Baseball 2011 (4 Viewers)

I had no idea that game went 19. I was watching part of it the other night and it was really dragging so I turned it off. Anyway, saw some video. Boy, did they get jobbed. Hope the Pirates don't lose out by one game at the end of the season.
Louis, who are The Bombers going to get to shore up the pitching? I haven't heard a thing. AJ Burnett is driving me nuts. I'd rather see Nova put back in the rotation than take further chances on Hughes or Burnett. -- Al

I agree with you. Burnett is awful, and Hughes isn't good enough to beat a really tough lineup in the playoffs, like Texas, Boston or Philadelphia. Nova shows flashes of brilliance, but I wish the Yankees could trade for a qaulity starter. Did you know that the reason Texas, rather than the Yankees, got Cliff Lee last year was that putz Cashman didn't want to trade that bum Nunez? The guy has almost as many errors as starts, and he's the reason they had Cliff Lee, so we lost to Texas in the ALCS last year. Unbelievable.

There is no way we win the Pennant, much less the World Series this year unless we find a way to grab a quality starter.
I agree with you. Burnett is awful, and Hughes isn't good enough to beat a really tough lineup in the playoffs, like Texas, Boston or Philadelphia. Nova shows flashes of brilliance, but I wish the Yankees could trade for a qaulity starter. Did you know that the reason Texas, rather than the Yankees, got Cliff Lee last year was that putz Cashman didn't want to trade that bum Nunez? The guy has almost as many errors as starts, and he's the reason they had Cliff Lee, so we lost to Texas in the ALCS last year. Unbelievable.

There is no way we win the Pennant, much less the World Series this year unless we find a way to grab a quality starter.
Maybe the NYY should throw today's game against Seattle if the Mariner's promise to let the Yanks have Hernandez. It currently is going that way. The Yanks need Hernandez and Seattle could certainly use a win.:wink2: -- Al
Maybe the NYY should throw today's game against Seattle if the Mariner's promise to let the Yanks have Hernandez. It currently is going that way. The Yanks need Hernandez and Seattle could certainly use a win.:wink2: -- Al
I see the Mariners took my idea and won 9-2. Now, Hernendez can just walk across the field and change uniforms....:rolleyes2: -- Al
The Giants got Beltran from the Mets for a pitching prospect and cash, what a steal, I don't get it as it's only Wednesday, they could have held out for more, what an organization they are.

With him added to the roster and that pitching, watch out Phillies, we very well could see a repeat champion in baseball, which would be just fine by me............
I'm happy for Beltram to leave a bunch of loosers
and a lying organisation
Now is got a winning chance
I must agree the call in the Pirate game, sucked, ofcourse I am a Pirate fan who has been waiting all year for the clock to strike midnight
I'm a lot surprised that the NYY's made no move before the trade deadline. They even let the Red Sox steal a march on them when The Sox got Bedard. Now, Bedard is something of a risk because of the injury factor, but when healthy he is capable of being a top-notch pitcher, and a lefty into the bargain. By failing to get Jimenez to shore up the starting pitching, I can only guess that the asking price was too high or that the NYY offered nothing Colorado needed. Of course there is the possibility that the NYY saw a flaw in Jimenez and thus passed. Evidently the NYY are willing to go the race and post-season with the rotation they have in place, Sabathia, Garcia, Colon, Burnett, and Hughes or Nova. Not exactly going to strike fear into a play-off opponent. Sabathia is as good as they come, but Garcia and Colon are salvage projects with a 5-6 inning expiration date. Burnett is so inconsistent that he is an emergency only starter in the post season. Hughes is still recovering from arm work and hasn't found his old form and is not really an option at this point. That leaves Nova, untested in the post-season. It is going to get real interesting. So, as it stands, if and when post-season action starts, it's Sabathia and the NYY offense. Maybe 5-6 innings from Garcia or Colon will be enough, but it's a big gamble. -- Al
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In the American League I don't think there is any pitching staff that really strikes fear in any other of the contenders. The National League is another story. However, if the Yanks make it to the World Series and face the Giants or the Phils I don't think their lineups are so imposing that the Yankees can't handle them, particularly the Giants.
In the American League I don't think there is any pitching staff that really strikes fear in any other of the contenders. The National League is another story. However, if the Yanks make it to the World Series and face the Giants or the Phils I don't think their lineups are so imposing that the Yankees can't handle them, particularly the Giants.
Good points. I'm just concerned about the Yanks getting to the WS. Don't know if they can handle the Sox pitching or the Sox offense with what pitching they currently have. The Sox have owned them so far this season. -- Al
I'm a lot surprised that the NYY's made no move before the trade deadline. They even let the Red Sox steal a march on them when The Sox got Bedard. Now, Bedard is something of a risk because of the injury factor, but when healthy he is capable of being a top-notch pitcher, and a lefty into the bargain. By failing to get Jimenez to shore up the starting pitching, I can only guess that the asking price was too high or that the NYY offered nothing Colorado needed. Of course there is the possibility that the NYY saw a flaw in Jimenez and thus passed. Evidently the NYY are willing to go the race and post-season with the rotation they have in place, Sabathia, Garcia, Colon, Burnett, and Hughes or Nova. Not exactly going to strike fear into a play-off opponent. Sabathia is as good as they come, but Garcia and Colon are salvage projects with a 5-6 inning expiration date. Burnett is so inconsistent that he is an emergency only starter in the post season. Hughes is still recovering from arm work and hasn't found his old form and is not really an option at this point. That leaves Nova, untested in the post-season. It is going to get real interesting. So, as it stands, if and when post-season action starts, it's Sabathia and the NYY offense. Maybe 5-6 innings from Garcia or Colon will be enough, but it's a big gamble. -- Al

