Bassevitch Russo-Turkish War 1878 (1 Viewer)

Some of those look fantastic! I'd like to know more about this company.
ENG BASS is always producing and always surprising the collectors, they're my favourite currently active toy soldier company.
They make me wish I collected ALL periods, but that would be financially disastrous!
I always buy 3 of every WWII set and can't wait for their next release even when I can't jump in,

Plastic General
Nice sculpted figures,very pro Russian history in most sets, more historical poses than actual army set as represent characters, officer and different army units in one single set of 10 to 13 poses generally.
Wile Plubius brand is more action one unit/army per set but more crazy priced.
Engineer Batssevitch is expensive too but more affordable.
I red the so call "interview" in EB and not much saying other than his infant life and else.
They are limited run and produced ,they sale slow ,very slow, I got several sets x resale and lower than most dealers, Few Russian dealers with whom I contact tell me they sale better and faster than Plubius but still not fast sale because thematic wars and price.
Definitely a great example of art/detail and design, but x top$ collectors if want many of then.
The last two new release of 1877 Russo/Turk war could well be use because uniform x Crime ,colonial and other wars, some as Suaves x US CW too and French colonial troops.
Technolog Russian brand set had done 5 different set x same war as well. Well done and compatible and great cheap to feel ranks .
My thoughts..
Nice sculpted figures,very pro Russian history in most sets, more historical poses than actual army set as represent characters, officer and different army units in one single set of 10 to 13 poses generally.
Wile Plubius brand is more action one unit/army per set but more crazy priced.
Engineer Batssevitch is expensive too but more affordable.
I red the so call "interview" in EB and not much saying other than his infant life and else.
They are limited run and produced ,they sale slow ,very slow, I got several sets x resale and lower than most dealers, Few Russian dealers with whom I contact tell me they sale better and faster than Plubius but still not fast sale because thematic wars and price.
Definitely a great example of art/detail and design, but x top$ collectors if want many of then.
The last two new release of 1877 Russo/Turk war could well be use because uniform x Crime ,colonial and other wars, some as Suaves x US CW too and French colonial troops.
Technolog Russian brand set had done 5 different set x same war as well. Well done and compatible and great cheap to feel ranks .
My thoughts..

I don't have any problem at all in selling the Basevich products - they fly off the shelves and are very popular at the shows for guys that don't do mail order or the internet. In fact, we have sold probably a third of his production, that's how well they go. The pre-orders for the 2 new sets will soon equal what i have coming on my first shipment. Publius is very expensive, and Erwin Sell advises that these can be very brittle, often having much damage despite the excellent packing.For some reason, they seem to change the material used a lot. Several years back, I had some of the Stalingrad figures which sold very quickly in Chicago, in a nice plastic but have been told that this is now more of a resin material. Price is a subjective thing (much like humor - what some find funny, others find mundane or moronic), it's all down to personal taste. Nowadays, I prefer a few very nicely done figures to hoards of poorly sculpted ones and would rather pay to have something of quality than a cheaply made item. I guess that it's all down to what anyone wants to use them for.
In our smaller houses over here, we don't have room to build dioramas so most will be displayed on single width shelves or stored away after painting. Painting is a big part of the hobby, here, also. Guys buy to paint, so they look for the better detailing and accept that a quality low-production figure is going to cost them. I have to say that I am also surprised at how popular Ex-Fo are, despite the high price and low number of variations/figure content of each set. The ancients have been tremendous sellers. It's interesting to hear how things sell and are received in different Countries and shows that we are all buying for different reasons.

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