Australia Day (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Feb 5, 2010
Happy Australia Day to all Aussie forum members. Have a bbq and a beer/wine and enjoy your space. Robin.
I heard they took a Captain Cook statue down.

Mark mate,

The Bolsheviks at work again, destroying a statue of Captain Cook and also smearing red paint over the statue of Queen Victoria. These dim witted morons don't even know their Australian History. Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770 but the First Fleet under Captain Arthur Phillip raised the Union Jack in Sydney Cove on the the 26th January, 1788. Today represents the 236th Anniversary of the founding of this Great Nation "Australia".

Today ALL Aussies should be proud of what this Nation has become except for the Left Wing Traitors trying to tear it apart.

Cheers Howard
Happy Australia Day.

As a Pomme can I share an Australian anecdote?

Many years ago I’d been in travelling round your wonderful country in a camper van for a few months so was well up on the local lingo ie. snag = sausage.

I stopped off to watch some fishermen at a river crossing in northern Queensland and one of them got his line caught. He actually said “Bloody hell mate, caught a snag there” which still makes me think he was fishing for sausages 😀
The Bolsheviks at work again, destroying a statue of Captain Cook and also smearing red paint over the statue of Queen Victoria. These dim witted morons don't even know their Australian History. Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770 but the First Fleet under Captain Arthur Phillip raised the Union Jack in Sydney Cove on the the 26th January, 1788. Today represents the 236th Anniversary of the founding of this Great Nation "Australia".

Today ALL Aussies should be proud of what this Nation has become except for the Left Wing Traitors trying to tear it apart.

Cheers Howard

I'm outraged over this vandalism. They should be caught and jailed. Brett@MilWksp was telling me a women and child came into the store to say that Aussies didn't participate in WW2! We seriously need for all State and Territory Governments to be transparent when it comes to scrutiny over their curriculum. Amen.
Captain Cook discovered Australia in 1770 but the First Fleet under Captain Arthur Phillip raised the Union Jack in Sydney Cove on the the 26th January, 1788. Today represents the 236th Anniversary of the founding of this Great Nation "Australia".

Today ALL Aussies should be proud of what this Nation has become except for the Left Wing Traitors trying to tear it apart.

Cheers Howard

Sorry Howard,

you aren't correct there but that is come from an Eastern States centered history.

Australia was discovered at least 150 years before Cook sailed up the east coast. Dutch and English explorers had discovered the 'Great South Land' and named it 'New Holland' and this can be seen on many maps and globes of the world in the 1600's.

When the British claimed the colony of New South Wales, that only was the eastern 2/3 of this island, with the remaining still 'New Holland' which then became the 'Swan River Colony' in 1829.

Why do we celebrate our country on New South Wales Day .... ????

Grey mentioned a lady who came into shop.
32 years old came into to show her 5 year old son some soldiers. When I mentioned WW2 she said "NZ and Australia were not in WW2". I told her I was shocked to hear her say that. However she is similar age to my kids and I can well understand how you could get through school and not even realise Australia in WW2.

Soon after I came to Australia I was listening to a competition on the radio. Question was who was the American President when atomic bomb dropped on Japan. Adult gave his answer as Kennedy which showed could not relate when he was President relative to WW2. 2nd guess was worse with Nixon.

The teaching of Australian history in schools is a disgrace and is unfortunately more designed to make you feel shame than pride in country. Teachers are overwhelmingly left leaning.

Kindergarten kids in hundreds of schools each day have to acknowledge the Aboriginal ownership of the land. No national anthem.

I had a discussion with my son's history teacher 14 years ago. He said it was a good thing the Americans lost the Vietnam war. He came from the angle of the North were freedom fighters. I had to point out Australia was on same side as the US.

More recently there was a good radio discussion about the state school national curriculum. In year three they are taught that 26 January is invasion day. Only in year 4 are they taught about the First Fleet which were the ships that brought about 1400 people. Only about 247 were actual soldiers so hardly a decent invasion force. The biggest group were the convicts.

Unfortunately there is a very vocal minority of Aboriginals and people of the left campaigning to change the date of Australia day. More recently the activist campaigners have aligned with the pro Palestinian protesters so you will see rallies with both groups and flags.

The brainwashing of the young from kindy to Uni is incredible.
Grey mentioned a lady who came into shop.
32 years old came into to show her 5 year old son some soldiers. When I mentioned WW2 she said "NZ and Australia were not in WW2". I told her I was shocked to hear her say that. However she is similar age to my kids and I can well understand how you could get through school and not even realise Australia in WW2.

Soon after I came to Australia I was listening to a competition on the radio. Question was who was the American President when atomic bomb dropped on Japan. Adult gave his answer as Kennedy which showed could not relate when he was President relative to WW2. 2nd guess was worse with Nixon.

The teaching of Australian history in schools is a disgrace and is unfortunately more designed to make you feel shame than pride in country. Teachers are overwhelmingly left leaning.

Kindergarten kids in hundreds of schools each day have to acknowledge the Aboriginal ownership of the land. No national anthem.

I had a discussion with my son's history teacher 14 years ago. He said it was a good thing the Americans lost the Vietnam war. He came from the angle of the North were freedom fighters. I had to point out Australia was on same side as the US.

More recently there was a good radio discussion about the state school national curriculum. In year three they are taught that 26 January is invasion day. Only in year 4 are they taught about the First Fleet which were the ships that brought about 1400 people. Only about 247 were actual soldiers so hardly a decent invasion force. The biggest group were the convicts.