The Yanks have zero chance in the post season this year. The pitching rotation they will be running out is CC Sabathia, a true number one, but not a pitcher who is going to beat the Aces for the Red Sox (Beckett) the Giants (Linsecum) or the Phillies (Halliday or Cliff Lee), followed by Bartolo Colon (if healthy) or Burnett (who is totally inconsistent) followed by either Hughes (who totally choked in the post-season as a reliever in 2009 and as a starter in 2010, and who is still having arm problems) or Ivan Nova (an untested rookie) or Burnett.

However, I don't blame the Yankees for not picking up a starter (unless they could have somehow obtained King Felix). Bedard would have done little or nothing for the Yanks, Jimenez is a Hughes clone (a great first half last year, but absolutely average or worse since) and they wanted the top four Yankees prospects and wouldn't give the Yanks a pre-deal medical examination, and Wandy Rodriguez, other than being a lefty, is not really an upgrade, so not worth the money [36 million left on his contract over the next two years] and prospects the Astros wanted.

I was, however, really shocked the Yankees didn't trade for a quality lefty reliever or two adequate lefty relievers. Boon Logan is, frankly, useless, and the Red Sox, Rangers and Phillies all have lefty-laden lineups. Cashman, once again, failed to do his job. For a guy who has had more money and prospects to work with than any other team in baseball by far over his entire career to have one World Series win in the last ten years is a joke. Cashman signed such disasters as Burnett and Carl Pavano, and overpaid for countless others (A-Rod's contract is probably the worst in baseball, and he overpaid for CC [who has played exceptionally, but still isn't worth millions a year more than Cliff Lee, Roy Halliday or Tim Linsecum], by panicking and bidding against himself when no one else had even close to as much money on the table, plus the contract included the opt out clause at the end of this season, which will result in the Yankees paying him even more money). He didn't trade for Cliff Lee last year (costing the Yankees the World Series - Lee beat us twice in the ALCS) because he didn't want to give up Nunez (who has the most errors of any player in the major leagues, despite only starting 1/3 of the games this season). I just can't understand why the Yankees haven't long since fired Cashman.
Don't feel too bad Louis, the Red Sox aren't in that great a shape either pitchingwise with Buckholz done for the year with a stress fracture in his lower back, Dice K done with Tommy John surgery and Lachey being a monsterous bust this year.

Aside from Beckett and Lester, the rest of the rotation is junk and they just traded for a guy who purposely stunk out the joint in his last start because he did not want to be traded, yet the Red Sox went and traded for him anyway.

I've got zero faith in 102 year old Wakefield either.

The Red Sox if they win the division get the Tigers; would you want to face Verlander twice in a 5 game series, I sure as @#$% wouldn't.

We'll see how things shake out............
Don't feel too bad Louis, the Red Sox aren't in that great a shape either pitchingwise with Buckholz done for the year with a stress fracture in his lower back, Dice K done with Tommy John surgery and Lachey being a monsterous bust this year.

