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I just don't see this.Yes K&C have released Luftwaffe figures etc but it has not changed its position on all the other stuff it releases.It was only in December(or was it November?)we got US Bulge sets and D Day french sets.Before that we had the King Tiger.The WW2 sets from all ranges are not released in a slipshod manner and are all carefully planned.Take a look at the dispatch archive and its easy to see the pattern.In terms of WW2 we get Afrika Corp/8th Army in the first or second quarter,with D Day in the Summer and Bulge later in the year and loads of stuff in between.Whilst we all want stuff here and now its just not possible,many different collectors collect many different themes and K&C must try and cater for as many as possible.

I for instance collect D Day/North Africa/Arnhem/Bulge.But i would not have expected a single item from any of these so far this year as they are never released at this time.Its all about their release schedule,check it out,it makes it easy to see how things get to us.:)


Hope your right Rob....for most of us we'll just have to be patient....and wait for the releases ........that we really want to purchase.......regards
Hope your right Rob....for most of us we'll just have to be patient....and wait for the releases ........that we really want to purchase.......regards

Yes i agree,its not easy being patient when you really want something is it;).I know as there is loads of stuff i'd like to see!:)


:) Hi Rob! I was angered at the People who Chose other Sets to be First Choice, rather than the DAK, and 8th Army Included! Sorry, but I hear many people's opinion's , on this Forum, and with so much confidence in me, that I thought, they would have made a More Poll Voting Choice, towards the 8th Army and DAK! When I see this Poll , over and over again, I'm disgusted when their is Hardly any Votes, for the 8th Army! That's my personal Feelings And 'NOW' Today, on the Forum, MORE people Requesting/wanting, the 8th Army and DAK Sets ? "Beam me up Scotty"! :confused:
:) Hi Rob! I was angered at the People who Chose other Sets to be First Choice, rather than the DAK, and 8th Army Included! Sorry, but I hear many people's opinion's , on this Forum, and with so much confidence in me, that I thought, they would have made a More Poll Voting Choice, towards the 8th Army and DAK! When I see this Poll , over and over again, I'm disgusted when their is Hardly any Votes, for the 8th Army! That's my personal Feelings And 'NOW' Today, on the Forum, MORE people Requesting/wanting, the 8th Army and DAK Sets ? "Beam me up Scotty"! :confused:

Ok John,vote in the new poll,you'll love it!

:) Hi Rob! I was angered at the People who Chose other Sets to be First Choice, rather than the DAK, and 8th Army Included! Sorry, but I hear many people's opinion's , on this Forum, and with so much confidence in me, that I thought, they would have made a More Poll Voting Choice, towards the 8th Army and DAK! When I see this Poll , over and over again, I'm disgusted when their is Hardly any Votes, for the 8th Army! That's my personal Feelings And 'NOW' Today, on the Forum, MORE people Requesting/wanting, the 8th Army and DAK Sets ? "Beam me up Scotty"! :confused:

John, I believe they have both been abolished and are unlikely to be reactivated
Hi Guys,

Just read “VEZZOLF’s” backup to “SAHARA’s” original post… Even when I take the time to explain (in some detail) how and why we do certain things some people just don’t get it!!!

Vezzolf and his pal seem to be under the impression (false) that just because we try something new we have abandoned our old favourites… Nothing could be further from the truth—as our past record proves and our future record will reveal.

Any company that only produces “more of the same” and never tries to do something new is going nowhere fast.

Just because some people don’t like what we’re doing at this particular moment that’s no excuse for K&C to get all timid and afraid of exploring new themes… fresh ideas and different concepts. It took K&C a lot of years of blood, sweat and tears to realize this simple fact.

As I wrote in my earlier reply… K&C puts a lot of thought, energy, money and time into decision making. What we do and how we can do it for a WIDE VARIETY OF COLLECTING TASTES… not just WW2. Not only that… our market is also spread, I’m delighted to say, all over the globe. Different folks like… surprise, surprise, different things.

At the end of the day we, literally, put our money where our mouth is… Sometimes we get it wrong, happily, we get it right a lot more often than some of our critics would like you to believe.

If anyone thinks they know better… well, be my guest, set up your own company, invest your life’s savings and do ONLY what YOU like YOUR way… And then I’ll stand on the sidelines and comment… It might even be fun!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
I agree with you....lately K/C releases have been directed to testing the market in new avenues.....I for one am not interested in the Luftwaffe series......K/C will eventually need to return to the basics that work... as you say,"good old days"...........American GI,German SS,and of course tanks....This will happen out of necessity as most collectors IMO will not collect marginally desireable items or start new lines.....Be patient.....the winter tiger and other requested items will come around someday.........maybe:rolleyes:

As a K&C collector, I love the Luftwaffe series & all of the other related aviation sets! Looking forward to a RAF revival as well as they were part of the basics from the "good old glossy days"! I promise to be patient.

Enjoy The History,
Cool, variety is the spice of life even in collecting. Will be good to see K&C continue on with this philosophy in the current economy. Keep on trucking dudes, I think the new stuff is fantastic.

Take Care
Hi Guys,

Just read “VEZZOLF’s” backup to “SAHARA’s” original post… Even when I take the time to explain (in some detail) how and why we do certain things some people just don’t get it!!!