Unfortunately there is a very vocal minority of Aboriginals and people of the left campaigning to change the date of Australia day. More recently the activist campaigners have aligned with the pro Palestinian protesters so you will see rallies with both groups and flags.

The brainwashing of the young from kindy to Uni is incredible.

Don't worry Brett, Aussie is certainly not alone, New Zealand has similar issue's with the average Kiwi kid being taught stuff all about our early history other than the Brits and early settlers stole everything from Maori and we now need to give it back with interest.......of course conveniently forgetting Maori (with the help of left leaning University types) are not indigenous to NZ and are in fact migrants themselves, who I might add knocked off the original migrants....
Well at least the British in NZ got to have a treaty. No such thing here as the locals were very nomadic and moved around in relatively small groups.

However problem is now that Federal and State governments seem very keen to enter into treaties. In Qld alone they are talking about over 100 treaties. Even if the Census is too becbelieved the average number in each group is only about 2,300. One group which claims a large part of Brisbane on their own web site says there are only 50 of them.

If you see our PM at a press conference you will see three flags behind him. The Australian flag, Aboriginal flag representing 3% and the Torres Strait Islander flag which represents 40,000 people.One of the first things current PM did.
Australia, NZ, US, Canada, Europe all seem to be on a collective guilt trip. Funny thing is I don't see Mongols, Moslems, Turks or other groups apologizing for past behavior. I guess just western (white) culture that is stupid enough to do that. The Marxists have don't their jobs well.
Well at least the British in NZ got to have a treaty. No such thing here as the locals were very nomadic and moved around in relatively small groups.

However problem is now that Federal and State governments seem very keen to enter into treaties. In Qld alone they are talking about over 100 treaties. Even if the Census is too becbelieved the average number in each group is only about 2,300. One group which claims a large part of Brisbane on their own web site says there are only 50 of them.

If you see our PM at a press conference you will see three flags behind him. The Australian flag, Aboriginal flag representing 3% and the Torres Strait Islander flag which represents 40,000 people.One of the first things current PM did.

Brett mate, truly hard to fathom what Treaties would achieve in Oz given the length of time since the first Europeans migrated there? If the intention is to somehow right the wrongs of the past, good luck with that.

We are indeed fortunate to have our founding document the 1840 'Treaty of Waitangi' which is a signed agreement between the then British Crown and most Maori tribes (iwi) of the time. Although it ultimately gave British sovereignty over NZ, it underpinned several key principals of partnership, participation and the protection of Maori & European rights.

Although for some the Treaty of Waitangi is seen as highly contentious, most Kiwi's celebrate it and get on with each other.

This current Western tend in recent times to openly condemn 'colonization' and blame it for all the ill's in the world and a raft of other such excuses is simply designed to undermine society and somehow re-write history.

Its just virtual signaling in the extreme, even gender now is under attack, let alone the climate......which is in constant change......^&grin
Australia, NZ, US, Canada, Europe all seem to be on a collective guilt trip. Funny thing is I don't see Mongols, Moslems, Turks or other groups apologizing for past behavior. I guess just western (white) culture that is stupid enough to do that. The Marxists have don't their jobs well.

Mark mate, as we both know its total bollocks.

If it wasn't for our highly corruptible main stream media (MSM) and a never ending equally dodgy pile of politicians and so-called 'educators' the world would be a better place.
Mark mate, as we both know its total bollocks.

If it wasn't for our highly corruptible main stream media (MSM) and a never ending equally dodgy pile of politicians and so-called 'educators' the world would be a better place.

Yep and not a squeek heard about how the Muslim slave traders denuded vast swathes of East Africa, or that male slaves were castrated and on and on.
Of course it was often African tribal leaders who sold their fellow Africans into slavery in the first place for a few trinkets and muskets. Not that it only happen there of course Before the Roman Legions even set foot in Britain rival chieftains would sell off enemy tribal captives off to Roman Slave traders for a Amphora or two of wine !
As to reparations, it's all a bit late for those involved and is today nothing more than con by scammers masquerading as governments in Banana republics.
Yep and not a squeek heard about how the Muslim slave traders denuded vast swathes of East Africa, or that male slaves were castrated and on and on.
Of course it was often African tribal leaders who sold their fellow Africans into slavery in the first place for a few trinkets and muskets. Not that it only happen there of course Before the Roman Legions even set foot in Britain rival chieftains would sell off enemy tribal captives off to Roman Slave traders for a Amphora or two of wine !
As to reparations, it's all a bit late for those involved and is today nothing more than con by scammers masquerading as governments in Banana republics.

.......its a sad reality that much of the worlds actual history is mudded by inaccuracies and myth based upon lies, corruption and good old plain ignorance.
All this anti western teaching eventually produces a backlash.
Growing up as an English speaking South African the Afrikaans history of the Great Trek was to say the least over emphasised.
We heard about it all the way through school.
After apartheid the new government de-emphasised the Afrikaans and British history of the country and pushed the narrative of African liberation.
This too went to an extreme
The end result is that it has radicalised young Afrikaners.
Bok van Blerk's hit song about the great Boer War general De la Rey is now routinely sung at music concerts.
By young Afrikaners born in the new century.
The old Transvaal flag is making a come back and the annual Blood River day of the vow celebrations are increasingly popular.
So paradoxically the new government which set out to unite the country has rekindled Afrikaans nationalism.
The same may well happen in the west.
Attempts to tear down statues of Churchill or Civil War confederates in a one sided ideological campaign may well end up rekindling things.

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