Aside from Beckett and Lester, the rest of the rotation is junk and they just traded for a guy who purposely stunk out the joint in his last start because he did not want to be traded, yet the Red Sox went and traded for him anyway.

I've got zero faith in 102 year old Wakefield either.

The Red Sox if they win the division get the Tigers; would you want to face Verlander twice in a 5 game series, I sure as @#$% wouldn't.

We'll see how things shake out............

Sounds like its neither of our team's year. The Rangers got a lot better at the trade deadline, and you're right, nobody wants to get Verlander twice in a short series. Looks like the Phillies or the Giants are going to get the Rangers in the fall classic. At least your team has the excuse of injuries to an otherwise excellent pitching rotation. Other than CC, what was Cashman thinking going into this season? Looks like plans A through Z were Cliff Lee, and once he gave Cashman the thumbs down, the Yanks were a 200 million dollar team without any chance of winning the title.:mad:
Sounds like its neither of our team's year. The Rangers got a lot better at the trade deadline, and you're right, nobody wants to get Verlander twice in a short series. Looks like the Phillies or the Giants are going to get the Rangers in the fall classic. At least your team has the excuse of injuries to an otherwise excellent pitching rotation. Other than CC, what was Cashman thinking going into this season? Looks like plans A through Z were Cliff Lee, and once he gave Cashman the thumbs down, the Yanks were a 200 million dollar team without any chance of winning the title.:mad:

Just goes to show you it's all about pitching, especially in the playoffs. The Phillies have the best record in baseball and not a single position player hitting 300. The Red Sox have five players hitting at or over 300 and guess what, I can see them all flailing away at Verlander and him making them look foolish.

I'm going with Rangers/Giants in the World Series with the Giants going back to back.........
Just goes to show you it's all about pitching, especially in the playoffs. The Phillies have the best record in baseball and not a single position player hitting 300. The Red Sox have five players hitting at or over 300 and guess what, I can see them all flailing away at Verlander and him making them look foolish.

I'm going with Rangers/Giants in the World Series with the Giants going back to back.........

You are probably right. The Giants pitching rotations is superb, and they finally picked up a couple of guys who can hit, including Beltran, who has a pretty darn good playoff pedigree. The Phillies pitching staff has had some injury problems, and Hammells can't seem to get out righties this season.

The Rangers lack a lights out "ace" starter, but have three quality power lefties they can throw at the Yankees and Red Sox lefty-centric lineups, and have turned their one weakness, the bullpen, into a strength with the acquisition of two excellent arms at the trade deadline.

In a short series they will knock off the Yankees, and Verlander and Detroit has at least a punchers chance to knock out the Red Sox. The Rangers will beat the Tigers in 6 or 7 in the ALCS.

The Giants should walk all over the Rangers in the WS.