Vezzolf and his pal seem to be under the impression (false) that just because we try something new we have abandoned our old favourites… Nothing could be further from the truth—as our past record proves and our future record will reveal.

Any company that only produces “more of the same” and never tries to do something new is going nowhere fast.

Just because some people don’t like what we’re doing at this particular moment that’s no excuse for K&C to get all timid and afraid of exploring new themes… fresh ideas and different concepts. It took K&C a lot of years of blood, sweat and tears to realize this simple fact.

As I wrote in my earlier reply… K&C puts a lot of thought, energy, money and time into decision making. What we do and how we can do it for a WIDE VARIETY OF COLLECTING TASTES… not just WW2. Not only that… our market is also spread, I’m delighted to say, all over the globe. Different folks like… surprise, surprise, different things.

At the end of the day we, literally, put our money where our mouth is… Sometimes we get it wrong, happily, we get it right a lot more often than some of our critics would like you to believe.

If anyone thinks they know better… well, be my guest, set up your own company, invest your life’s savings and do ONLY what YOU like YOUR way… And then I’ll stand on the sidelines and comment… It might even be fun!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.

Andy, If I have not said it lately.... You are a funny guy:D Looking forward to seeing you at the WC;)
Hi Guys,

Just read “VEZZOLF’s” backup to “SAHARA’s” original post… Even when I take the time to explain (in some detail) how and why we do certain things some people just don’t get it!!!

Vezzolf and his pal seem to be under the impression (false) that just because we try something new we have abandoned our old favourites… Nothing could be further from the truth—as our past record proves and our future record will reveal.

Any company that only produces “more of the same” and never tries to do something new is going nowhere fast.

Just because some people don’t like what we’re doing at this particular moment that’s no excuse for K&C to get all timid and afraid of exploring new themes… fresh ideas and different concepts. It took K&C a lot of years of blood, sweat and tears to realize this simple fact.

As I wrote in my earlier reply… K&C puts a lot of thought, energy, money and time into decision making. What we do and how we can do it for a WIDE VARIETY OF COLLECTING TASTES… not just WW2. Not only that… our market is also spread, I’m delighted to say, all over the globe. Different folks like… surprise, surprise, different things.

At the end of the day we, literally, put our money where our mouth is… Sometimes we get it wrong, happily, we get it right a lot more often than some of our critics would like you to believe.

If anyone thinks they know better… well, be my guest, set up your own company, invest your life’s savings and do ONLY what YOU like YOUR way… And then I’ll stand on the sidelines and comment… It might even be fun!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.

Andy, It's good to hear that K/C will not be abandoninng the "old time" favorites........We all anixously await the items that we really want......we will remain patient and look forward to their release.....Best regards Vezzolf
Come'on Andy we want another German big cat. The last one was ages ago. AT least three months ago.:D:D
Wow! What did I start? I was more or less just venting and look it what has happened. As somewhat of a new collector (less then 2yrs collecting) I was unaware of K&Cs track record. So when a reliable forum member indicated to check the dispatches over the past couple of years and look for a pattern I did so. I am glad even relieved to see that certain months release more WWII dispatches then others.

By no means did I ever try to tell Andy how to run his business or would I ever attempt to. For jeepers sake the only business venture I took on was in the third grade and it was a lemonade stand at the corner of Van Dyke and 21 mile rd., let me tell you how successful that was I must have spent more on my inventory then I made in profit. I think I sold a whopping 3 glasses and one of those was to my mother, so I would never give any business advice to anyone.

In addition I would like to say I never said I was not open to new ideas or did not like the new ideas. In fact I believe I indicated that the recent stuff that K&C has put out looks great. My only gripe was that I couldn't afford to take on a new line at this time hence the impatience for more WWII pieces. I promise as soon as I win this 171 million dollar mega millions this weekend I will by multiples of every line K&C produces.

Oh yeah Andy I didn't understand that last post can you explain it to me one more time :D
Me,reliable!!!.Don't tell the wife that!!!;):D

Wow! What did I start? I was more or less just venting and look it what has happened. As somewhat of a new collector (less then 2yrs collecting) I was unaware of K&Cs track record. So when a reliable forum member indicated to check the dispatches over the past couple of years and look for a pattern I did so. I am glad even relieved to see that certain months release more WWII dispatches then others.

By no means did I ever try to tell Andy how to run his business or would I ever attempt to. For jeepers sake the only business venture I took on was in the third grade and it was a lemonade stand at the corner of Van Dyke and 21 mile rd., let me tell you how successful that was I must have spent more on my inventory then I made in profit. I think I sold a whopping 3 glasses and one of those was to my mother, so I would never give any business advice to anyone.

In addition I would like to say I never said I was not open to new ideas or did not like the new ideas. In fact I believe I indicated that the recent stuff that K&C has put out looks great. My only gripe was that I couldn't afford to take on a new line at this time hence the impatience for more WWII pieces. I promise as soon as I win this 171 million dollar mega millions this weekend I will by multiples of every line K&C produces.

Oh yeah Andy I didn't understand that last post can you explain it to me one more time :D

Don't worry Sahara, from what I understand Andy has a very forgiving nature especially if you start a new line and buy multiples and He has no problem re-explaining things......I think I finally got it (no winter tiger or 88mm gun yet)...... but....... Andy could you go over it just one more time:D:D:D

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