Bassevitch Crimean War Russians (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Feb 16, 2011
Again... Original set of Crimea war. Enjoy (realease in june)
I really like the number of figures in the set. 12 guys is plenty for the variety without the same pose being done over again only slightly different. Each figure is interesting and some are rather unique. It would take buying several boxes to be able to make usable units for a wargame, but then getting people to buy multiple sets is kind of the idea isn't it?
Are these size comparable to Armies in Plastic?
I really like the number of figures in the set. 12 guys is plenty for the variety without the same pose being done over again only slightly different. Each figure is interesting and some are rather unique. It would take buying several boxes to be able to make usable units for a wargame, but then getting people to buy multiple sets is kind of the idea isn't it?
Are these size comparable to Armies in Plastic?

These figures are great! I will purchase some for sure.
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The figure with the sword the sword seems to be a bit on the over large size for him.The Officer posing with the telescope looks more like he was posing for a photo to send to the Girlfriend back in Moscow than a more natural pose he would have been doing in the trenches.I just hope that Bassevitch doesn't get into the AIP habit of doing some great sets but without producing OPFOR sets for them or taking a long time to do it.
Could you post another set of pictures please. There is a figure in the back behind the priest that looks to be wearing an apron and holding a knife or small instrument. He is partly concealed in each photo so is hard to make out exactly what he is and what he is doing. Thanks.
Could you post another set of pictures please. There is a figure in the back behind the priest that looks to be wearing an apron and holding a knife or small instrument. He is partly concealed in each photo so is hard to make out exactly what he is and what he is doing. Thanks.

No, sorry... they are not mine.{sm2}
Could you post another set of pictures please. There is a figure in the back behind the priest that looks to be wearing an apron and holding a knife or small instrument. He is partly concealed in each photo so is hard to make out exactly what he is and what he is doing. Thanks.

I think that it's a surgeon
I get the impression that these sets are for people that paint one of each figure and mount them on bases as examples of Russian uniforms, rather than anyone that wants to "play" with them and create units of firing, charging etc. Reminds me of the Cafe Storm and Mokarex figure series. If you have enough cash to buy multiple sets for a firing line, you're stuck with 20 priests and surgeons.
Sure, you are right about not needing 20 priests or surgeons, but both of those figures are non specific enough from looking at the photo that they may usable in other periods and locations. A priests robes differ very little. Add some horns to the priests helm and you have a Viking priest. The surgeon could be operation at Rourkes Drift. Or he might be at Gettysburg sawing off a few limbs.

The shirtless guy could be loading a cannon anywhere at any time. Lop off his head and replace with proper head gear if you want to get time specific.

How many times have you read on this forum someone looking for a single poses of this or that. This is one of those sets that may provide a single piece needed to complete a scene. Or that particular someone with the deep pockets may want to have something that most others don't.

If these are compatible in size to another manufacturer then you may want to simply blend in a few new figures to a firing ling to break up the monotony of every figure looking exactly the same.

The surgeon with a new arm or maybe holding a saw instead of a knife, or a hammer. or a pincer, or a red hot poker to cauterize a wound, would be in the same general pose but would all look different and you would need a dozen or so at a large battle.

It is up to the individuals imagination. Each figure in a set can be a blank canvas to create with for the guy with the insight and the skill to bring forth his own vision.
I get the impression that these sets are for people that paint one of each figure and mount them on bases as examples of Russian uniforms, rather than anyone that wants to "play" with them and create units of firing, charging etc. Reminds me of the Cafe Storm and Mokarex figure series. If you have enough cash to buy multiple sets for a firing line, you're stuck with 20 priests and surgeons.

Like Airfix...{sm4}
I kind of think you are both correct; they look to be more for display, but by the same token they could supplement other sets nicely; I've always said the one thing I liked about TSSD sets and Cunnyngham's one set was you could place a figure or two of their into a "generic" firing line (and the term generic isn't meant disparagingly here, just they all look alike) and your scene comes to life. My major reservation is cost, with the escalation in prices I have to draw the line somewhere.

Just read elsewhere from the "horse's mouth" so to speak, the surgeon figure represents Pirogov and I would imagine other famous personages are represented here - as in their other sets - so that answers that question; still would be a useful set if someone already had compatible Crimean War figures.
The surgeon could be operation at Rourkes Drift. Or he might be at Gettysburg sawing off a few limbs.

He appears to have conversion potential for other duties as well - blacksmith, farrier, cook, etc. Those seem to be lacking regardless of period - combat poses are well represented but hospital, camp, etc not so much.
If anyone gets multiple sets of the Crimean Russians, please keep me in mind. I'll buy one of the priests to fight Vampires.
I'm seeing some potential Nap war Russians too! Take off some of the spiked helmets and maybe a few slices and dices, with a little green stuff, and they are set. You would have a couple dismounted cossacks, as well as some guys in greatcoats. I may have to purchase this one just to add to my blackcat and AIP russians. As Oldallamerican said, those extra poses can lend a battle line some life!

Maybe set up an artillery crew with the staff guy, the rammer, the shirtless guy, and the swordsmen with the spiked helmet.

In addition, the caps these guys wear is very similar to the undress uniform cap for Nap Russians. packs and cartridge pouches are the same, as far as I can tell.
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News from Engineer Basevich is that sets #12 and #13 will be limited production runs of just 300 of each one, the same as set #8, The Winter War. Don't expect any of them to hang around long.

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