I wonder if there are any quality starters available in free agency next season.:redface2:
Last night's game between the NYY's and the ChiSox has finally convinced me that Mr. Inconsistent (aka A.J. Burnett), has no business pitching for NY in the post season. Actually, he has no business pitching in a regular season game, either. The Yanks gave Burnett a 13-1 lead after 3 innings. All Burnett had to do was cruise to an easy win and save the bullpen a few innings work in the bargain. Burnett was so bad that he couldn't even get through the fifth inning, couldn't last long enough to even qualify for what should have been the easiest win he would ever achieve. Burnett gave up 5 runs in the 4th to make the score 13-6 after 4. OK, not sharp but still ahead. Things just went to Hades in the 5th. Burnett got 1 out and was lifted as Chicago scored another run with more on base. After 4.1 innings, Burnett left the game having given up 7 runs on 13 hits. Fortunately for NY the bullpen was up to the task and shut down Chicago the rest of the way with NY winning in a laugher 18-7. To be handed a 13-1 lead and not be able to last long enough to win the game (much less finish it, as any Class A pitcher could) is an embarrassment of the highest order to someone who is supposed to be a top-flight professional pitcher. Burnett should give his salary back and apologize to the NYY's and their fans. Before coming to the Yanks 2 1/2 seasons ago, Burnett had been a decent pitcher with a lifetime record of 87-76. With NY he is a sad 31-33 with a terrible 4.60 ERA. This being accomplished while with a play-off contender that scores tons of runs. I can't explain his collapse unless its another case of not being able to perform in the spotlight of NY. At any rate, I rank his performances as gutless. If a pitcher can't rack up wins when pitching for the Yanks, its time to change careers or at least get the heck out of Dodge and try elsewhere.:mad: -- Al
Sorry to see that the Pirates are apparently fading. I have had some fun watching them play winning baseball for the first time in years. They have fallen to third place and are in decline having won only 3 of their last 14 games, and are now 54-55 overall. Most troubling is their inability to manage a winning record at home where they are only 26-28. A team with playoff dreams must win at home. Their road record of 28-27 is good enough to contend if only they could do better at home. A .600 winning percentage at home (about a 7 game improvement on the current record) would have them in first place. It's not over, yet, for the Pirates, but things are trending in the wrong direction right now. I hope they can get it fixed. -- Al
Last night's game between the NYY's and the ChiSox has finally convinced me that Mr. Inconsistent (aka A.J. Burnett), has no business pitching for NY in the post season. Actually, he has no business pitching in a regular season game, either. The Yanks gave Burnett a 13-1 lead after 3 innings. All Burnett had to do was cruise to an easy win and save the bullpen a few innings work in the bargain. Burnett was so bad that he couldn't even get through the fifth inning, couldn't last long enough to even qualify for what should have been the easiest win he would ever achieve. Burnett gave up 5 runs in the 4th to make the score 13-6 after 4. OK, not sharp but still ahead. Things just went to Hades in the 5th. Burnett got 1 out and was lifted as Chicago scored another run with more on base. After 4.1 innings, Burnett left the game having given up 7 runs on 13 hits. Fortunately for NY the bullpen was up to the task and shut down Chicago the rest of the way with NY winning in a laugher 18-7. To be handed a 13-1 lead and not be able to last long enough to win the game (much less finish it, as any Class A pitcher could) is an embarrassment of the highest order to someone who is supposed to be a top-flight professional pitcher. Burnett should give his salary back and apologize to the NYY's and their fans. Before coming to the Yanks 2 1/2 seasons ago, Burnett had been a decent pitcher with a lifetime record of 87-76. With NY he is a sad 31-33 with a terrible 4.60 ERA. This being accomplished while with a play-off contender that scores tons of runs. I can't explain his collapse unless its another case of not being able to perform in the spotlight of NY. At any rate, I rank his performances as gutless. If a pitcher can't rack up wins when pitching for the Yanks, its time to change careers or at least get the heck out of Dodge and try elsewhere.:mad: -- Al


I agree with you 100%. Burnett is a head case. I am tired of hearing about how great his stuff is.:mad: He hangs at least 2 meatballs that get hit out in every start, usually with men on base. He is especially terrible in innings after the Yankees have scored runs. I can't remember the last time he had a shut down inning after a Yankee rally. He is useless to the Yankees, and should be waived. If any body were stupid enough to put in a claim for him, the Yankees could dump his ridiculously overpriced contract (thanks Cashman!).

If Girardi had any say in it, I am pretty sure it would be A.J. who gets pulled out of the rotation to reduce it back from six to five. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure Cashman will make Girardi keep running him out there every fifth day, so he doesn't look as bad as he did with signing Pavano.

I agree with you 100%. Burnett is a head case. I am tired of hearing about how great his stuff is.:mad: He hangs at least 2 meatballs that get hit out in every start, usually with men on base. He is especially terrible in innings after the Yankees have scored runs. I can't remember the last time he had a shut down inning after a Yankee rally. He is useless to the Yankees, and should be waived. If any body were stupid enough to put in a claim for him, the Yankees could dump his ridiculously overpriced contract (thanks Cashman!).

If Girardi had any say in it, I am pretty sure it would be A.J. who gets pulled out of the rotation to reduce it back from six to five. Unfortunately, I am pretty sure Cashman will make Girardi keep running him out there every fifth day, so he doesn't look as bad as he did with signing Pavano.
Good idea, Louis. Stick AJ in the back of the bullpen somewhere, deactivate him for the playoffs and go with the 5 that are left. Even Hughes looked good the other night. I would feel a little better about the NYY starting rotation if AJ weren't anywhere near it. Beginning to think that CC and 5-6 solid innings from the others could get the job done if the offense doesn't get shut down in a short series. -- Al
Interesting fact about the Yankee's 18-7 win over the ChiSox the other night. It gives the Yankee's their third game of the season scoring 17 or more runs. The other 29 teams in MLB have a combined total of 3 such games this season. -- Al

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