British, French and Indians as separates only or do they buy some of each when they buy?

Does anyone ask you about production numbers - like Only 250 Sets Made or things like that?

You know - I am kinda sounding like LARRY KING here ? :rolleyes:
There are three distinct customer groups I deal with regarding Jenkins;

Group one buys one of every set that comes out for display.
Group two buys a French set here, British there, indian back over there, a little of each grouping.
Group three buys certain sets in multiples (firing and marching sets in quantity, command sets by one or two) for use in larger dioramas.

I rarely get customers who ask or are concerned about production numbers, the majority buy without factoring in production numbers.

Hope this helps..........

This is all good information and interesting. Thanks for sharing.

I tend to like the Brits and French figures more than the Indians. Also the personality figures appeal to me over the generic figures - although I can see why dio collectors would buy multiples of the marching figures. Low production numbers is an added plus. I like the 250 runs, but only so long as I have a set! Still looking for that BM-01.
I like the looks of JJ's woodland Indians, probablely the best I've ever seen. But what got started buying was that group of wounded British Grenadiers. That set along with the grenadiers firing and the new set of two NCOs make a great little vignette of the head of Bradock's column coming under attack.

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