Austin parts for Conte GIs... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Apr 30, 2005
I converted a couple of the Austin USMC to ETO GIs, plus I used some Austin arms/weapons to convert a couple Contes. I needed more BARs as each 12-man squad had one (and some picked up extras when they could)

Gary BAustin Marine-to-GI-1=resized.jpgAustin Marine-to-GI-2-resized.jpg
Good Morning Gary
These conversions fit well with the Conte guys.
Is the plastic easily cut from the torso ?

I will order when the Japanese are issued.
Thanks for posting your pictures.
Denver, the plastic is very similar to the plastic in the Conte GIs. By the way, as far as cutting arms from torsos - the construction is very similar to the Conte GIs - most arms are separate castings.
They even look like they were done by the same sculpture that did the CONTE GI's!
I also love doing conversions, no use in waiting for the companies to do more poses, it would take a life time!

Plastic General

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